Chapter 4 The new owner

CT Cyber Security Company

As Hillary arrived at the company, he then approved the security man within his reach.

Without thinking twice the middle aged man, lashed out at him.

"Hey! Bastard! This is not a public property, Get your filthy self out from here, before you regret it. I won't lose my job because of you." His angry voice reprimanded Hillary just before he could utter a word.

Hillary understood the man was doing his job, but then again he was overly aggressive.

The way Hillary dressed contributed to how the security man addressed him. He arrived at a CT cyber security company looking like a homeless man.

Though He got some clothes while making orders a day before, it happened that all the clothes were all under size to him, he made a mistake of not checking the sizes before ordering them. So he had to make do of what he had. It would be better to wear worn out clothes than very tight clothes.

A roughly slack jean and a faded blue t-shirt was what he was putting on.

"I came to see the Director. Sir." With a respectful voice Hillary tried to explain to him what brought him.

"Are you kidding me? Do you think this is a psychiatric hospital, because you look like you need to be admitted. So tell me what's the Director's."

Hillary had forgotten to ask earlier the name of the Director. "I am sorry, I don't actually know his name but we are supposed to meet today, just let him know that Hillary Mayfair is here to see him."

Knowing how majestic and proud the CT cyber security manager was, and wouldn't stoop too low to entertain a person like Hillary the security man's face darkened, he argued and doubted Hillary's claims.

"There is no way, that the honourable Director would want to see a Destitute like you, it's impossible. Even one of the managers, whom I, as a security personnel can't even approach him let alone a pupper Like you. The Director is way beyond your reach, so I ask you again move away." With a straight face the security man replied and warned, while he disdainfully scrutinized Hillary from head to toe.

He continued, and this time, his voice ranged loud, his voice tone was as if he was speaking to someone with a disgusting communicable disease. "Move away and take your two left legs out from here. We have an important person coming to the company today, so he does not see you and thinks we aren't serious. We want to keep everything professional. Okay! So get going."

Hillary stood tall with an unwavering kind of confidence. If only the man knew Hillary was the so called 'important person' of whom the whole company was prepared to meet, he would dwindle. Even the highest profiled individual in the company trembles in fear at the thought of meeting Hillary.

As Hillary insisted, he wasn't going anywhere, until he meets the manger, another security personnel approached.

"Mr.Charles, today of all day you are raising your voice to someone. what's going on? Do you want to get yourself in trouble? Let me remind you in case you have forgotten, the new owner of the company will be here anytime soon. And mind you anything can happen, you might be sacked straight away."

Hillary turned his attention to the other security guards who came to his rescue.

'This other guy sounds nice, but it could be because of the new owner that was coming, that was why he is acting this nice, he might even be worse than the first.' Hillary thought.

Charles, the first security guard responded in defence. "Andrew, that is exactly why I am chasing this ill looking man away, so that the new president doesn't meet him here and accused us of entertaining nuisance and letting crazy people enter the company vicinity. We might be sacked for that as well, don't you think?"

With a dissatisfied look on his face, Andrew, turned his gaze towards Hillary, he gave him a welcoming smile. "Hey! sir my name is Andrew, what's yours?

"I am Hillary, and I came to see the Director."

"Do you have an appointment with him?" Andrew inquired. His question however made Charles burst out of laughter.

"Hahaha! Andrew! your professionalism is killing me, but I don't blame you, too much education that is bad. Why would you ask such a question? Aren't you seeing very well, do you think that the manger would have an appointment with a mad man? Merely looking at him, you should know that he is mentally ill."

Angry look appeared on Andrew's face following Charles scolding and degrading choice of words. Andrew wasted no time, he reprimanded his colleague. "You know you should not judge people by their looks, there is nothing wrong, giving them the benefit of doubt."

Andrew's actions, showed that he was not unnecessarily nice, it was his life style. He just worn Hillary's heart. Meanwhile all Andrew said fell on deaf ears, Charles rolled his eyes balls and scolded him.

"What do you know? I have been here for years, and i can assure you that I know his kind of person. But since you feel you know better, I rest my case. Should he bite you, you are on your own." Then he left them.

Andrew ignored him and continued with Hillary, he smiled and apologised in his colleagues behalf. "Sorry for that sir." Hillary nodded in accepted to his apologies.

Andrew was indeed one of his kind, he believes that treating people with respect no matter their backgrounds comes with a great reward. Among others is 'Happiness.' he was indeed happy interacting with Hillary. His question kept pressing further.

"What's the director's name? So I can be sure you are at the right place." Andrew asked respectfully.

"I do not really know, I forgot to ask, but please pass this message to him, I know you won't let me a pass, for protocol sake. Let him know that Hillary Mayfair is here."

Alright, hang around I will be back. Andrew then left.


"Hillary who?" The Director inquired.

Hillary Mayfair, sir.

On hearing the name, unimaginable fear gripped him, he seemed to have lost his mind. He never thought, Hillary would be so early, it was 9:30 in the morning and he was expecting him to come by 12 pm upwards.

"Let him immediately." His voice trembles in the process. While Andrew was on his way to lead Hillary in, the Director used that opportunity to alert board members and other workers to be in their best behaviour, following the arrival of the new owner of the company.

Hillary's purchase of the company was as easy as ABC. It was a shock to the Director, because Just very few were interested in getting the company, and they were all bidding very low amounts.

That was because in the past 2 years the company suffered a great loss and was struggling to stabilise it but all to no avail. So he decided to sell it and move on. As the bidders were giving a low amount, he concluded that he will sell it in part if there was no one willing to pay the exact amount he wanted.

Hillary knew way long that the company was facing financial issues. But his love for that CT cyber security company made him want to work there, so he can utilise his ability to stabilise the problem though not financially, but with his intelligent skills.

He even jotted and drafted down solution to revive the company, if he were to be given the opportunity to do so. He constantly wished he had the opportunity. So as soon as the opportunity came, he grabbed it with his two hands without looking back.

When Hillary got to the reception, everyone, in there was indignant as to how the security man could let a man, who looked tattered like a homeless person, into the almighty CT cyber security premises.

One of the receptionists disdainfully questioned the security guard that let Hillary in.

Jude a manager of one of the sectors in CT Cyber Security Company one among many other staff at the reception waiting to welcome the new president expressed his disappointment.

"Mr. Andrew you must be insane for letting this ill looking man in here when you know fully well that an important person was visiting, pray you don't get fired.

What he said was satisfying to others but one of the secretaries wanted to add to what he said but her words stuck in her throat when the Director voice sounded, "Who asked you to speak?"

"Sorry sir." she apologised immediately while slightly bowing to him.

The staff members didn't stop staring at Hillary disdainfully, while scrutinizing his appearance but as for Hillary, their awkward gaze meant nothing, he didn't't care. His Steppes were magnetic and confident, giving the appearance of a great king.

Marlon and the other board members were some steps away from Hillary, they were confused because they didn't see any outstanding personality in there. But Marlon's instinct told him Hillary was the new owner, while the others doubted.

They were looking forward to seeing, a prominent man probably wearing, designer clothes and shoes. But Their efforts to spot a well dressed man didn't pay off.

Marlon followed his instinct and walked to Hillary, he stretched his hand for a handshake and Hillary receprocated.

"You are highly welcome, Mr Mayfair."

"Thank you for having me."

While the formalities were going on, everyone in there was questioning the director's serenity, how and why does he think that someone like Hillary is the President?

One of the board member, interrupted "Mr director I think you are mistaken, this can't be the new president, this Man might have been some of the madman that ran out of psychiatric hospital, be careful not to get too close he might attack you. His suggestion was cold and mean at the same time.

"Fire him immediately!" Hillary instructed. Jack burst out of laughter, and some others followed suit. "Mr director, you see what I told you, how can you fire someone who wants to buy forty percent of the shares. He is in sean Push him out. He did the pushing himself.

Hillary's anger flear up, he lunched a thundering slap on him and ask the security to throw him out instead. The security men hesitate, in other to get the last command from Marlon. He is the only boss they know at the moment.

Marlon singled them and immediately Jack was thrown out.

His actions cause trembling to the other board members, Jack had upper hands more that all of them, if he could be thrown out like a no body the they are not save. So they started humbling themselves trying to please Hillary but it was too late.

"Please remind me of your name.?" He inquired from the director.

"I am Marlon Armstrong, sir."

"Alright Mr. Armstrong, I have a request to make."

"Sure, go ahead as far as I have the power to grant it.

"I need all the board members out, I will run the company without them."

"Your request is granted, but don't you think that their services are needed?

"I thought so too but don't you worry about that, I will do something about it.

Marlon then turned to the board members who were already on their knees begging. Their actions showed that they have been benefiting greatly from Company. If not why will prominent and wealthy personalities stup so low on bending knee to beg to be retained? They might even be the reason the company was operating on deficit.

All their pleas went on deaf ears. "Take me around the company." Hillary requested.

"Sure, shall we?" he took the lead then Hillary followed behind.

As the were moving around, Marlon engaged Hillary in conversation, expressing his disbelief.

"I am honoured to meet you in person sir". Although it's a shock to me, that you are a young person, I was expecting an average and your voice did the most."

Hillary laughed, he was blessed with a glorious deep but smooth voice, so no one would have thought the voice belongs to a young adult. One of the reasons Edna accepted to date him was because of his voice, she always describes it as a melodious voice. He didn't have much facial hair just a few strands here and there.

After the official handover was done, Hillary left, but before he did he had all the people who looked down on him fired not even one person was spared despite their pleas.

Mr. Charles the security man learnt the hard way, and as for Andrew the kind security guard he was promoted after presenting his certificate's to Hillary, he made him the acting manager for the moment. If he is deserving the position would be his permanently.