New Commitment

Arsen didn't know what to say when Theresa asked him for a duel. A decline would sound disrespectful since Theresa was also a knight. In the end, Arsen agreed with her sudden request for a duel.

The two of them went into the backyard. They both held a wooden sword.

"Are you not going to change your attire, my lady?"

Theresa looked below her. The white gown she wore didn't reach the ground, "I'm fine, my lord."

They have decided to have a duel without using the fire magic that comes along with the Lion's Zeal. After a few more exchanges of words, the two assumed their stance. Arsen had his left foot a bit forward as he held the wooden sword in front with both of his hands. On the other hand, Theresa held the wooden sword with her right hand and she placed her other limb behind her.

Arsen nodded, "Start," he said.

Theresa charged at him. Her eyes glowed together with the Lion's Zeal located at the left side of her chest. Her first attack was a thrust which was dodged by Arsen with ease. She continued with a barrage of slashes, strikes and thrusts. Arsen dodged or parried all of it. He was using his Zeal like a switch, turning it on and off. Anyone could see his prowess in doing it quickly and effectively, when he was about to parry Theresa's attack, his Zeal would glow, and after the successful parry, the glow would disappear.

Although Theresa's movements were graceful and appeared to be soft, when Arsen parried her attacks, he felt the weight behind them.

After a lot of failed attempts, Theresa backed off. She leaped backward to assess the situation.

"Why aren't you attacking, my lord?" she asked. Then, with a smile, "Am I not a worthy opponent for a knight of your caliber?"

Arsen shook his head, he even waved his left hand, "It wasn't that, my lady. I merely wanted to see your attacks so I could win the duel. Ah, your movements and attacks were great," he said.

Theresa chuckled, she covered her mouth with her left hand as she did, "Then, let's continue, I hope that the lord will take me more seriously."

Before Arsen could reply, Theresa charged at him once again. This time, Arsen's eyes glowed and the Zeal of the Proud Lion on his chest lit up brighter. The lady knight swung her wooden sword sideways, which was blocked by Arsen with no trouble. Her movements were instilled in Arsen, he could more or less predict what Theresa's next movement would be.

Aside from great control, movements, strength, and Zeal power, what made Arsen different from other fighters was his great adaptability. He could overpower almost every opponent by watching their movements, thinking about their thoughts, and finding the best opportunity to strike.

That is what he did in the sudden duel. When Theresa backed off again and leaped backward to reassess the situation, Arsen dashed towards her with great speed. It caught Theresa off guard, she panicked and tried to block Arsen's downward slash by shielding herself with her arms forming a cross in front of her while she turned her head to the left and closed her right eye.

Arsen stopped before hitting Theresa and shifted his hand to point the sword around Theresa's abdomen, "I won, my lady," he said.

Theresa opened her eyes and rested her arms at her sides when she saw Arsen's wooden sword. She sighed, her disappointed expression was apparent.

"So, I guess I did not pose a proper challenge for you, lord Arsen," Theresa said.

Random words formed random sentences in Arsen's head. He wanted to find the right ones to say. Saying that he was at the edge in the entire match might appear boastful as he managed to dodge, parry, or block all of Theresa's attacks. Arsen was deciding what to tell her. Sweat poured more from his face than they did in the match.

"You don't need to be disappointed, lady Theresa. It was a great match, and the winner could've been any of us," he said.

Theresa pouted "That's what you say my lord, but I wasn't able to hit even a strand of your hair."

With a weird smile, "I was just better prepared, my lady. I am a good fighter even when I was young, it might be that I have more experience than you do," he said.

Theresa asked him about when he started having matches, and Arsen replied that it was when he turned eight.

With that knowledge, Theresa fumbled with her wooden sword and dropped it on the ground, "I started when I was five," she said, looking down at the ground.

"T—Then It might be because of our difference in body structure," Arsen said.

"So, I lost because I'm a woman, is that what you're trying to say, my lord?"

Arsen mumbled the first syllables of unfinished words as he tried to find the right ones as his reply. Before he could say one complete word, Theresa started chuckling, then she covered her mouth with her left hand as her chuckles turned to laughter.

"I was just jesting, my lord."

After a deep breath, Arsen sighed. With a smile, "You got me," he said. His smile grew wider as he listened to the laughter of Theresa whom he also finds charming.

Theresa removed her hand from her mouth and looked at Arsen with a beautiful smile, "If I may say, lord Arsen," she said.

Arsen stared at her, waiting to hear the next words that she would say.

"The rumors about you were not only true, they're lacking."


Theresa reached for her wooden sword on the ground, she stood straight and fixed her hair, pushing it behind her ear, "You know, the ones about being the strongest of our time, charming, handsome, and kind."


Their wonderful moment ended as Nireus popped out of the manor and walked towards them. He was hiding as he watched the two.

"So, should I already make plans for the wedding?" Nireus asked.

Theresa walked towards Nireus, "Father… Lord Arsen hadn't asked for my hand, yet," she said as she took a glance at Arsen. Her words made the lord's heart flutter.

"I'll be taking a bath, see you later lord Arsen."

Nireus went to Arsen, "Son, welcome to the family," he said with a weird smile.

Arsen didn't say anything and just smiled. After that, Arsen wanted to return to his manor. But, he waited inside to say his farewell to Theresa as well.

On his way home, Arsen has a weird smile on his face. The image of Theresa's smile kept popping in front of him. As well as her words, hinting for him to ask her hand in marriage. All he thought about was whether he was ready for such commitment, as he also had duties as the lord of his house to lead his family, and he also wanted to rise in the knight's rankings.

At the Caspius manor, Arsen was welcomed by his knights. Aeneas was practicing his bow skills with Eluard when he arrived. The knights opened the gate and greeted him with the Panteran bow. Arsen unmounted from his steed, he returned the gesture but it was apparent to the knights that he was thinking about something else.

Haemon offered to take his steed to the stables. On the other hand, Donos approached Arsen. Donos knows him best aside from his mother. He knew that only things of great importance could make Arsen behave in such a way.

"Is there any problem, my lord?"

Arsen looked at him, shook his head and said, "No, it's just… What should I do, Uncle Donos."

Briefly, Arsen told Donos about what happened. The marriage talks between him and the eldest daughter of Nireus Chronis, Theresa. It was the first time Donos heard Arsen talk about romance. All that came from his mouth ever since he was a toddler, was favors for Donos to show some of his moves, his Zeal's power, or wind magic, as well as asking his opinions on important matters excluding anything that was personal such as romance.

Donos always responds to his childish favors as it brings great joy to Arsen. He was also the one who managed to convince Arsen's father to allow him to train in combat. Now that the talks are about marriage, Donos couldn't contain his smile. He also felt a bit saddened as he thought how great it would've been if Adrian was alive.

"So? What do you think, Uncle Donos?"

With his hand on Arsen's shoulder, "I would advise you to follow your heart this time, Arsen," he said.

"You think so, uncle? But what about the manor."

"What about it?"

Arsen scratched his head.

"Did the Chiliarch tell you that you'd stay at their residence?" Donos asked.

Arsen explained that the talk of marriage wasn't final yet as he hadn't decided.

They talked about it while walking towards the manor. The smell of smoked meat from the cabro from earlier stimulated their stomachs. And the sound of chatter of the people from the manor gave Arsen a sense of relaxation as it always does.