The next day Kestra woke exhausted. Her dreams kept her up, much to her dismay. Glancing towards her friend, she could tell the dragon was awake. Getting up, she stumbled over to her. 

 "You've seen better nights." Sylvaria jokes as she opened one eye. Raising one wing, she silently invited Kestra to sit against her and tell her what happened. She felt the elf take a deep breath before speaking about the dreams. 

 "It's probably nothing you need to worry about, Kestra. You told me you thought your parents were overprotective." Sylvaria spoke, trying to comfort her. 

 "I know I did, but that was before I had the dream. The vision was one thing, but this is different. I can't help but feel like I'm a part of all this, like I have a big part to play." Kestra replies in frustration. She couldn't shake the feeling something was going to happen soon. 

 They spent the next two days replenishing Kestra's provisions and exploring the town. Kestra tried to avoid the soldiers, if possible, as they saw more declarations about her disappearance. Luckily, few people knew Kestra was the Princess just by looking at her. 

That's a relief. Kestra thought. But the town's folk seemed restless. A few times, Sylvaria and Kestra stopped people and asked what was going on. Most people wouldn't say, but a few of the stationed guards explained that the Dark One was looking for the Princess. When the guards looked harder at Kestra, Sylvaria told them they had to go. 

"He was about to tell us more. Why did you say that we had to leave?" Kestra asks Sylvaria after the third incident. 

 "I didn't like the way they were looking at you. It was unclear whether they were attempting to determine if you were the Princess or simply checking you out." Sylvaria replies. "I believe it would be wise to see how Gallix is doing. He's been acting strange lately." 

 At mid-day, they headed back to the inn, and Gallix wasn't acting like himself. This was bothering Sylvaria more than it was Kestra. 

 "Gallix, what's bothering you so much?" Kestra finally asks once she saw him alone. 

 "Oh, it's nothing Kilra. I just didn't have the best nights. I haven't been able to focus much the past few days." Gallix replies, not looking Kestra in the eye. 

 "Gallix, I have one more question to ask you. Do you know anything about the person the guards keep calling the Dark One?" Kestra says, before Gallix turned away. 

 Gallix froze at the question. He knew more about the Dark One and his master than what he could share with anyone. 

"Gallix, do you know anything about the Dark One or not?" Kestra persisted. 

 "All I know is that he seeks revenge on anybody that crosses him." He turned back around, looking at her in the eye. "But I've heard that the less you know of him, the better off you are." With that, he walked off to serve those at his bar. 

 There was a moment of silence as the two looked at each other. Sylvaria finally broke it. "I think he knows more than he's saying. We should watch him closely this evening and see what he's up to." 

 "One night might not hurt much, but I don't think we should do much more. Remember, I don't want to get caught and sent back to Melderan. My parents would have a fit if they found out that I'm trying to prove that I don't need protection and prove them right." Kestra grimaced at the thought. 

 As she returned to her meal, the realization finally hit. This whole time, she could swear she had seen Gallix before. He was the human that she had seen when her father had first shown her the Royal Guard's chart room. Finishing her meal, she set down a few coins as a tip. She ignored the comments of the barflies as she passed. She had heard enough of their conversations. They believed the time for the Prophecy had come and gone, leaving the land a place of chaos. 

 As she walked past the last of them, she saw one nudge another and point at her. With a silent sigh, she stood her ground. It was time to turn down another hopeful. She watched him stand and stumble towards her. With a critical eye, she held back laughter as he clumsily tripped. As he stood and leaned against the bar, she observed him. 

 "Pardon me, miss." His slurred words showed to her he was intoxicated. "I was wondering what that is?" He pointed to her birthmark. "I heard the Princess has a similar one on her neck." 

Before she could answer, she heard Gallix yelling at the man. "Domanic. Leave the poor girl alone. I swear, it's a different one of you each time." 

 "Gallix, I was just asking her a question." Domanic replies sorrowfully as he shuffled back to his seat. 

 "Sorry 'bout that, Kilra. They may be an annoying bunch, but they mean no harm." Gallix whispers to her. His attention quickly turned away as he heard a glass shatter. "What have I told you, yahoos? The glasses are not juggling pins." 

 Shaking her head, Kestra watched him yell at the group. Keeping her hair down, she kept her birthmark covered. The last thing she needed was unwanted attention from the snoopy bunch. She returned to her room and waited for the sun to set. 

 With dusk approaching, they waited. As Kestra watched out the window, she saw Gallix leave. "Are you ready to do this, Sylvaria?" Kestra asks with her sword buckled onto her waist and putting the hood of her cloak up. 

 "Ready as I'm going to be." Sylvaria says, handing Kestra her pack. With that said, they headed out to follow him. 

 A few miles out of town, there was nothing but a few trees, bushes, and ancient structures as far as the eye can see along the barren wasteland. Gallix stopped as if waiting for someone… or something. Kestra and Sylvaria moved behind a structure they just passed. 

 "What do you think he is waiting for, Kestra?" Sylvaria asked, sticking her muzzle out. 

 "I don't know, but I don't like the way he's waiting. He seems really anxious, so whatever, or whoever, it can't be good." Kestra replies, stepping out from behind. 

 Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours. When they were about ready to give up and turn around, they heard several footsteps approaching. Kestra dropped behind the bushes across from Sylvaria and waited. 

 "Did you bring what I required?" Spoke a low, deep voice that made even Sylvaria shudder. 

 "Drave, I have not." Gallix replies. His voice strained. 

 Drave! Kestra thought. I knew he wasn't an elf

 "You said you would have them in two nights. Is this not the second night?" Drave inquired. 

 "It is." Gallix hesitated, obviously ashamed. 

 "Then, where are they? Your task was as simple as getting this job. All I asked you to do is bring me Princess Kestra and her dragon." Drave asks. 

 This surprised Kestra when she heard it. Why didn't Gallix just tell us that Drave wanted me? Gallix is one of our best spies. Is he two-timing us? She thought. So maybe what her parents had told her was true. I hope not. Quickly shaking the thought away. I also hope that my dream and vision won't be correct either. 

 "They seemed to not fully trust me. If you would just give me one or two more days, and I…" They cut Gallix off before he could finish. 

 "Gallix, do you not trust me?" Drave remarked in his low voice. 

 "I do trust you. But I need just a…" Then Drave halted him. With a wave of his hand, he sent the two others that had come with him over in Kestra's and Sylvaria's direction. Before they knew what happened, one newcomer was on them in a flash. Kestra, with her sword in her hand, had blocked an attack on her right arm. Pulling back, she drove her sword into his heart, killing him. But two more came. Three died by her hand suddenly and quietly. One hid in the shrubbery, waiting for this moment. She didn't hear him come up behind her. 

 He raised his sword and hit her neck with the hilt, knocking her unconscious. Sylvaria tried to get to the Morvaie that was tying up Kestra, but he put a dagger under her chin, shaking his head with a grin. Sylvaria noticed the Morvaie had a glove with four claws on it and that his eyes were different. His left eye was as dark as night, and his right was light maroon. She knew who he was. She also forced herself to cooperate enough for the other to chain her wings and get a muzzle on her, but not before letting a growl escape. 

 "Did you think I was blind, Gallix? Why didn't you tell me they followed you?" Drave asks, chuckling. 

 Gallix was confused. "I didn't know that they were." 

 "Of course you didn't. Human ears cannot pick up on the quietest movement of an Elf." Gallix says nothing, looking a little ashamed. But this act wasn't over yet. 

 Drave walked forward to take in the view. Kestra was more beautiful than the last time he had seen her. What caught his eye was her scar running down the back of her neck. Fear showed in his eyes, knowing what that represented. 

 "Take these two to the hideout," He tells his men, "use the shortcut. We don't need anybody following us, getting information, and then reporting it. Ranchein." 

 When his men had left, he turned back to Gallix. "Remember, Gallix, I could have attacked them at any time." 

 "How did you know they followed me?" Gallix asks, surprised. 

 "I saw Kestra hiding behind those trees." Drave replies smugly. 

 "Drave, why did you wait to attack?" Gallix inquired. He didn't hide his aggravation now that they were alone. 

 "I wanted to see how our little princess would react. I better watch my back with how she handled her sword." Drave chuckles at his own joke. 

 "Drave, the time for jokes is over." Gallix says, sternly moving to the seriousness of the situation. "You know I need to report this." 

 "I know." Drave replies sadly, without looking at Gallix. "You also know that I have to keep my part of the bargain, Gallix. She is the only one who can defeat them." 

 "That I do. I have a feeling that my life may end soon by his hand." 

 "We must do what we can." Drave replies before muttering under his breath. He was gone without another word. 

 Gallix knew the time for helping Drave was closing quickly. But not known to the Dark One, there was one last message to deliver. One that will change the outcome of everything.