What Issa said woke Aeneas up. He rushed towards the big window where he saw two of the knights wearing their plate armor standing beside their steeds and his older brother already mounted as he waited for him. Arsen was in his golden armor when he looked up to see Aeneas which made the boy rush to clean himself, change, and be outside within a few minutes. Issa helped Aeneas put his red vest and suit embroidered with distinct patterns made of gold, especially around its hem. He changed to his black pants and paired it with pointy black shoes.
As they stood in front of the mirror, Issa spoke, "You look great, Aeny."
Aeneas smiled. But, panic replaced it when he remembered that the others were waiting for him. He dashed out of his room and down the stairs.
Crisa saw the young boy trying to rush out the door, "Won't you have breakfast, young lord?" she said.
The young Caspius stared at her, his stomach grumbled but he didn't wish to make the others wait any longer. Then, Yri came from the kitchen. She brought a paper bag that had sandwich slices made with honey and red mango jam.
"Here Aeny, eat it on the way," said Yri.
With a big smile on his face, "Thank you," Aeneas replied.
The knights chosen to accompany Arsen and Aeneas with their visit to the Chronis manor were Donos, Rhene, Haemon, and Tereus. The others were left to guard the fort.
"You sure took your time," Arsen said with a smile.
"Forgive me, brother."
From the stables came a knight bringing Orion, Aeneas's black harion.
Haemon saw the paper bag Aeneas was carrying, "What's that young lord?" he asked.
Aeneas turned to him, "It's sandwiches made by Yri."
Haemon gulped, "Can I have a taste?"
Before Aeneas could answer, a man beside Haemon hit him in the head with his knuckles. It was Tereus. He was the tallest among everyone. Aeneas looked like a toddler compared to him. Tereus has a buzz cut with his dark brown hair. His eyes were dark and one would only see their brownish color up close, his brownish skin was closer to being tan, and he had a burn scar on the right side of his face.
Haemon groaned, he turned to Tereus and looked up to him, "What was that for? You looking for a fight?"
Tereus stared at him, "How could you steal the young lord's food when you've just eaten," he said in his surprisingly soft voice.
"Am I stealing anything, gronkey? I was asking for a bite."
"The same."
Haemon sighed, "How's that the same, are you a dumb beast?"
Tereus placed his hand on Haemon's head. He held it like a ball and slowly increased the strength of his grip.
"This idiot," Haemon groaned, he glared at Tereus as his deep blue eyes made a golden glow. They stared at each other, trying to see who would last longer.
Arsen sighed, "Men, enough of that," he said.
But the two were preoccupied in the thought of them 'winning' their pointless battle.
Rhene stood in front of them, "The captain said stop…" The two turned to her and then glared back at each other. Seeing that words wouldn't do anything, Rhene gave the two a full-strength punch to their guts.
Both Haemon and Tereus fell to their knees. Rhene turned to Aeneas, "Don't worry about them and enjoy your food, young lord."
Donos, the oldest of the knights laughed as he watched the others bicker. He took Orion from the knight that pulled him out of the stables and helped Aeneas get mounted on his steed. After that, Donos rode his own. Rhene did the same, while both Tereus and Haemon were still sitting on the ground.
"Come on lads, mount up," Donos said with a stern voice.
When Donos spoke with seriousness, all the other knights knew to obey. So Haemon and Tereus tried to ride their harions still holding their stomachs.
Leading them in front riding his white harion, "Let's go," Arsen commanded.
The Chronis manor is located at the core of Heos. It wasn't that far from the Caspius manor and they could walk to it with ease. But, riding your steed is a knight's way of showing respect to the person they are visiting since a steed is seen as a knight's second pair of legs. Especially if it was their first time going to the place.
As Aeneas, Arsen, and his knights traversed the growing village of Heos, most people who saw them would call out, "Lord Arsen!", most would wave with a smile and some would show respect through the Panteran bow. Although Heos wasn't as busy as Pergis yet, day by day, it comes close to Pergis town's vibrant streets as many try to settle in the village.
The arrival of a Chiliarch created a rumor that circulated throughout Heos. The rumor is about Heos becoming a town. This rumor even reached the ears of people in neighboring places. People's opinions differed on the matter. Some wanted Heos to be a town, the others wanted it to remain a village.
Villages in Pantera aren't governed by a lord. Rather, the community decides things together as they have meetings with a representative from every family. In Heos, the Caspius were seen by the people as their unofficial lords because of Adrian's effect on people and great help in times of need. Towns, however, are governed by a lord. A requirement for one to serve as a lord of a town is to have the titled rank of Chiliarch of Bronze or Silver.
When a new king sat on his throne, he would visit all the cities and towns in each region of Pantera. The king will first visit the current feudal lord and Chiliarch of Gold's residence. There, the Chiliarch of Gold will bow in front of the king and take his oath asking the Proud Lion to watch over him. After this, the king will be accompanied by the Chiliarch with his visits to the cities and towns of the region where the serving lords will bow in front of him and do the same oath.
Most Panterans, knights more so, value their honor than their lives. Oaths taken under the Proud Lion's name are viewed as sacred and mustn't be defied in any circumstance.
Arsen stopped his steed from walking when they reached the gate of the Chronis manor. Two knights were standing guard behind the closed gate.
"I am Arsen Caspius, I seek audience with the Chiliarch!"
The two knights stared at each other. They were new knights who knew the name Arsen Caspius, but didn't know his appearance.
"What are you two doing? Open the gate," said a man wearing silver armor. He came out of the main residence of the Chronis. The man had a shaved head, his eyes were the shade of gold, tanned skin, and near the height of Tereus who stood at a hundred and ninety-five centimeters. His sword rests on his right hip sheathed by a silver scabbard with a symbol made of bronze.
"Chiliarch Alcon," said Arsen. He bowed to him while still mounted. Aeneas and the other knights followed.
Alcon returned the gesture. The two knights guarding the gate opened it and saluted to Arsen.
The Chronis manor has three buildings with its main residence being the biggest. Since it was Arsen who suggested the builder to the Chiliarch, the Chronis manor's design is quite similar to the Caspius manor.
Arsen and his knights unmounted when they entered the Chronis residence. Aeneas followed them.
"You look stronger," said Alcon. He has a grin on his face.
"You as well, Chiliarch," Arsen replied.
While Arsen and Alcon were talking, Haemon turned to Donos, "Sir Donos, is he Arsida's guardian?"
"No," Donos whispered, he said to Haemon that Alcon Relleas is a Chiliarch of Bronze. Aeneas butted in the conversation, "He's also the current lord of Pergis," he whispered.
Haemon nods, "I see," he muttered.
"Ah, Chiliarch I forgot to introduce," Arsen turned to Aeneas and signaled him to come forward, "This is my younger brother."
Aeneas felt intimidated by Alcon's stare, but, he placed his right hand on his chest and bowed his head again, "Greetings Chiliarch, my name is Aeneas Caspius," he said.
Alcon continued to stare at him. Then he noticed that Aeneas was nervous, so he decided to laugh and tap the boy on his shoulder.
"No need to be tense," he said while still laughing.
Even though Alcon is a lord of a town, he is still below when it comes to the knight's ranking and decides to congratulate the Chiliarch of Gold on his new home. He was on his way back to Pergis and only made a quick visit to Heos since he had a lot of meetings to attend.
After a brief chatter, Alcon and his knights went on their way. Another knight came out of the manor. He knew Arsen and assisted them inside.
Sitting in the living room is a man with short golden hair. His eyes were also golden. He has pale skin. The way he sat as he drank the cup of tea was normal, yet appeared elegant.
He was Nireus Chronis, the youngest Chiliarch of Gold, the guardian and feudal lord of the region Arsida, and the lord of the manor.
Nireus stood up when he saw Arsen, and with a smile, "So you have come," he said.