Will to live

Angelo looked towards the man who had attacked him staring at his mangled body.The man coughed as he opened his eyes.

Seeing angelo's face illuminated by a dimly lit candle in the run-down abandoned apartment complex.

"Who sent you, and why exactly? If you lie, I'll kill you immediately."said Angelo."Just kill me, end my suffering if I try to talk. I die, so just kill me. I can't live like this anymore."said the man.

"I will happily grant that wish your corpse provides far greater information."said Angelo."You don't understand the moment I stop breathing my body and soul turn to ash no matter what trick you have it's futile."said the man.

"Why do you wish to die?"asked Angelo.I've seen things done things and the people I did it for can't even look me in the eye.

They're better off without me, and their safety was promised they can finally leave this false paradise."replied the man.

"People like you disgust me after all that you've done. You want the easy way out."said


"How is this the easy way my soul won't see heaven or hell after the contract I made with the devil."said the man

"It doesn't matter what you think. Go ahead and do whatever you see fit to me. I'm the lowest form of trash. Never entering the afterlife is better than being a pawn for sacrifice."said the the man.

"Rio, this isn't part of the deal either fight and show me the extent of his power or they all die."said an enraged voice from inside ryo's head.

"Not part of the contract. You have to leave them be no one would break a binding curse, not even you."said Rio drunkenly.

"You finally grew some backbone on the reapers door. Oh well, you will fight and do as I say you worthless pawn."said the voice, turning sinister as red voudaju engulfed Ryo's.

The candle blew out the only remaining source of light, being ryo's crimson eyes filled with rage,hatred, and pain.

Angelo's bright purple eyes glowed for a brief moment as he vanished, appearing behind Ryo as a fist that surpassed sound itself landed on the ground.

The building was instantly split in half as the ceiling and ground started to cave in.Angelo then grabbed Ryo by the head slamming him through the crumbling floors.

The building fully crumbled to pieces as angelo tossed Ryo out from underneath the


The moonlight fully illuminated ryo's body, showing his now shirtless body his crimson red sken that made him resemble the devil himself.

He had large fang's crimson blood red eyes, and the rage in his eyes was gone. His face was completely calm as voudaju leaked from him like a river.

"So their using you as a test subject to see if they can artificially recreate the state of nirvana how idiotic."said Angelo.

A fist then appeared in front of his face like a rocket, but angelo twisted his body to the side and kicked Ryo on the side of the head, laughing him through over a dozen old buildings.

Angelo sighed as not even a second later, a giant ball of energy shot towards revealing ryo holding an axe made of voudaju.

Ryo swung the axe, cleaving a giant thirty meter gourge that swallowed every building in the area.

Ryo then appeared behind angelo about to cleave his body in half from the waist down.Angelo back flipped over, grabbing his red bald head and smashing it into the ground, forming dozens of spider web like cracks on the ground.

"It's not his own voudaju powering his body, so if you don't end it quickly, he'll die."said Elliot."You make it seem like if I'd keep him alive."said Angelo.

"His body is trashed his voudaju core is nonexistent his soul will be destroyed aswell and I don't see anything in him worth making the sacrifice to save him."said Angelo.

"You haven't even tried to see any qualities in him. Please abandon your personal bias and give him a fair trial."said iodine.

Angelo sighed as he looked through his jacket onto the ground as a small purple wave of energy covered his body as his eyes started to glow.

Red blades of energy then flew from the ground as angelo created a white blitzing threw the air destroying every blade of energy that came towards him him.

Angelo sent a kick towards ryo's face as a spike flew from ryo's neck cleaving off angelo's leg.

Ryo then grabbed Angelo, punching him in the stomach as he coughed out blood.But the blood turned to purple light as angelo's body burst into tiny purple light.

That rapped around ryo's body, forming a rope as the real Angelo appeared behind Ryo and slamming his head into the ground.

But before angelo could pin Ryo down a surge of red flames, he engulfed everything in a hundred meter radius, burning every building and organism to ash.

Angelo kept his arms rapped around ryo's neck, pinning this ten foot tall Behemoth down with zero effort.

"Hey, ryo you in their?"asked angelo."Why am I doing this? Killing him would be so easy."said Angelo as his arms tightened around ryo's neck.

The light sound of bone cracking overshadowed by the raging flames.Just then, angelo's grip losened as ryo managed to break free.

Angelo looked down towards his hands, ignoring ryo as for a brief moment. Small dark hands stained with blood flashed before his eyes.

"It's a loss cause grandma these hands only know murder."said Angelo to himself."Angelo, are you okay?"asked Elliot.

"No, I'm not, but I still don't know what's wrong. Snapping his neck came so naturally, not like it would have mattered he is a bad person, and his death affects no one."said Angelo.

"You're lying to yourself again."said iodine.