
(A/N: Sorry for the late update my power was out again!)

Michael pulled into his house's garage in his black 2012 Cadillac Escalade. It was the same SUV that Ezekiel, his father's bodyguard, drove when they went looking at property weeks ago. Before Ezekiel and his father's assistant left for Europe, the company vehicle was signed over to Michael (with Michael's father's permission, of course). Michael asked to have it signed over because a Porsche 911 certainly was not the vehicle to be used if you needed cargo space or were taking extra passengers. 

Michael stepped out, opened his trunk, and began to bring in the groceries he bought from Whole Foods into his house. Whole Foods was overpriced compared to other grocery stores but it didn't matter to Michael as he still had the money left over from the 5 million his father gave him to buy the house.

In actuality, Michael should have over $40 million dollars. Being a reincarnated person he took advantage of his knowledge of the future and years ago when he was only ten years old he asked his father if he could have some money to invest in the stock market. 

His father gave him the 'ok' and to Michael's shock he was given an investment account with $5 million dollars as 5 million was chump change to a billionaire and he wanted to teach his son that money didn't grow on trees, it grew in the stock market.


His investments today should be worth $42.1 million but because he is a minor the account was controlled by his father and he could not take out the funds. Alan Richards used this money to control his son, but he certainly didn't do it in a mean spirited way. Alan did it because after his wife had died his son had turned into a bit of a hell-raiser, Michael was prone to getting into mischief and had even been kicked out of a prestigious school.

While Michael had died in his first life at the age of twenty-two, he certainly did not have the experiences and maturity of an almost forty year old man. In his past life Michael's father was a college football player that wasn't good enough to make it to the NFL, and he forced that dream of making it to the NFL on his son. His Dad controlled what he ate, how he trained, who he hung out with, and basically every other facet of his life. Michael didn't have much of a social life in his past life so he didn't have the emotional intelligence of an adult. 

Football was the only thing in his life that gave him joy in his past life. Hell, football was the only THING in that life, period. In his sophomore year of University, playing for the University of Oklahoma, he blew out his knee during a game. 

It wasn't a career ending injury as he was able to return back to the field next year, but after that injury he was not the same player as he once was. His draft stock along with his performance on the field plummeted, the hype train surrounding him had been derailed. And after not being drafted to the NFL after his senior year he took his own life a year later. 

So when he somehow found himself being reborn in the past with a new family, and a second chance to live, he knew he had to have a balance between his football life and his social life. Even though not making it to the NFL was such a devastating blow to his psyche, he could not give up on the game even in his second life, he simply loved it too much. 

In his past life his mother had left them when he was young and he didn't even remember her. So in his current life he had been incredibly close with his mother Rose when she was still alive. She was his best friend and he loved spending time with her more than anyone else. And when she died he had sunk into a deep depression, currently he wasn't as depressed as he was back then but after losing two mothers he felt like every woman in his life left him and he had abandonment issues which is why he never had a girlfriend, just girls he would hook up with.

His anger and his depression had caused him to act out and he was constantly getting into trouble when he attended Eton College, but thankfully his father's influence and wealth had kept him there. But the school eventually had enough of his antics and they finally kicked him out, so his father, even if he was emotionally distant, wanted his son to mature and he made some stipulations for Michael if he wanted his investment account transferred to him when he turned 18. 

Michael would not be able to rely on maids or chefs, he had to do all the housework himself, he would not be allowed to attend a private school, and he also had to get a job though Michael convinced his dad to allow him to not work when it was the football season. 

In the long run even if his father screwed him out of his inheritance or went back on his word and didn't transfer the account to him, he would still be fine as he held bitcoin that would one day be worth $500 million.

Michael went back out to his garage and grabbed the last couple of paper bags that were in the trunk when he heard a woman speak up behind him.

"Excuse me," she said. "I'm your next door neighbor. I just wanted to finally say hello."

He turned around and saw a beautiful woman with curly red hair wearing a floral sundress and sandals and holding a tray of cookies. 

"Oh, hello." He closed the trunk while holding onto the bags. "I'd shake your hand but… well we both have our hands full. Are those for me? Please come inside."

She followed after him inside his house. "I see you guys are having a pool built, very nice," she said as she gazed at the construction workers hard at work in the backyard. 

"Definitely. You need a pool for these hot summers."

"Well before yours is built you can come over and use our pool anytime you'd like," she said with a kind smile. 

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."

"Are your parents home?"

"Ooof," he said, pretending like her words hurt him. "Do I really look that young? I live here by myself ma'am."

"Well…. not all of you looks young," she whispered to herself as she shamelessly stared at his muscular arms and chest, which his tight tank top did nothing to hide. "And ma'am? Do I really look that old? Please, call me Sandra," she said with a giggle.

"Michael," he replied. The bags and her cookie tray had been placed down on the countertops and he stretched out his hand for a handshake.

But she ignored it and got close to him and took him into a warm embrace. "Sorry but my family are huggers." 

Mike didn't mind, he quite enjoyed having her large breasts pushed up into him.

"Well why don't we exchange contact information so you can let me know whenever you want to head on over to use our pool," Sandra said as she pulled out her phone.

They exchanged numbers and it was time for Sandra to go. He escorted her to the front door where he stood and stared at her full figure as she walked out of his driveway. 

Mike went into his garage and closed the garage door. He went back to the kitchen and put away his groceries into the fridge. Mike couldn't cook for shit so he bought a bunch of prepared foods that simply needed to be heated in the microwave and foods that could simply be put in the oven. 

He grabbed a container of chicken fettuccine alfredo and popped it in the microwave. While he was waiting he received a text from Seth. Apparently there was some charity event being held in Newport Beach. It was a casino night themed event. Basically you would 'gamble' in whatever game you wanted to play, whether it was poker, baccarat, craps, blackjack, or even the slot machines. 

But as it was a charity event you obviously would not win money, you simply win chips and several people with the most chips at the end of the night are given prizes. 

He called up Melissa to ask her if she was going to the charity event and if she wanted to go with him. They had not seen each other since the fashion show but they had been texting quite regularly. Melissa was set to attend UCLA in the fall and she wanted to make Michael her boyfriend. He had told her that he was only going to be in his junior year of high school but she didn't seem to mind. He was tall, buff, rich, and had a huge cock, and most importantly he made her feel desired.

Living in an upper class family in Newport Beach there was certainly pressure from her family to be thin. But she had always had a little extra meat on her bones growing up. She was used to her little cousin, Holly, the skinny cheerleader, getting all the attention from the boys wherever they went. Melissa had recently lost forty pounds last year and had been receiving a little more attention, but she figured the boys from Newport Beach must like skinnier girls as she wasn't receiving the attention from the guys she actually wanted to get noticed by. 

But that changed when she met Michael. From the first moment they met he had been flirtatious. He had stared at her body, drinking in her full figure with his steely gaze. And when they sat down at a table at the fashion show he had been quick to put his hands on her lower back and her thighs and he made it very clear that he wanted her. He made her feel sexy and he made her feel wanted, and she in turn wanted him back.

He had been upfront with her and had let her know that he wasn't really looking for an exclusive relationship, but she was confident enough that she could get him to change his mind. She figured with the combination of her personality, her eagerness to pleasure him, and her body that he seemed to love so much she would have him wrapped around her finger in no time. 

She told him what time to pick her up and now she stood in her room in front of her mirror in her bra and panties. She was holding up different dresses as she planned on what outfit she would wear tonight.

'I wonder if he'll like this one,' she thought as she held up the dress, the thought of his lingering gaze turning her on. 'I guess I'll find out.'