Lena's pov

I stood in front of the whiteboard in my apartment, staring at the color-coded timeline of my life. It was a masterpiece of organization, every detail meticulously planned and executed. My gaze lingered on the section highlighted in bright pink: "Wedding Planning."

Or, at least, it was supposed to be.

My mind flashed back to the night my fiance, Ryan, had broken the news that he was leaving her for his "soulmate" – a woman he'd met on a business trip. The memory still stung, but i had refused to let it derail me.

I took a deep breath and began to erase the wedding planning section, the pink marker squeaking as it obliterated the reminders and deadlines. It was time to move on.

My phone buzzed, snapping me back to reality. I glanced at the screen and smiled wryly. It's my best friend, Kamva, she was calling to check in.

"Hey, girl," I answered, trying to sound more upbeat than i felt. "What's up?"

"Just making sure you're not wallowing in ice cream and self-pity," Kamva said, her voice warm with concern. "How's the wedding-planning-erasing going?"

I chuckled. "It's a work in progress. But I'm getting there."

Kamva 's tone turned serious. "Lena, I know you're hurting, but you can't let Ryan define you. You're strong, capable, and amazing. It's time to focus on yourself and what makes you happy."

I felt a lump form in my throat. Kamva was right, as always. It was time to take back control and create a new plan – one that didn't involve Ryan or a failed wedding.

"Thanks, Kay," I said, a sense of determination rising within me. "I think it's time for me to take a leap of faith and see where life takes me."

Kamva squealed in excitement. "That's my girl! Now, let's start brainstorming. What's the first thing you want to do?"

My gaze drifted back to the whiteboard, now partially erased. I smiled, feeling a spark of excitement ignite within me.

I think it's time for me to take a chance and try something new. Something unexpected.