Today i decided to walk home,cause the university isn't really far from our new place,and i also wanted to get to look around a bit and get some fresh air

this was all keito's idea( charlie yelled in regret) i never go for walks,the fresh air that comes in my room is more than enough,keito was supposed to be walking me home but then he got a call and said it was urgent now i'm walking home alone,i should have never listened to keito and just take the bus charlie said out loud,he was way into his soliloquy that he didn't notice the car coming from behind,the car loudly signaled charlie to leave the way.

hey watch were you're going charlie yelled after the car visibly frustrated,just because you ride a mercedes 2023 doesn't mean you can do whatever you want ugh, charlie kept yelling

i've seen like twenty expensive cars and i haven't even gone past the first block yet i wonder what happens when i get to the next block i'll get to see helicopters and private jets? Ugh why am I so angry today? Charlie asked no one in particular maybe it's because the weather is so fucking hot or it's because keito left me all alone or because I just had to fail my fucking exams and still stick around with my mum can't even call my friends cause of the huge time difference or maybe it's because were in Japan and I don't like the idea of being in Japan at all and I'm so fucking tired already this is the most I've walked in decades I feel like crying charlie said facing the heavens like he was waiting for something to teleport him home, only to hear that sound of another car horn,the car was right beside him and charlie couldn't believe his eyes

Is that a rolls royce droptail la rose noire? That can't be my eyes have got to be playing tricks on me charlie said out loud, and worse of all it was customized cause there was the letter E on all four tires of the car, charlie's eyes widened in amusement,this car must have cost a fortune charlie thought,

The window of the car slowly came down and charlie was half expecting the president of Japan to be in it but he was disappointed the moment he saw it was enkai,

Is it normal for white people talk to themself's while walking on the streets? Enkai asked him with a grin on his face

Is it normal for Asian people to drive around in stupidity rich cars? I asked very annoyed by his approach to my surprise he only laughed at me and said yea its normal haven't you heard of the phrase crazy rich Asians? his response only pissed me off more I was already having it rough before he came I can't afford to be madder than I already am enkai's voice suddenly breaking through my thoughts

C'mon get in I'll drop you off he said tapping the passengers seat; as much as I would love to ride in a really fancy car and rest my weak legs I still didn't want anything to do with this crazy rich Asian man,

Thanks but I'll pass my house is really close by besides I don't want to bother you sir I said hoping he would buy it and leave me alone but instead he came out of the car and began to walk towards me my brain started yelling run but my feet where glued to the spot,all I could do was keep tilting my head backwards so he wouldn't be too close,he slid his hands into his pockets and bends down a little so he could look at my face clearly I guessed; we were a little too close but I couldn't move at all where did my anxiety go to? did he flee from the sight of a masculine man

You're eyes are beautiful he suddenly says out of the blue

Uhh umm thanks they are actually not lime green it's hazel with green fleeks you could call it hazel green so yea I awkwardly responded, I usually never answer people when they ask me what color my eyes are but here I am explaining to someone who I wasn't sure if he wanted to know

Beautiful he said, his voice deep yet warm suddenly sending cold shivers down my spine and an invisible knot tightens up my belly, he opens the car door which swings up instead of out and gestures me to get in I hesitated giving him a look that could be read as "what!?"

Just get in I'll take you straight home I promise he said softly his voice making me hold my breath for a while

But you don't know where I live I said not sounding arrogant as before

You could just tell me he said flashing his beautiful white teeth at me,I sat in the car while enkai shut the door

He's just gonna take me home and that's it I'm never seeing him again no matter what;

Maybe I spoke too soon cause what the fuck was he doing in my front yard leaning against his car handsomely like he's here to pick up his date,

Is that your friend? My mum whispered from behind me making me Skip in shock

Jesus Christ you scared me I Said to her wondering why we were peeking at enkai from the window like it was illegal to come out of the house and confront him for standing in our front yard

He's not my friend just someone I met at the school I replied her question

How come you never talked to me about him all you talk about is keito I was beginning to get bored of hearing his name, my mum replied and I Shaked my head in disappointment

So what's your friends name? She asked sounding very interested

He's not my friend, and he's name's enkai I replied Very uncomfortable with begin friends with enkai

Enkai? He's actually very good looking my mum said shamelessly


What? I'm just stating a fact she responded and it was hard to disagree

C'mon let's go, you'll be late for work and I'll be late for school I said slightly pushing her so we would stop peeking at enkai

Good morning mam enkai greeted my mum slightly bowing, rather too politely

Ohh please call me Mrs Veronica I'm not that old my mum replied sounding flattered

Of course you're not, you look like a sweet sixteen and you know what they say fine wine tastes better with age enkai said looking over at me, lowering himself to kiss my mum's palm but his eyes never leaving me,

You're really good with words, your mother must be proud to have a son like you my mum replied

Enkai chuckled and introduced himself to my mum, he looked at me and said are you ready? I'll drop you off at the university

No thank you I can.... Ohh that's really nice of you chalie hates walking you must have noticed my mum suddenly cut me off pushing me to go with enkai

C'mon baby go with your friend she added

Thank you Mrs Veronica we'll get going now enkai said grabbing my arm and helping me into the car leaving no room for me to negotiate

See you later honey love you my mum said as enkai started the car.

Your mum's really nice enkai said breaking the silence

I never knew you were into older women I Said sarcastically but enkai was unfazed he just smiled at me and replied I'm not, I just want to be in good terms with your mother

This man was really hard to predict what did he mean by that?

How many cars do you have? I suddenly asked noticing this was a different car from the one of yesterday, I didn't really want to know but I just wanted to change the topic cause the air was getting awkward

I lost count; he replied nonchalantly

You what? I asked almost jumping out of my seat does he mean he lost count of how many cars he owned?

I lost count of how many cars I own he replied looking at me

I was afraid that was what he meant, there's no way a teacher's salary at a university would give you that much money or would it? I asked not knowing I was talking out loud

I never Said I was a teacher Charlie; enkai replied eyes still on the road

Ohh that was supposed to be inside thought's I Said covering my mouth

Enkai let out a loud masculine laugh, holding unto his chest like it would fall off, tears escaping from the corner of his eyes, I had never seen him this amused, he looked less intimidating laughing, he placed his hand on my hair petting me like I was a dog

The more I look the cuter you get, he said moving his hand away and focusing on his driving, I should have been angry,or slapped his hand away the moment they were inches close to me but I didn't it felt like I welcomed his touch, I don't know why but something about him petting me made me happy I awkwardly started to smile

Are you smiling? Enkai asked searching my face

No I'm not!! I replied a little too serious hiding my face away.