City of Katalos

Tenth of the month of Gemini (June), six-thirty in the morning. Arsen, Donos, Eluard, and Aeneas prepared for their departure to the port of Lapoli. 

There are two city ports for airboats in the kingdom of Pantera, which is one more than the other kingdoms. One is located at Nyrona city in the capital region, Nyros. And the other is in the city of Katalos at Lapoli, the neighboring region of Arsida to the northwest.

From the distance, Aeneas and the others could hear the hooves of a harion getting nearer to them. It was Konon and Tiriara riding a single steed.

When they halted at the front of the Caspius manor's opened gate, Tiriara jumped down from their steed, she turned her gaze to Aeneas who was already mounted. And with a smile, the girl scurried towards him.

As the girl tried to climb up Orion's saddle, Aeneas asked her what she was doing, "You're already mounted with sir Konon," he continued.

Tiriara jumped up Orion's saddle and sat behind Aeneas, "I want to ride with you and Orion," she said.

Aeneas sighed, he agreed but told the girl not to move as much as she did the last time, and to not breathe on his neck.

"Okay!" the girl replied.

Arsen led in front, "Let's go," he said.

Among them, the steeds of Donos and Eluard pull a neat carriage wagon, with a passenger seat and a wide-spaced compartment.

The journey from Heos to the city of Katalos in Lapoli takes around three to four hours, with the harions running at a decent speed and without stopping. They would also need to go through the town of Tegias. It acts as a border between the Lapoli and Arsida regions. 

In the olden days of war, Tegias was just a walled border with knights guarding it. As hundreds of years of peace have been experienced by the land, people, be they civilians or merchants, have come to settle at Tegias and the town was born.

After an hour and twenty minutes of nonstop journey through the bricked road, Arsen and the group reached the entrance to the walled town of Tegias. From the distance, the group noticed a line towards the gate. Although inspections are necessary, a long line such as what they saw was rather rare even at a border town such as Tegias.

Ten knights clad in armor, inspect the cargos and carriages wanting to pass through Tegias. One of the knights has a bronze scabbard, while the remaining has one made of Brownwood.

"Why is it so slow? What do you think is happening?" Tiriara asked Aeneas.

Aeneas shrugged as he stared at the entrance. It was Konon who gave them his guess, "Someone must've tried to cross the region with something illegal," he said.

"There are illegal things? Then we should check our stuff before they find something illegal," Tiriara replied.

Donos and Konon chuckled and explained to the girl that they hadn't brought any contraband with them. Curious, Tiriara asked which things would be illegal to bring in Lapoli.

"Strength-enhancing drugs, hallucination drugs, stolen goods, and murderers," Aeneas said. He continued that all of them are not allowed to leave their region as it is the lord of that region's responsibility and should not be passed on to others.

"M—murderers?" Tiriara muttered.

"Ah. I forgot that there was one more stated in the book I've read," Aeneas said.

"What is it?"


Tiriara scoffed, "You can't fool me, I know that slavery was banned after the age of insanity," she said.

Aeneas released one of his hands from Orion's rein. Then, he clapped. His reaction made Tiriara both happy and proud, she even let out a series of chuckles.

But, it was a clap of mockery, as Aeneas commented how amazed he was about the girl knowing the term age of insanity. Tiriara replied with a grunt and tickled both sides of Aeneas.

"S—stop, Orion might drop us," Aeneas wiggled, "I'm sorry okay?"

"That's why it's illegal, young lady," Konon said.

Tiriara nodded, "Ah, I see," she glared at Konon, "But that's evil! People who make slaves should be punished!" she said.

Aeneas rolled his eyes, "They are punished. How old are you? Do you not know what illegal means?" he said with a mocking tone. To which, Tiriara answered with another round of tickling.

While in line, Aeneas and Tiriara could hear some people talking about how bearers of demons' marks were the ones that caused the commotion. They both listened. Surprisingly, Tiriara knew about the existence of such people and asked Aeneas if he believed what those people in line were saying. The boy said that he was unsure since like many other things, it was just speculation circulated by people without proof.

It took longer than normal, but the group's turn to be inspected arrived. Most of the knights at the gate have recognized both Arsen and Donos. Even those who didn't know Donos showed respect after seeing his scabbard. They greeted the group with the Panteran bow, which was reciprocated by everyone.

"Sir Arsen, and Sir Donos, what brings you to Tegias," the knight with the bronze scabbard asked. He is the captain of the squad. His blond hair peaks from his helmet, and his eyes are the shade of brown.

Seeing that Arsen nor Donos didn't know the knight, he introduced himself, "Ah. I am Gurgos Speras, a newly appointed captain."

Arsen and Donos went down of their steed. 

"What's with the thorough inspection, Sir Gurgos?" asked Donos.

Gurgos explained that there was a recent case of a person who had gone mad. Something that hasn't happened again since the age of insanity more than a millennium ago. They thought that it was similar to maddened beasts. But, the serum worked and made the person unconscious. They found out that it was due to a hallucinogenic drug. When they did some digging, they found more of those substances from other people in Tegias.

"I see," Arsen replied.

Gurgos smiled and asked them again about their matters while his squad inspected the carriage and stuff they brought with them.

"We're off to the port to fetch someone," Arsen replied.

"Ah," Gurgos muttered. He looked at the other knights who finished their inspection, finding nothing illegal. "Safe travels to all of you," said Gurgos as they allowed them to enter the walled town.

Inside, buildings weren't that different from Pergis. But, the streets have more merchants and more trades occur. There's an even wider variety of products, from both the region of Lapoli and Arsida. A few engine-powered vehicles also roamed the town's streets.

Arsen and the group ventured through the streets of Tegias to exit on the other side. Even in this town, there was a small group of people with signboards that said that magic was the cause of the maddening of beasts. And like in Pergis, the group didn't pay them any mind.

Still, Aeneas was reminded of the boy he saw back then. The one with the memorable mask covering his face. He hadn't seen that person ever since and was curious to know where he was now.

At the exit to Lapoli, another squad of knights did an inspection. Most of them also knew Arsen and Donos. They were struck with awe seeing the youngest to be knighted in all of Panteran history in the flesh.

Lapoli wasn't that different from Arsida. At least in the southern part of the region. Fields of various crops are basking from the warm rays of the Proud Lion's sun. The group traveled through a wider bricked road to the city of Katalos where the port of Lapoli stood. It took them hours to see the city from the distance.

Even from afar, everyone could see the huge and highest-standing building in the city of Katalos, its port. An architectural masterpiece. The port is located at the center of the city. It has three floors; the ground floor is where the ticketing and waiting area for people not boarding the airboat is located. The second floor is for the passengers to wait, both floors have some merchants selling their products. And the last one was the landing deck.

The landing area, which is a slab of thick concrete, is suspended in the air with huge beams of metal, designed in a way that could withstand thousands of people's weight plus the airboats. You could get there by climbing through a high flight of stairs, or through an elevator operated by Zeal-bearers of air element, or strong people that would operate the elevator by pulling the thick chain of metal connected to it.

The ticket for an airboat costs around two silver to a gold coin per person. Depending on the drop location and baggage of the passenger.

At the gates to the city, Arsen and the others saw another long line of people waiting to be inspected. When it was their turn, some knights immediately knew Arsen and recognized Donos through his scabbard and black hair. After a minute of small talk, Arsen learned that the drug had been found in Katalos as well.

Compared to Pergis or Tegias, the city of Katalos was twice bigger. The buildings were wider and taller. Unlike the traditional brick houses in both the towns and even in Heos, the ones in Katalos are finished with different colors of paint and intricate designs making each house unique for everyone. 

The roads of a city are much wider than any of the towns or villages in Pantera. And, several engine-powered vehicles traverse its lands. Although such vehicles have been around for almost half a decade, it is still a bit unpopular, especially in Pantera where people believe in the tradition and relationship between them and their mount. To most, a harion isn't just their steed, but a companion, a friend that would take you to the edge of the continent if you wanted to, no matter what.

However, a few cities from other kingdoms found a boom in the use of such vehicles because of the increasing cases of maddened beasts. Moreso, in Decatris, these vehicles were starting to take over as the primary means of transportation.

It was the first time Aeneas had visited Katalos. When he learned how a Zeal-less person like him was different from the other kids at the age of six, he began wanting to remain home and train or read books that his parents brought him. He stared at every house and store with his mouth wide open. Most of them were new to him. 

On the other hand, although it was Tiriara's first time at Katalos as well, she had seen such structures in other cities. She was more interested in the stores and new products on the displays. She saw a light blue dress in front of a clothing store, tapped Aeneas and pointed at it, "That's enough for your gift," she said.

Aeneas took a glance at the dress, "Why should I give you a gift?" he asked.

Tiriara giggled, "Guess…"

"Is it your birthday or something?"

Shocked, Tiriara has her mouth wide open, "How did you know? Did you ask Konon? My father? Sister? Maybe my sister told your brother and you asked your brother, right?" she said.

Aeneas let out a short chuckle, "Stupid, you asked me to guess," he said.

"Ah, right! Now that you know, I can't wait for your gift!"

"When is it?"

"The twelfth," Tiriara answered.

"Next month?"

Tiriara shook her head even though Aeneas couldn't see her, "This month," she said.

"I didn't know, I haven't prepared one," Aeneas also explained that he hadn't saved up enough money to buy her a gift. Even so, the girl persists in being excited to receive one from him.

Arsen, who was leading at the front, halted, "Let's rest our steeds here," he said. They stopped at a stable house near the port of Katalos.