The mysteries of the bag

{ Mia }

As I arrived in front of my home, I quickly went to the power switch, I immediately turned the power on an sprinted back into the house, tears streaming down my face .

As I entered, Scarlett said ." Hey , what's wrong Mia are you alright? You seem flustered."

I quickly shushed her with my finger on my lips and she scoffed.

" You dare shut me up !" She asked offended.

I shook my head and pointed at the bag,

My fingers trembled as I unzipped the bag. The weight of it alone was a warning, but I wasn't ready for what I found.

First, a gleaming knife, its blade so sharp it seemed to shimmer in the dim light. Then a gun small, compact, and cold to the touch. I felt bile rise in my throat as I reached further, pulling out more weapons: tranquilizers, daggers, even a throwing axe. Each item screamed one thing: danger.

My eyes widened in shock and my hands started trembling with fear, my heart beat quickened and I started sweating profusely.

I felt the color drain from my face, ' what did that man want from me ?'

' who sent him ?' ' did he want to kill me ?'

I searched for anything useful in his backpack that could identify the man .(Id, passport,phone,drivers license, wallet ) Bit nothing!

I was helpless.

Since I made sure there was no tracker or voice recorder in the bag I heaved a sigh of relief.

" Alright, you can talk now " I told Scarlett calmly.

Scarlett's mechanical arm extended toward the pile of weapons. "Well, Mia," she said, her tone dry, "I see you've been shopping. Planning to start a medieval war, or is this just a hobby?"

I glared at her , " ha ha you're hilarious Scarlett."

" What happened?" She asked her tone dripping with curiosity.

" Well, you were going to show me something, when the power went out, and then .... " I hesitated ." A man came in, and I think he was sent to kill me ." I said it all in one breath.

She sighed. " Well Mia you really have a talent for finding trouble." She joked .

I knew she was trying to lighten the mood but it wasn't helping.

Then I shrugged, ". What were you going to show me ?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me .

Scarlett's mechanical arm hovered near my face. "Your heart rate is 130 bpm, Mia, and your cortisol levels are through the roof. I'm serious you're not in any state for this." She said concerned .

" I'll be fine ." I scoffed.

She muttered some words under her breath and dimmed the lights .

" Well, when you were out the neighboring house started immiting a strange signal ."

I felt my hands start to tremble, and beads of sweat started to form on my forehead , the neighboring house is empty, no one lived there .

Stuttering I asked." Did someone move in ?"

" No ."

" Check for any signs of life in that house ." I said my tone cold.

" There seems to be 4 people in there ."

My mind flashed to the house next door: its cracked windows and overgrown yard. I'd never seen a light on or heard a single sound from it. Now Scarlett was telling me there were four people inside.

I felt the color drain from my face .

" Was the house sold recently?" I asked terrified.

" Negative."

My stomach churned. Could they be working with the man who chased me? Was this all connected? I felt cornered, trapped in my own home. But fear was quickly replaced by something else determination. I needed to find out who they were.

"Scarlett," I said, my voice shaking but resolute, "I need you to keep monitoring that house. If they make any moves anything tell me."

"What are you planning?" she asked, her tone skeptical.

"I don't know yet," I admitted. "But I won't just sit here and wait for them to come for me."