At the audience stands.
"Wow! That Vulpix knows Solar Beam? Can Fire-types even learn moves like that?"
Barry was pondering the question.
"Solar Beam is a bit tricky for Fire-types to learn, but it's not impossible. Maybe I should teach it to my Monferno or Magmar someday." Lucas explained, analyzing the situation.
"By the way, this trainer Conway and Paul have excellent synergy. They're using feints and choosing Pokémon that thrive under Sunny Day. It's no surprise they're dominating." he added.
"Hey Lucas, do you think we should try weather-based strategies too?" Barry suggested.
"You could give it a shot. My Monerno knows Sunny Day. Do you have any Fire-types or Pokémon that can take advantage of it?" Lucas asked, giving it some thought.
"Nope!" Barry replied with unflinching confidence.
"…Nope? Then why are you even suggesting weather tactics?" Lucas sighed. "Wait, don't tell me your Roserade still hasn't learned Solar Beam?"
"I figured charging Solar Beam takes too long, so I didn't bother teaching it…"
"What did you teach it, then?"
"Poison Jab, Power Whip, Seed Bomb, and Petal Dance. What do you think? It's versatile for both close combat and ranged attacks!" Barry said proudly.
"Even Heracross would struggle against my Roserade in melee combat." he added smugly.
Lucas stared in silence for a few seconds before finally muttering, "Genius."
Roserade was a natural special attacker, yet Barry insisted on training it for physical combat. While it wasn't entirely unfeasible, Lucas couldn't fathom why anyone would take such an unorthodox approach.
"You're trying to turn a special attacker into a physical brawler? Even if your Roserade has decent Attack stats, this is just…"
"Haha! I know I'm amazing. No need to shower me with compliments!" Barry laughed, completely missing Lucas' sarcasm.
"…Tonight, we're sharing a room. We need to have a serious talk." Lucas declared after a long pause.
Barry was caught off guard. "Wait a minute. Are you trying to fish for information so you can beat me in our next battle?"
Realizing how Lucas had always won their matches, Barry felt betrayed.
Lucas sighed turning away, unwilling to argue further. But tonight, he vowed, would be a transformative night for Barry.
The Match Begins
Conway and Paul returned to the battlefield for their second match, this time facing an elegant woman and a cheerful young girl.
As the referee signaled the start, Paul and Conway released their Pokémon.
"Turtwig, ready for battle!"
"Lickilicky, it's your turn!"
Lickilicky, however, didn't immediately adopt a battle stance. Instead, it wagged its long tongue menacingly, staring at the opponents with an unsettling gaze.
The opposing trainers sent out their Pokémon: a sturdy Quagsire and a sleek Floatzel.
Right as the match began, Floatzel used Rain Dance, summoning a downpour that invigorated Quagsire and activated Floatzel's Swift Swim ability, doubling its speed.
"Floatzel, Ice Punch! Take down Turtwig!"
With blinding speed, Floatzel dashed toward Turtwig, its icy fist gleaming.
"Quagsire, Muddy Water!"
Quagsire unleashed a wave of murky water aimed at Lickilicky, the rain boosting its power.
"Power Whip!"
"Razor Leaf!"
Turtwig launched a barrage of razor-sharp leaves, weakening the Muddy Water. Simultaneously, Lickilicky's glowing tongue whipped through the remaining water and lashed toward Floatzel.
Despite its speed, Floatzel barely evaded the Power Whip, sliding into position to strike Turtwig with Ice Punch. But Turtwig having anticipated the move, dodged nimbly.
"Lickilicky, Screech!"
Conway's glasses glinted as Lickilicky unleashed an ear-splitting noise. The harsh sound disoriented Floatzel, lowering its defenses significantly.
A moment later, a small seed landed on Floatzel's back. It burst into vines, binding the Water-type and sapping its energy.
As Floatzel struggled, Turtwig followed up with another Razor Leaf. The flurry of leaves overwhelmed Floatzel, whose weakened defenses couldn't withstand the attack.
Quagsire tried to intervene with Hydro Pump, but Lickilicky intercepted it with a precise Power Whip, buying enough time for Turtwig to finish off Floatzel.
With Floatzel defeated, only Quagsire remained.
Quagsire unleashed Blizzard, hoping to take down both opponents at once. However, Lickilicky used Rock Tomb to shield itself and Turtwig, blocking the attack.
Once the Blizzard subsided, Turtwig retaliated with a mix of Razor Leaf and Magical Leaf, overwhelming Quagsire's defenses.
Lickilicky seized the opportunity to strike with Power Whip, pummeling Quagsire until it collapsed.
As the rain stopped, the match ended decisively in Paul and Conway's favor.
"Paul and Conway made that look so easy. Their opponents' strategy wasn't bad though." Barry observed.
"They relied too heavily on offense without preparing for counters. That Screech caught them completely off guard." Lucas explained.
Still, he knew his analysis was a bit of hindsight wisdom. Without prior knowledge of their opponents' Pokémon or tactics, it was hard to prepare for everything.
Lucas glanced at Barry. "Let's focus on our own match. With our skills and teamwork, we've got this."
"Of course! With you by my side, victory is guaranteed!" Barry declared confidently.
Lucas, however, wasn't so sure. Tonight, he thought Barry would have much to learn.
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