… "What is that?" Alex asked the demon which had taken Sarah screaming,
"How can he even speak!?" Walt asked surprised,
"Because I'm not your regular demon" the demon replied.
"That's not the problem here Walt, focus on the problem we have at hand we'll talk about the rest later" Abiola whispered to him,
"What's your condition?" Alex asked again,
"The Chosen One, bring him to me" the demon said,
"You can't possibly mean that" Alex said,
"Oh, but I do" the demon replied as he then increased his grip on Megan's neck,
"Don't do it guys, it's alright I can handle this but don't do what it says" Megan said to them while gasping for air,
"Isn't there a way we can negotiate or something?" Walt asked,
"No there isn't, just do as I say or something terrible happens to your friend" the demon replied.
"Well the person that you're asking us to bring to you is our friend as well" Walt said,