Left with the feeling of resentment, Aeneas glared at the wide backs of his opponent, Khersis, and his older brother.
"I'm confused… Was that knight rude or not?" Tiriara asked.
Aeneas sighed, the girl's remark made him smile.
"Isn't it easy to tell?"
Tiriara tilted her head a bit to the left, "So what was it?"
Somehow, Tiriara's innocence uplifted Aeneas. His smile grew as he bickered with her. Whether it was the girl's intention or not didn't matter as the adults and Eluard just listened and watched them with a contagious smile.
"Should we find ourselves a good seat?" Konon said.
A seat in a Coliseum costs two bronze coins per head. Once paid, you could choose a small wooden token placed on a huge box at the counter where payments are made. These tokens have different letters inscribed on them that designate which row you were to be seated in. The seats were a long-molded marble that was cushioned with cotton covered in smooth leather. Those who participated in bettings get free seats when they bet five bronze coins and above. Different kinds of bets are available depending on what the facilitators brought up on the specific tournament day.
While the others proceeded to the entrance leading to the stands of the Coliseum, Arsen told them to go ahead as he wanted to tell his younger brother something first. Although Aeneas tried to hide his vexation, it was clear to Arsen, as well as Donos who knew that his words weren't needed this time since Arsen was there for Aeneas. They both also knew that aside from nervousness, Aeneas was outraged by Mnesus's remarks and his opponent's degrading smirk.
Arsen placed his hand on Aeneas's shoulder, with a grin, "Calm down and forget that guy's words. A fighter must not let the words of others affect their performance," he said.
Aeneas looked at him. He took a deep breath and responded with a nod.
"I'll be going then," the boy said.
He had already taken a few steps away when Arsen called his name. Aeneas turned and saw his brother with a proud expression.
"Show them how wrong they are," Arsen said.
Aeneas smiled. He nodded before dashing to the preparation room of the coliseum.
Teenagers around Aeneas's age waited in the room he entered. Their gaze graced him as soon as he walked through the door. And unlike his first tournament, where he averted other participant's eyes, this time he returned the stare, hiding even the faintest hint of his nervousness.
At the center of the tiled arena stood a man with reddish hair and brown eyes. He wore a black tunic and a large hat with a white plume. The man held a large cone-shaped shell in his hand. It almost appeared like a buzgal's horn with a black box at the center.
The man placed the narrow end of the cone-shaped shell close to his mouth and spoke,
"Greetings, dear people! Are you excited for today's matches?!"
His voice became loud enough for everyone in the coliseum to hear what he said. The device in his hands is a speaker made of sound shells. These shells could amplify the sound that passes through it. They come in different sizes and colors. The black box placed at the center helps control the volume. A disc inside is connected to a gear peeking out of the box. Once the gear spun, the disc that blocks air passing through the hollowed inside of the shell would create an opening depending on how much you spun the gear. Through this, the volume could be controlled. It was invented by a known craftsman from the kingdom of Novis where many great craftsmen originated.
"Let us first give praise to the proud Lion!" the commentator said.
Everyone in the stands and those on the ground near the arena placed their right hand on their chest and bowed.
The commentator smiled, "Who's excited?!" he asked
The crowd cheers.
"I am excited as well… So why don't we start the tournament!" he said. The cheers and claps as he announced the start of the tournament became louder.
One of the facilitators passed a small wooden board to him. Which has papers that contain the names of the participants of the current age bracket.
"Well then," the commentator paused and turned to his left side where one of the big entrances for participants is located. The preparation room where Aeneas went was also in that area.
"This is his first tournament in our town. A young warrior that bears the Zeal of the Mighty Bull, let us all welcome, Algar Waller!"
Algar emerged from the left entrance. The young man has short dark brown hair, bluish eyes, and tanned skin. He wore a brown shirt and black trousers. His height was average for a boy of the age of fourteen. But, a single look at his arms and one would notice how thick his muscles were.
Chatters within the crowd filled the entire place. They were excited. It was the first time for them to see the God, Taurus's, Zeal-bearer participate in Pergis town's coliseum.
"This is going to be a great match," one of the spectators near the seat of Arsen and the others said.
Tiriara became more excited after hearing the random person's comment, she turned to Eluard who sat to her right, "What's the power of his Zeal?" she asked, pointing at Algar who was waiting for his opponent.
"The Mighty Bull's Zeal-bearers could harden their muscles as if they were steel." Eluard looked up, trying to remember something, "I've read in a book before that a warrior with the mighty Bull's Zeal could withstand a cabro's charge without moving an inch."
The girl's eyes widened, "What book did you read it from?" she asked.
Eluard answered that he couldn't remember the title as he just browsed it at random and landed on that page.
Back at the arena, the commentator started to announce Algar's opponent.
"To our right! A young warrior who has won twice in our town's coliseum. He is a Zeal-bearer of the proud Lion himself, let us all welcome, Alistair!"
Alistair's entrance was partnered with the cheers of the crowd. Then, as he emerged, they chanted his name.
His blond hair has grown a bit longer. But, his expression of looking unbothered remained.
The commentator left the arena. In his place, stood the mediator for the matches. He looked at Algar and asked him if he was ready. The young warrior nods. Then, the mediator turned his gaze towards Alistair and asked him the same question.
"Yes," Alistair said.
"Start!" the mediator said, paired with a gesture that looked like he was chopping something in the air with his right hand.
As soon as the start of the match was announced, both Algar and Alistair charged towards each other. Algar went for a horizontal slash which was evaded by Alistair, bending his body backward. Then, Alistair thrusts his wooden sword at his opponent. Algar didn't block; the Zeal located at his right upper arm glowed, showing a brownish light.
Once Alistair's wooden sword hit Algar on the abdomen, he felt how hard his body was. Not even a scratch was left by his attack.
Alistair backed off. He started using his Zeal. His golden eyes glowed paired with his Zeal releasing a golden light. The scorching sun shone above him. Without wasting another second, he charged again. This time he aims for his opponent's head.
Algar did the same. They exchanged blows, Alistair parrying and dodging every attack Algar did, while the Zeal-bearer of Taurus was hit more times than he wanted to, as even with his hardened muscles, he started feeling the weight behind Alistair's attacks. Still, Algar blocked every attack Alistair made towards his head.
The crowd cheers. They were drowning with dopamine as they watched the valiant brawl of the two. It was clear on both Algar and Alistair's faces that none of them was ready to back off.
Then, Alistair took a misstep after dodging a slash from his opponent. Algar noticed it and welcomed him with a left hook that connected to his face. Shaken, Alistair remained standing, he refused to lower his knee even though his body wanted to.
Algar saw it as his chance to attack with his wooden sword. But, the glow of Alistair's Zeal grew brighter. He dodged Algar's attack and managed to land a good counterthrust on his abdomen. Alistair's move pushed Algar a good distance away from him.
The mighty bull's Zeal-bearer wanted to attack again. But, it was then that he felt great pain in his abdomen. He remained standing as he pressed his left hand on the area of his abdomen where pain was abundant.
That was when Algar realized that Alistair had been striking the same area from the start. It was his purpose to let Algar block the ones towards his head and sneak one towards the abdomen. Over time, even his hardened muscles and organs grew weary from Alistair's attacks.
Alistair shook his head. The dizziness he felt almost disappeared. Meanwhile, Algar remained standing, his face twitching from the pain he felt coming from his abdomen.
As he recollected his senses, Alistair attacked. Algar let go of his abdomen and planned to go full offensive. The two made a series of attacks and counters, making the crowd go wild and even confused in picking who to root for.
Then, as Alistair dodged an attack from Algar, he went for another thrust to his weakened abdomen. Algar noticed and decided to block it this time. Yet, he was made a fool for it was a feint, Alistair wanted him to respond in such a way so that his head would end up defenseless.
After ten minutes of a vigorous fight, the match between Algar and Alistair has concluded.