The moon hung low, swollen and jaundiced, as if the sky itself were sick. Three nights had passed since we’d caged Thalassar’s hunger inside us, and the weight of it festered like a splintered bone. My silver hair caught the pallid light as I paced the grove, the earth murmuring underfoot. The others thought the fissure was sealed. They didn’t feel the *itch* beneath their skin, the gnawing sense that Thalassar’s prison was a sieve, not a vault.
Eden found me at dawn, his hands still bandaged from the ritual. “They’re gathering at the northern border,” he said, voice tight. “Selene’s pack. And others.”
“Let them come.” The words weren’t mine. The goddess’s cadence bled into my speech, cold and regal. Eden flinched, and I forced myself to soften. “We’ll meet them.”