Chapter 14: Fitting the moment

I had no idea how a date was going to go. I have never been on a date, never been out with a man. At least not alone, with a man. I have been on family dates with Mom and Dad. And Dad, the only man I am allowed to go out with.

I should be more worried about my appointment with the doctor, not a date. My first cancer treatment "Yippee!!" my life couldn't get any work… I paused and thought of how things always ended up worse whenever you thought they couldn't. Things couldn't get any better.

My alarm started ringing and I knew it was time to get out of bed. I stared at it and watched it ring, "You really aren't doing your job you know," I said and remained on my bed. The alarm kept ringing and ringing and as much as I tried to pretend it didn't exist, it just kept getting louder and more annoying. "What does a girl do to have some time to herself?" I whispered and finally stood up to turn off the alarm.

There goes my sleep.

I walked into my bathroom washed my sleepy face and brushed my teeth.

"Miss Mei, breakfast is ready," I nodded and followed her downstairs to the dining room.

"Good morning Mom and Dad," I said and sat down "Mei," Dad acknowledged. I stared at him patiently waiting for what bad news he was about to announce. "Dad," I said. "You can go to the hospital alone and you can go on the date alone but," he said and paused. "But?" I pressed. "Mei," Mom said.

"Mom," I replied and I turned to look at Dad.

"Apa," I whined.

"You have to be back before 6," he said.

"9," I negotiated with a wide grin on my face.

"Are you negotiating your curfew?" Dad asked me. "Apa," I whined. "6 PM is too early," I said. "Mei, Mei," Mom warned but I wasn't listening to any of that. "9 p.m.," I stated again. "6 p.m.," Dad replied. "10 PM," I negotiated bidding higher.

"7 p.m.," Dad said. I stared at him with a grin. "8 PM," he said and I nodded in agreement. "Breakfast is amazing," I said steering the topic away from my date.

I could feel Dad's piercing glare throughout breakfast, but I avoided it until I was done eating. "Thank you, parents, for the meal. I will see you by 8 PM," I said and did the only thing that counted as an exercise in my life. I ran up the stairs to my room.

I opened my wardrobe and stared at every piece of clothing on display, I had no idea what I was going to wear. Should I wear two different clothes? One for the hospital and the other for the date? That would be possible, but I still didn't know what I was going to wear to a date with the man who was going to be my husband. I had to impress him, but I don't know what he's like. I skipped through the racks of clothing and settled on a navy blue dress. This just had to do the trick.

I got ready and wore a pair of black denim trousers and a big hoodie, this would do.

I looked at myself in the mirror and knew I was not prepared to do this alone. Should I have let my parents come?

I convinced myself I could do it on my own and went to the hospital.

A hospital was always going to be a hospital, it didn't matter that it smelt clean and fresh. I navigate my way through the hall looking for the doctor's office. "Huh, I am Mei and I have an appointment with Doctor Kim," I said to the first nurse I found at the counter.

"Right this way miss," she said and pointed me in the direction of his office. I thanked her and followed her directions to his office.

I had to sit and wait for him because he was attending to someone already. I sat quietly in the hallway and let my thoughts win. "Maybe I should have come with my parents," I thought. Everyone in the here had someone with them. All I had was a bag with a dress.

My phone lit up and there was a text, it was from Min. I opened my phone and read the text. "Where are we going?" he asked me. I had no idea where I wanted to go, I just wanted to have a decent conversation with someone who wasn't my mom or my dad or anyone my parents pay.

"You pick," I replied. His answer came almost immediately, I was both shocked and happy, that he was waiting for a reply from me.

"I know a lot of places but I don't think they will be fitting for a princess," he said. I didn't mind but he was insisting so I picked the restaurant he used to work at. I was unable to reply to his new text as the doctor's door opened and my parents walked out.

"What are you guys doing here. . .