friends wedding

Tuesday morning I wake up and get ready to go new York I packs my bag in my bag I put all my favourite dresses to where on my friends wedding, when I was closing my bag a maid came inside in my room and put my breakfast tray at table and tell me that your mother is waiting for you Ma'am, I said okay and tell mother that I am coming in 5 minutes and please knock at my door whenever you are willing to come into my room after that maid leave her room , she takes her bag and leave her room when she reach to her mother her mother said who got you are looking so gorgeous, fabulous this frock look so good on you ( remies is very a Flora white and pink colour Mini frock which is looking very good on her) I just laughed at my mother words and tell her that I am leaving 2 days before her marriage because I am a bridesmaid in her wedding I am so excited mother said, that your pirate helicopter is been waiting for you now go , go

Then I went at rooftop of our villa a pilot is sitting in helicopter I went through my helicopter and I tell pilot to open the door pilot gets out and open the door of helicopter

And put my bag inside and told me to secure your seat belt please and put your headphones please and in 15 minutes we are taking of so ,please switch off your phone after 10 minutes, then I call lily that I am coming lily reply I so glad then you are coming I can't believe my busy CEO friend is coming please come as fast as you come because we are going to select our dress . I said, ok I am coming in 4 hours just wait for me in evening we are going to select our wedding dress . lily said, ya see you babe bye bye then she hung up the phone and then we are takeoff and we are on hight the world look so beautiful, at this I am just imagine the future with my parents if they were alive and adrian I don't know where is he or is he alive or not, I tried so hard to find adrian , and I am so stupid that I can't remember his surname . God where do I find adrian my childhood crush please only 1 time I wanted to meet him and ask why don't you tell me that you are moving some where , god just 1 time please . When I was thinking about this something happened I fall asleep I have dream about my parents telling me that, they are happy to see me moveing on and living a happy life. they said, we are very proud of, you bless my little princess be happy...

I felt some ones hand on my head like someone seeing I am having fever or not, I open my eyes and in front of my eyes there is a man standing in front of me , he is so charming that I can't take my eyes off him , he is handsome enough to seduce me but suddenly felt that someone shouting so I take my eyes off him and look at my

friend lily then I suddenly look around and I find out that I was sitting in a helicopter then that man offer him hand to him but I refused to take his hand and get down of helicopter by my own when I get down of helicopter lily hugged me and tell me that you were sleeping I thought that something happened to you but thanks to (adi) he checked you and tell me that you are okay I was really afraid after listening to lily I thank to adi ( the man who I thought that he is charming and handsome) than lily and her future husband (Mike) take me to my room and tell me to rest but I said that I am okay let's go on shopping for your bridesmaid and the most beautiful bride and groom but by the way who is 'best man', mike said , adi is ' best man' . I reply, so he is also coming with us mike reply, yes . I said , now you all gets ready I am just resting for a while when you all gets ready just let me now well, I don't need anything to put on me because I am ready. Lily said , ya well I forgot to told you are looking so gorgeous , fabulous in this outfits you look so pretty . I said, thank you and I asked her where is your rooms if I need some help from you then I can come to your room lily said the room next to your room is Adi's room and we are living in front of your room. I said thank you and they left me and when I lie on my bed suddenly I remind that Adi is the person whom I meet in my basement of my office I just thought who is Adi, what he is doing inside my office basement, I don't know why but I felt very close to him

Next part is coming soon is they connected

And please let me know if you like my story