Two lives are intertwined by an inexorable fate in a planet where ancient rivalries simmer under delicate alliances and secrets are buried behind millennia of shadows. Leek, the fearsome ruler of the V-clan, is a creature of both power and mystery. Even among his kind, he wears his immortality like armor, making every action with the intention of maintaining power. Despite his hard, authoritative attitude, he is tormented by glimpses of a lady he cannot identify.
The mystery woman's dreams become more vivid, more intense. He wakes up one night in a cold sweat, his chamber dark. A shadow hangs in the corner, then vanishes as he lights a candle. An owl perches outside his window, blazing eyes riveted on him. It drops a piece of parchment before dissipating into the night.
Leek’s blood runs cold. Who sent the note? Though the sender remains anonymous, Leek’s mind immediately goes to his rival, Kael, the ambitious heir of the Woo Lee clan. Kael has long sought to undermine him, and claiming the heiress would give him the leverage he needs to bring the V-clan to its knees.
poor Leek😔😔😔 Kael should have died from that touch
I like the fact that Kael got a taste of his medicine😅😅
I love this book please try to update daily.❤️