Meeting the man again


My breath caught in my throat as I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, crushing my bones .

I shivered, I was terrified, I asked ." Who are you " my voice sounding braver than I felt .

I heard the man chuckle " Don't Tell me you've forgotten me already?" He said ina low rumble.

I remembered that voice it was one that would stay engraved in my mind forever.

" You know " he started." I can help you ."

" I don't need your help ." I spat my eyes blazing in anger .

He shook his head ." You're not listening."

He stated his grip getting tighter on my shoulder, I tried not to wince at the pain .

Then I suddenly remembered, the nurse was still in the room with me .

" Hey, nurse ! " I said breathlessly." Help me , please ."

Then I heard a low rumble." No one can help you now ."

I ignored him and kept shouting." Nurse ! Nurse !"

" You don't get it , do you ? She works for me "

I whispered." Scarlett ? Is there a chance you could help me ?"

Then I felt the man rip my smartwatch off my wrist .

" Your 'Scarlett ' can't help you now " he said grinning. Then he threw my watch on the floor and stepped on it .

My throat tightened as tears blurred my vision. Scarlett wasn't just a program it was my lifeline, my escape plan, my one hope in this nightmare. Four weeks of sleepless nights, trial and error, and painstaking coding, all crushed under his boot. My hands clenched into fists. How could he take it from me? How could he destroy the one thing that made me feel safe?

" How could you !" I spat ." Do you understand what you've done ?!" I asked sobbing.

I could see regret forming in his eyes and as soon as it appeared it disappeared just as quickly.

" You're too weak !" He spat ." Crying won't solve your problem"

I glared at him angrily." What do you know . You're nothing but a coward, preying on people who can't fight back."

But deep down I knew he was right , I also knew that now , no one could help me , I have to figure this out myself. I have a plan !

" Hey " I started my tone calm ." These restraints are hurting me "

His eyebrows lifted in humor." Oh , they're hurting you ?" He asked looking amused.

I mustured my weakest face and continued." Yeah , I can't bare the pain , I feel like I'm going to pass out ." I smirked inwardly, looking at his concerned face . He believed me . Just when I thought I had won he continued." You're lying, if anything should hurt you , it's my grip , and I don't hear you complaining." He stated confidently.

I frowned, " what do you want from me ?"

He smirked, leaning closer. "Soon, you'll see. And when you do, you'll wish you'd taken my offer."

The way he said it sent shivers down my spine, I was terrified.

Then an idea struck me, I bit the inside of my cheek leaving the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. Even though it hurt terribly, I knew this was the only way to escape .Then I started caughing.

I coughed violently, my body trembling, and watched confusion flicker in his cold eyes. As he leaned forward to loosen the restraints, I lunged. My knee shot up, slamming into his stomach. He doubled over, and I didn't hesitate my fist collided with his jaw. He staggered back, but I wasn't done. Grabbing his hair, I yanked hard and delivered a final, desperate punch that sent him crumpling to the floor. My chest heaved, my hands shaking, but I couldn't stop. Not yet.

Her eyes glowed an ominous red, and for a moment, I froze. Something was wrong. The way she moved stiff and unnaturally precise wasn't human. A metallic whir filled the air, and the harsh glare of her glowing red eyes cut through the dim room as she lunged at me, her movements unnervingly precise.

My heart dropped as I realized the truth: she wasn't a person. She was a machine a robot designed to trap me

To say I was shocked was an understatement, but thinking on my feet I knew the quickest was to disarm a robot ,I pounced behind 'her' and dug into 'her' hair found the off button, and pressed it , then suddenly a bright flash lit up the room, blinding me momentarily.

When my vision cleared, the room was eerily empty. The man and the robot were gone, as if they'd vanished into thin air. For a moment, I stood frozen, unsure if I'd imagined it all, until the windows creaked open with a groan.

I didn't wait to question it. Grabbing my bag, I darted to the nearest window. My legs burned, and every step felt like a fight, but I couldn't stop now. I wasn't safe, and I knew that now , I needed to be more careful, my every move was being watched .