Knight's Training

The next day was another typical one for the people in the Caspius manor. Everyone did their daily routines. Arsen and his knights trained in the backyard of the manor, the servants cleaned and prepared their meals, and Aeneas trained with Donos at his training spot in the forest south of the manor. Of course, Tiriara popped out of nowhere and joined Aeneas and Donos.

It was the first day of the month of Gemini (June). Festivities were expected in the kingdom of Doscuri, located far to the west of Pantera. Donos and Adrian were from that kingdom before they traveled and settled in Pantera.

On the spot south of the manor, Aeneas and Tirirara continued their training with Donos. Although they both made significant improvements since the first day, it wasn't enough for Donos to use his shackled left hand. After about half an hour of continuous fighting, Donos told the two to take a short break before they continued.

They sat on the wooden seats and drank water from their cylindrical canteen made from metal. Its design was copied from an old book found in one of the discovered ancient ruins, from the same place the mechanical pocket watch was discovered.

"Say Aenie, are you going to join the tournament in Pergis again?" 

Aeneas gulped the water from his canteen, "I can't," he said.

"Why? Are you that afraid of that Alistair boy?" Tiriara replied.

Aeneas glared at her, "I'm not afraid of anything. I can't because the rules do not allow me to." He explained that one could only participate at the same coliseum two consecutive times.

"But I heard that it was his third tournament in Pergis?" 

"Let me finish, won't you?"

Tiriara nodded and listened to Aeneas who told her that the winners were allowed to defend their victory at the same coliseum two more times, making one able to participate in the same coliseum four times in a row. Since Alistair lost, the rules won't allow him to join the next tournament in Pergis. He could choose to participate in the next one, or go to another coliseum and partake in the tournament held there in the meantime.

"So, are you going to join another tournament in a different town? Or a city?" 

Aeneas told Tiriara that he planned to train till the thirtieth of the month, so he would be much prepared against Alistair when they faced each other at that time.

"Why don't you train with your brother and the other knights? Maybe you keep losing because you only have experience fighting me or Uncle Donos."

Amidst his stubborn mindset, Aeneas realized that there was truth behind Tiriara's words. He pondered for it, unable to hear the girl's blabbering that didn't stop till Donos told them to stand up so they could continue the training.

The next morning. Arsen and his knights were about to begin when Aeneas appeared with Donos beside him. 

Surprised, Arsen asked him why Aeneas was there.

At first, Aeneas was reluctant to speak. Before today, he would give a flat rejection to Arsen or any of his knights who would invite him to train with them. He felt that he might appear rude if he asked to join them now.

"The young lord wants to train with you and your knights," Donos said.

Aeneas turned to his brother to see his smiling face.

"I see," Arsen replied. "You're more than welcome, younger brother." Then, Arsen asked his knights, "What do you guys think?"

Everyone was ecstatic and cheered for Aeneas to train with them. The giant, Tereus, said kind words to Aeneas without a change in his expression. Kyra and Rhene, the two female knights, walked to the boy with caring expressions and showed a welcoming gesture. And Haemon clapped and smiled exaggeratedly, yelling Aeneas's name.

"I just want to swing my sword while I watch everyone train," Aeneas muttered.

"Oh, come on, young lord. Don't be shy and just join us." Haemon said.

Tereus turned to Haemon and said, "Buffoon. Don't embarrass the young lord and allow him to do what he wants."

"Are you starting another fight, idiot? I swear in the proud Lion, there will be a day I'll mistake you for a silverback and cut you down," Haemon replied.

"You're weak, you won't be able to."

Pissed, Haemon walked to Tereus. He stood in front of him and looked up to see his face lacking any expression. He reached for his shirt below the neck, "Let's have at it," he said.

Tereus stared at him, "Okay. Don't cry after I beat you to a pulp."

Haemon could feel his body temperature rise, he was about to throw a punch when one landed on his head from behind. He cursed. When he turned, he saw Rhene glaring at them. She used her Zeal and landed a blow at both Tereus's and Haemon's abdomen which made the two kneel on the ground.

"Are you both children? Can't you behave yourselves in front of the captain and the young lord?" 

Kyra, who was beside Aeneas, began laughing. Haemon stared at her, "Shut up, Kyra," his voice stuttered due to the pain from Rhene's punch. As the newest member of Arsen's knights, Haemon enjoys teasing Kyra. But, he didn't know that even the kind young female knight wouldn't remain silent after making fun of her greatest insecurity.

Haemon chuckled, "I'll add another scar to that ugly face of yours if you don't stop laughing," he said.

The Zeal on Kyra's chest glowed. Her emerald eyes shone, and her blonde hair turned golden. It was the first time everyone saw Kyra's face without a smile.

Haemon tried to calm her down. "K—Kyra? You know I'm just jesting around, right?" he said, still on the ground.

Then in a flash, Kyra dashed and was about to hit Haemon's face with a strong punch. Haemon used the Lion's Zeal and shielded his face with his arms.

Her punch made a loud bang when it hit something. When Haemon opened his eyes, he saw Arsen standing in front of him. Arsen used his Zeal to catch Kyra's fist with his left hand.

"Calm down, Kyra," Arsen said.

Kyra started blinking, "C—Captain," she realized that her temper got the best of her.

"Forgive me, captain!" Kyra said while showing a low bow. Her upper body was almost at a ninety-degree angle.

"Haemon," Arsen said. His voice was normal, yet to Haemon, it was chilling to the point that he froze as soon as he heard him call his name. Even the most loyal, Tereus felt the chill and bowed.

Haemon stood up as if he felt no pain, he bowed even lower than Kyra, "Although I was just joking, it's all my fault, captain! I would accept any punishment, please forgive me!" he said.

"Okay," Arsen paused, "You and Tereus will remain at the manor in the next mission," he continued.

Even though Haemon felt saddened, he replied that he understood. On the other hand, Tereus was shocked and couldn't utter another word. And as everything unfolds, Donos was chuckling while Aeneas watched with great focus.

Arsen told everyone to line up. All of them followed and formed a few rows and columns. They stood a distance apart from each other. And Arsen stood in front of them. Even Donos participated, but he stood far in the back. Meanwhile, Aeneas stood at the side and continued watching them.

"Aeneas?" Arsen said.

"I'll just watch you today, brother. I will join you in the morrow."

Aeneas plans to do his training at the sides, while also watching how his brother and the other knights train.

Arsen replied with a nod. All of a sudden, his face turned serious. He told his knights to do stretching with him, as a warm-up before they proceeded with the first part of the training. After warming up, Arsen told everyone to do push-ups. Everyone wasn't allowed to use their Zeal. They did three hundred repetitions within five minutes. After that were squats with the same conditions. Then, crunches, and the last one for the first section of their training was fifty lapses around the manor.

While Arsen and his knights did their training, Aeneas copied them with fewer repetitions and began swinging his wooden sword when they were running lapses around the manor. 

After that, came the bouts between Arsen and his knights. The original plan for today was for everyone to find a sparring partner. But, when they were about to start, Donos spoke out.

"Lord, how about I spar with the other knights?"

Arsen looked at Aeneas who seemed excited to see how the other knights would do against his uncle Donos. He wanted to know how far his prowess was compared to Arsen's knights. From the start of his training with Donos, Aeneas never landed a single hit.

The knights also appeared enthusiastic with the renowned knight's suggestion. 

"Then, let's do as Uncle suggested," Arsen said.

Everyone gave way, forming a wide circle. Donos stood at the center, waiting for the first knight to spar with him. As always, they would use wooden swords in the sparring.

"Allow me," Tereus said as he stepped forward with his eyes gleaming with excitement.