"Are we going up the mountain now?" Rick asked,
"Yeah sure, why not?" Sarah asked,
"I'm starting to have second thoughts about this" Rick said out of fear,
"Why are you being scared?" Sarah asked him,
"I never said anything like I was scared did I" Rick replied,
"No you didn't, but then why else would you be having second thoughts if you're not scared?" Sarah asked him,
"Well I mean it's a deserted place, there seems to be hardly any form of life" Rick said,
"that's called being scared, you dummy" Sarah said to him,
"Fine then, let's go" Rick said, they then started walking up the mountain with Rick looking around observing the amount of sand that was in the area.
"Hey" Sarah said hitting Rick after they had gone a little bit far trying to get his attention,
"Hey, what is it?" Rick asked instantly turning his face to face her,
"Don't you think we should be going a little bit faster?" She asked him,
"Yeah maybe" he replied,