"You have a sweet face. I'd be willing to share my lunch if you'd warm my deck for me."
"Don't take the offer. This guy can't even survive without taking from others. Once he's done using you, he'll toss you aside. Instead, why don't you get off here, take care of yourself, and wait for my return—with my seed growing inside you?"
"This bastard. Hey, Sweetheart, you're better off choosing me—"
Dahr watched as his giant cousin walked away without another word.
Truly, there were no exceptions when it came to family.
Every uncle was too busy providing for their own households to pay the family tax for their nephew.
Aside from being related, Dahr and Sahmira had barely interacted.
Helping her wasn't an obligation.
Yet, seeing a member of his family being harassed like that was enough to annoy him.
"Move, move."
A voice broke through the crowd. Another giant, one who looked almost identical to Sahmira.