Morning came, and same as the day before, Aeneas woke up on the table near his chamber's huge window. The uncanny book in front of him was still opened on a page he was having a hard time understanding. Sleep still eluded him last night, and the book's mystifying content seemed to help his mind wander and relax. A remedy that helped him fall asleep without knowing it.
Aeneas washed his face before heading out. He met with Issa on the stairs, she was on the way to his room to check on him.
"Did Tiri arrive yet?" the boy asked.
Issa shook her head. A response that saddened Aeneas as they went to the dining area.
Hours passed yet still without any sign of Tiriara's presence. It made Aeneas more anxious as it was a new situation for him. He had never been in a fight with a friend, more so one that he instigated and knew that he was to blame.
After the daily training, Aeneas approached Eluard who was cleaning up the backyard. He asked him if he would like to come visit the Chronis manor with him.
"Why? Is your brother going?"
Aeneas shook his head. He was unsure whether to tell Eluard the reason for his sudden visit, as he was still embarrassed to share what happened between him and Tiriara. Eluard stared at the boy with a confused face. Knowing Aeneas, Eluard knew that he would only visit another people's residence whenever it was necessary or when Arsen or Lyra forced him to.
"Just us two?"
Aeneas nodded, "Yes," he answered.
"Is it something about you and Tiri?"
Surprised, Aeneas took quite some time to reply with a nod.
"How did you know? Did Uncle Donos mentioned it?"
Eluard shook his head, "Have you seen Sir Donos reveal a secret? I just realized that there must be something going on between you two. Tiri didn't visit yesterday. If it was for something important, she would've mentioned it a hundred times to everyone while saying not to miss her."
Aeneas chuckled, "I guess she would."
"So, did you two fight?"
"I kind of…" Aeneas explained what happened. He left out his conversation with Arsen and told Eluard the same version he told Donos; he became annoyed with Tiriara and shouted at her, telling the girl not to visit anymore if she was just there to annoy him.
One look at Eluard's face and it was apparent that he was on Tiriara's side if there was a need to pick.
"I know, Elu. It's my fault."
"You're going there to make amends?"
Aeneas nodded, "I also have a gift. Do you think she'll forgive me?"
"I'm not sure. Though, you still need to offer Tiri an apology."
"Right. So, will you go with me?"
Eluard agreed. He continued to clean up the backyard of the main residence. When he took a glimpse behind him, Aeneas was still there, waiting.
"Wait, you mean now?"
"Yes. So that we could be back before lunch," Aeneas said.
The two of them went to Lyra and told her about their visit to the Chronis manor. Lyra knew what happened. Arsen had told her without his little brother's knowledge. She closed the book she was reading and placed the cup of tea back on the saucer at the table.
"I'll come with you."
Aeneas turned to Eluard. He couldn't come up with a reason to deny his mother's offer to go with them. Before the boy could say anything, Lyra spoke.
"Why don't you call your brother to come with us."
Lyra said that Arsen needed to spend more time with his fiancé. Her face leaked with excitement as she talked about how she wanted Arsen and Theresa to conduct their wedding already.
For Aeneas, it was one of those moments when his body moved on its own after hearing his mother's gentle voice asking him to get his brother. He only thought about it once he was facing the door of Arsen's office.
Aeneas knocked and opened the door.
With a smile, "What is it, little brother?"
Aeneas explained the situation. He ended his words by saying that he didn't know how his brother ended up needing to come with his visit with the Chronis.
Arsen laughed, "Even today, I'm still unaware how Mother kept talking me out of giving her more funds," he said.
Lyra and Eluard waited outside of the main residence.
With a joyful tone, "Let's go," Lyra said.
Since it was just a friendly visit, Lyra suggested for them to walk towards their destination.
The village of Heos has increased in population as days passed by. More houses were erected, giving jobs to builders. Merchants also saw an opportunity at Heos when they heard that the manor being built was for the lord of Arsida. Months later, the village had its shopping district. And now, it is approaching the size of Pergis. Although there were still those who were unhappy with the sudden change in their quiet village, most of them were satisfied and thought of Nireus Chronis as the one overseeing the village as its lord.
As they walked the streets of Heos, more buildings were being built, some newly erected ones had designs similar to cities. Polished and painted with vibrant colors. People interact with each other, be it buying from shops, or just having an early chatter. Kids running at the side of the streets, and open areas, as they play with new toys brought to Heos just recently.
When the people saw Arsen and Lyra, they would show a big smile and call for them, addressing them as lord and lady. Most would walk towards them, opening the conversation with warm greetings and offering something for them to eat. Lyra would proceed with short conversations that end with compliments and their reason for having to go. She was great with words and could end the interaction swiftly and still leave them with a bigger smile.
The three that accompanied her were like boys waiting for their mother at a clothing store.
Soon as a knight standing guard at the gate of the Chronis manor spotted them from the distance, he allowed them entry without hesitation and asked another knight to inform the lord Chronis. The knight greeted them with a smile and Panteran bow, and as tradition dictates, they returned the gesture.
Nireus walked out of the main residence, his handsome face was adorned with a smile, "What's with the sudden visit?" he said.
Lyra and the others greeted the lord of Arsida with a bow, which he also returned.
"Are we not allowed to come visit you, my lord?" Lyra joked.
Nireus laughed, "Of course you are, my lady. The manor's gates are always open for you, like how yours was always open for my daughter."
After a few words of pleasantries and compliments between Lyra and Nireus, Theresa went out of the manor. Her face brightens at the sight of Arsen. She walked closer and greeted them, then she turned to her betrothed.
"You didn't say you'd come to visit, my lord."
With a nervous smile, "Apologies my lady, it was decided on a whim," Arsen replied.
Theresa shook her head, "No need for that," she stared at Arsen still with a smile, "I'm just happy to see you," she said.
Unknown to her, even the master of his emotions, Arsen, had his heart pounding as he heard her words.
"My lord," Aeneas said to Nireus.
"What is it, young Aeneas?"
Aeneas asked him about Tiriara. The lord of Arsida stared at Aeneas for quite a while, he knew that something was bothering his daughter since she hadn't escaped the Chronis manor to go to the Caspius's.
The prediction Nireus made in his head was spot on. He smiled at Aeneas and told him that his youngest daughter was in the backyard of the manor.
Aeneas smiled, thanked the lord of Arsida, and bowed to him and Theresa again before he rushed towards the backyard.
On his way, Aeneas had imagined scenes of him apologizing to Tiriara. He was trying to pick the best one he could think of. Before he could see anyone, the boy heard the voice of Konon teasing Tiriara that she kept on missing, while the girl was laughing her heart out.
Tiriara was holding a crossbow that shoots a stream of water. The new toy she was talking about when she and Aeneas had their fight. She was saddened after that and remained in her room. It was only earlier when Konon bought the toy and showed it to Tiriara when she left her room and played with him.
The girl's smile disappeared as she saw Aeneas standing at the left side of the building. She glared at him. Konon noticed the change in her expression, smiled and left the two alone.
Still glaring, "What do you want?" Tiriara said.
Aeneas gulped before walking closer to her.
"I am here to ask for forgiveness. For how I acted, and the words I said the other day. I never meant anything that I did or said, and I regret it."
Although Tiriara's glare became mild, she still appeared mad.
The boy stood there, waiting for Tiriara to say a word first before giving her his gift. But, the girl decided to raise the water crossbow she was holding and pointed it at Aeneas.