Chapter 14 - Now Civilized like the Humans

Third person POV

 Then, by the 9th day, the first crops of the fields were harvested, and the first loaves of bread and other simple pastries were made in the Blood Fortress's mess hall. Now, some of the Vamzoms had eaten bread, their homemade bread, and are now liking it. Basilio saw that their progress was now on the way. On his 12th day as leader, Basilio, after introducing some simple recipes that require simple and common ingredients to the Vamzoms, turned their fortress place into a country known as Ruslav Nation, named after Ruslan in honor of him, and made and established a new republican-like government for it, styled after the Philippine republic from his previous life. This included more expansion for new homes and other important elements of a country. For the educational and training sector, Basilio appointed Artem as its head because of his immense knowledge and expertise in basic subjects and training in fighting and combat, while a Vamzom named Aldert Tihamér, a soldier who was previously in charge of the fortress's food supply, was assigned to be the head of the agricultural sector. Juhani volunteered to be its head for the military and defense sectors, which Basilio had accepted after reading his records as a gunner soldier. Basilio himself was the head of the administration sector of his country in addition of being the leader of the nation of the Vamzoms.

 By week 3, the Vamzoms in Ruslav are now civilized like humans and other talking and civilized races. Basilio's hard work and efforts had paid off. Now a few steps will need to be taken to be a fully-fledged and recognized nation soon.