1. Beyond

Our world has a funny dynamic, for most humans think of the world as big and our solar system as extremely so. But what lies beyond it? No one really knows, even though we are trying to find out. We have confirmed the existence of what we call the universe and speculated about a multiverse, but what exists beyond that? As in fact, the multiverse is a real concept, which houses billions of universes and a step above is an omniverse which houses trillions of multiverses. This scheme continues many many more times, like russia's matryoshka doll, just with increasingly bigger numbers of content. But what stands on the top of this chain, where did existence originate? Well, it has a very normal name being the first plane. Named because it was the very first plane the last true god established, while sadly being his last as he gave his life for his purpose. His purpose was something never thought possible, being inherently unlikely to work in any way. He wanted to create a self expanding, self conscious, unlimited and unstoppable reality, so it doesn't die out like his race and reality. He did this through a species of his creation of nearly all powerful beings with very long but rather limited lifespan, which still numbered in the multiple googolplex. They are basically a brain in the size of humanity couldn't fathom. Ever. With their only job being imagination.

Now how does imagination relate to his purpose?

It doesn't until you know about their sole singular talent, that everything they imagine comes true in one form or another. It could be duplicating a random thing ranging from an item to a omniverse or even bigger just to fabricate a small little change in its story or even making something completely new, which for them isn't very hard.

But how do these huge brains reproduce you might ask?

Through mitosis, meaning they split their brain in 2 or more new infant brains. Well, at least they should, as they got designed that way but nobody nows yet, as the first generation has yet to start dying.

And how do they get the energy to do all this?

They get energy from their made real imaginations. They are literally the only real infinite energy loop, as their siphon makes another one existing pretty much impossible but not unobtainable as they are not omnipotent.Which brings us to your probable next question:

What about free will?

It still exists in spades, as it is in their purpose to grant it. They just set the cornerstones so every other being can write their own stories and while it is true that they influence some major events, that is just a narrative in which can happen everything. It works a lot like fate. Things are never written in stone, sometimes it just „warns" us from the best/worst outcomes for everyone.

It is a pretty boring live for them don't you think?

For what they grant is unobtainable for them theirself. They don't see, hear or have any senses at all, they cannot speak or communicate in any way. They can't feel love or anything at all for that matter. They have only their single purpose and were build for just exactly that. Even though evolution might help with that, which is just a painfully slow progress for them as they can only procreate if they die and their long lifespans makes that pretty hard. The one thing they still have is free will. Which means, why do their „job" for this unimaginable long time? Why not just make it stop? (**Reference: Now You See Me, rain scene**) There are 2 reasons:

The first one being their purpose and the second one?

A goal, the goal for them as after they die, they are gonna be able to live a life of their own, which starts in an existence which they themself never imagined yet. Sadly, they won't remember their first life as fitting so much knowledge into any other being is a disaster waiting to happen. Even they - in all their glory - started small at some point and needed to „grow" up which for them is a never ending progress. Now while they might not remember themself or just how big existence really is, they get the tools for being able to see a very large part of that if they so want to. Now they don't just get some godhood or unimaginable power from the getgo. They get the tools for it to be a possibility. Maybe talents, affinities, their very own capability or even just their desire or drive for greatness (or something else)could be enough.

What do they do with it?

Free will baby! They can do everything they want, unless they just die before reaching their goal, which is sadly a possibility for almost everything in existence, as nothing is ever eternal, but we can get pretty pretty close.

And now it is time for the first brain to start his very own life, journey, voyage or whatever you want to call it.