I stepped away from the gym for a second, giving Alyssa some flimsy excuse about catching fresh air. I was sure that she didn't believe me, but she trusted me enough to not care.
I walked a good ways away from the building, and, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a very slight peek of black hair from behind a nearby building's walls.
'I'm surprised they actually followed me out here. Thought they wouldn't care about watching anyone other than Alyssa.'
"You actually followed me out here, huh. I'm surprised."
Reacting to my voice, the hair quickly disappeared, but it was naturally too late to hide.
"Come on out. I know that you're there already."
There were a few moments of silence...and then, answering my call-out, the familiar figure of Jay appeared from behind the wall, in their original priestly robes.
"So you were able to sense me...I guess I was right to not carelessly approach."
Jay murmured, their body looking tense and face cautious while they approached.
Well, rather than 'sensing' them, it was more like, because of the way my mind now worked, it was easy to notice every little detail in the environment.
Now that I knew to look for signs of Jay following us, they were easy to spot.
'... I'm not going to correct the misunderstanding, though.'
I nodded, my hands kept in my suit pocket.
"That's right. It's pretty hard not to when you were watching us for so long."
"...! I-I...my hiding should've been as perfect as could be! You really are just as fearsome as I expected."
I had to resist the urge to laugh at Jay's huge overestimation of my skills.
'No, I just have a cheat ability that comes with a cheat side-effect, is all.'
"So? Feel like explaining why you were following us?"
"Well..." Jay sighed, still looking hesitant...before diving into an explanation.
It was a lot different from what I was expecting. With Alyssa's symptoms mostly controlled by her early and constant access to cigarettes, the 'idea of God' wasn't such a big deal.
While Jay still mentioned their ability to create the special cigarettes from Materials, they mainly focused on their admiration and respect for the Saintess.
Rather than being a saviour of her life, Jay joined our group more as a fan of the Saintess. And Alyssa's reaction was...
"Well, that's fucking creepy. You've been following us silently this whole time?" Alyssa muttered, her eyes full of disapproval as she considered Jay's appearance.
Specifically, her gaze hardened whenever she looked at their eyes or their robes.
"P-please, Saintess! Don't throw me away! I simply wish to be as large of an assistance to you as I possibly can."
Jay's begging was sincere and earnest. They were face-down, deep into a dogeza pose. It was a little jarring, seeing their delicate form pressed into the ground like that.
"I dunno, Alyssa. Just give Jay a chance. I really doubt they'd do anything against you."
I'd seen it for myself, after all. Jay was concerned about her, even to the very end of their life.
Alyssa's gaze lightened when she heard me. Apparently, my words were enough to remove a good bit of her suspicions.
"...fine. But only because you vouched. So they're your responsibility, get it? I'm blaming you if they try stabbing me in my sleep or something."
She gave a dismissive wave, and Jay raised their head, face filled with a complex blend of sadness and surprise.
"N-no, my lady, I would never-!"
"I got it, I got it. If you really want to make me feel better, bring me some cigs!"
"Of course!"
Happy to be put to use by Alyssa, Jay rushed off without any complaints, leaving only me and Alyssa behind.
"...this guy better not turn out to be more of a weirdo than I think."
She muttered, narrowing her eyes at me.
"In fact, in exchange for me accepting them, you owe me 10 more rounds in the ring. Get ready now."
"You're more cruel than some Abnormalities when it comes to battle..."
"Oh, shut it! You're acting like you don't fight like a maniac, too! And I see the exercise you do, too...you already like torturing yourself, I'm just being a nice girl and helping you with your interests."
She retorted, with a falsely sweet smile.
'Urk...why can't I refute her? B-but, Viola's training routine just became second nature to me, what can I do about it?'
I sighed, preparing myself to fight. It definitely wasn't as dramatic and touching as the original first meeting the three of us had, but that was alright.
I preferred this calmer world, where Alyssa didn't need to be half-dead just for Jay to show up.
I just hoped that this calm wouldn't make us weak.
"So...is this really all you wanted me to show you, Mr. Manager?"
Jay's addressal of me had taken on a strangely respectful tone. Maybe this time, because I was the sole reason Alyssa hadn't tried to kick them out.
"That's right."
I was currently studying Jay's form with a close intensity. I allowed my gaze to swim along every curve, to drink in the view of their soft, pale skin...as they sat peacefully, eyes closed.
"You're staring quite closely...I don't think the Saintess will be pleased...but if it's my body you desire, then-"
"Ah, don't worry about it so much, Alyssa won't care. Probably. Maybe. And stop trying to seduce me, I'm trying to focus."
Maybe a bit sullen and being so easily seen through, Jay quieted down.
This is the second reason why I was so excited to get Jay again, besides just having one of the people I cared about back with me.
I hadn't been slacking on it, either. I had been able to complete a perfect mental image of my body now, once I entered a deep meditative state.
Reaching that advancement was how I subsequently became able to resist the effects of the 'Infectious Winter' so handily in my last life.
If I had to summarize it, I'd say that my current condition was something like:
Strength - Human Limits
Speed - Human Limits
Durability - Slightly above Human Limits
Mental Strength - Slightly above Human Limits
Regular training wouldn't get me much further. I needed some way to break past the limits imposed on me. Without any ability to develop, I wouldn't be able to find an alternative route to power.
I did technically have an ability, but it was useless in combat. Unless I decided to die over and over again until I found a way to win against every opponent, but I was not planning on doing that.
Most powerful ability users had someway to augment themselves physically. That was the reason they stood heads and tails above even Regular ability users.
The Saintess's Divine let her boost herself with energy derived from faith and prayers.
Nozomi and other persons with magic abilities could buff, boost, and enhance themselves with their magic energy.
Liliana was empowered by her immense control over nature and its energy.
I couldn't take any of these paths. I needed my master - Viola's inner energy.
And as I furthered my progress with meditation, I felt like I was getting closer to unlocking it.
So I observed Jay, who was much more experienced in meditation than me.
I needed to grasp everything as quickly as I could. And I needed the three of us to grow as much as we could.
I would not bet on a different regression. Right here, right now, in this life, we would defeat Polaris and free the North.
"...well, if not myself, then, perhaps I could offer you some of my knowledge, Mr. Manager?"
Jay actually said something interesting. I looked up into the black voids that were their eyes. I forgot how unsettling their gaze was.
"Knowledge? Like?"
"Well." Jay tapped a finger on their soft lips. "You seem to be desperate to gain something from meditation. I'm not sure what it is, but, if so, perhaps what you need to do is use a different method from what I practice."
Jay placed their hands on their chest.
"Such as... practicing specific methods of breathing."