Chapter 11:Shocking news

Aileen's Pov*

As soon as I got to Liam, he embraced me with a warm tight hug but then, he pulled me slowly from himself "Ewww, you reek of alcohol" he said as he used his hand to cover his nose slightly. 

"This is the worst part of your job. He'd better be paying you well Aileen" he added, flagging his hands around his nose to ease the smell of alcohol. 

"Yeah," I retorted, my eyes half closed with a weak smile on my lips. 

"Oh! Aileen, I forgot to tell you" Liam said as he rested his both hands on my shoulders, forgetting the smell of alcohol that hovered around me. His eyes were filled with sparkles of excitement. 

"A production company wants to buy our web manga" he added, it seems like the news cleared all the influence of alcohol from my system. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped "N...O", I said, not believing his words. 

"Yeah. They want to turn it into a TV series. So we're flying out to Sunnite on Friday night". 

"It's a lie!" I said with so many butterflies in my belly. "Oh my G..., oh my God, we are going to be like, filthy rich" I uttered, my voice filled with uncountable happiness as I hugged Liam again. "Yes yes yes yes yes" I said with small jumps. 

"Aileen, you need to freshen up and have some rest. You look stressed out" Liam said, as he opened the door for me. 

"Yeah, Mr. Liam. Am on it" I retorted with a smile as I hopped into the car. 

Liam started the car and drove me home. I couldn't do anything that night aside from taking my bath. I didn't even pick up my phone to check on any notification nor discuss with Stella about my day I just retired to bed and slept off. 

The next morning, when I arrived the office, I noticed an unusual behavior with May and Chris towards me. 

"Good morning", I went ahead to greet as usual with a smile. 

"Hey hey" May replied, pouting her mouth slightly as she sipped from the coffee cup in her hands. She shot me a disdainful stare then she got back on her screen. 

I saw it as nothing cause to me, some days are like this in the office. I wasn't interested in knowing the cause of her attitude so I shook my head slightly and paced foward but I didn't get to my seat. Chris blocked my way and spilled some hot coffee on my wrist on purpose but he made it look like a mistake. "Awwww, oh my God" I cried out. 

"Aileen, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Chris asked, his voice void of remorse as he rubbed the affected area gently. 

"Get your hands off me Chris" I said, forcefully pulling his hands away from mine. 

He smiled mischeviously, "stop pretending you slut" he barked at me. My heart skipped a bit at his words. 

"You know, i've warned you before Aileen. But you just have to sleep your way up for the P. A role so now I'm just letting everybody know how big of a slut you are" he added, folding his hands confidently. 

My eyes widened, "Chris, Chris i've told you not spread lies about me" I warned, pointing my index finger at him. "Why don't you get your head out of your ass and get over yourself okay!, like one of us has work to do" I added then I made an attempt to leave but his words made me froze. 

"Then let's check this out before you leave" he said as he brought out his phone from his pocket. "Today's headlines, Mr. Velmont secret date with Anthony Price's personal assistant", he read loudly with a confidential smirk on his lips. My eyes widened, his words sent cold chills down my spine. 

Not believing what he read, I rushed to my computer to check things my self and I realized that he wasn't lying at all, it was actually the day's headlines boldly written. My throat bobbed "who is behind all this rumors about me" I thought as my eyes darted slowly on my screen but Ma's voice revived me from my thoughts. "Looks like someone had fun at that business party last night" she said sacarstically as she scawled at me then she sipped some coffee again. 

"But, you know, this is really a bad P. R for the company. I think she should get kicked out as soon as possible" Chris stated as he took his cup of coffee and left the office. I returned to the screen, confusion was etched all over my face. "Who is behind this fake news? And what would Anthony be thinking?" I asked in my thoughts then Dean arrived, panic was evident in his eyes. 

"Aileen, what's going on?". 

"Is Mr. Price here today?" I asked, not wanting to answer Dean's question. 

"Yes, he's in his office" he retorted, I pushed him slightly from the way, "excuse me" I said and I didn't hesitate to find my way to Anthony's office. When I got to his office, I forgot my manners I swung the door open and walked in, Anthony just lifted his gaze and seeing that it was me, he returned his gaze back on the screen. "Seems like he's heard of the news and now he's angry at me", I thought, darting my eyes slowly, I exhaled sharply letting some stress out of me then I boldly took a few paces close to his large desk. I halted in front of the desk and swung my hands backwards, 

"um... Mr. Price, so sorry to interrupt but someone in the company has been spreading false rumors about my private life can I... ". 

"What you do outside world is none of my business. However, if it is a P. R crisis for the company then I'll have no choice but to terminate your contract", he said barely looking up from his screen, cutting me up without letting me finish, his voice cold and void of emotions. 

My heart stopped for a moment, cold chills run down my spine, "But.., but... Mr. Price, I.. I can explain", I stammered, but he cut me short again "Listen, it's your responsibility to handle situations like this especially with the insiders" he said, still hovering his eyes around his screen. Then he slightly rubbed his temples and fixed his eyes on me "Show me what my P. A can do. You have 2 hours" he added with narrowed eyes.