path to hell

Ryo's p.o.v

My eyes struggled to open as my ringing ear picked up voices.I stopped myself from opening my eyes patiently listening to the argument.

"I thought I told you to be nice."said I male voice I knew belong to angelo."He shubbed past me. I was nothing but nice disrespect in this castle will not be tolerated."said another voice I assumed to be the knight.

"He doesn't know the rules, and a simple push sets you off."i heard angelo shout."If the others saw an inch of weakness, I'd never hear the end of it. Besides, if he had tried, that would ulthos he'd be past tense."

"I didn't get ulthos to do it. I got you!"shouted Angelo."I know it was an instinctive reaction."said the knight.

"At least you didn't cut his head off."said Angelo as he slumped down in what i assumed to be a


"He's gonna experience it. At some point, his human body is too fragile compared to ours, and he's like fifty do it'seven worse."

"I'm forty-six!"I shouted impulsively, blowing my cover.I wasn't far off, but at least you stopped pretending to sleep."said the knight as suprise covered my face.

"You knew I was listening in."I said in suprise."You're breathing, and heart rate changed. Instead of calling you out, i just said something someone your age is insecure about."My face filled with embarrassment as I slumped back in the chair.

"At least they didn't mention my hair."I said, rubbing my bald scalp."I would have said something about your hair, but I thought it would be too easy."

My face filled with rage as I wanted you to go over and strangle him.I calmed down as I looked over towards the boy sitting across from me.

"This knight can't be the same who I just met."I said suspiciously."I told you my name is iodine."said the knight as I ignored him.

"He's what I call contradictory he's the most mature yet the fourth most childish."replied Angelo.

"Where am I."I asked almost angrily."You're inside my relic, the tricksters codex."replied the boy."What did you do to me and what's up with those sisters."

"I made you into a cardigan, but unlike the others, you are a human who I fused with a card, meaning you are not completely artificial and as for those girls it has nothing to do with you for now."replied Angelo.

"She tried to kill me. I have a right to know!"I shouted, almost flipping the table."You are immortal under no possible circumstance. Can you permanently die."he said as if it was an answer.

I wanted to lunge at me, but he could kill me in a second."Why did you let me live?"I asked, trying and failing to mask my anger.

"Simple, you have no will to live, and I'm conducting a selfish experiment. I won't deny it's selfish, and you can hate me, but I won't keep you here if you want to leave you can go it doesn't really matter."replied the boy.

I clenched my fist, my anger boiling him blatantly, saying he didn't care about me after toying with me.

"Also, I need your bank details to transfer the money."My anger disappeared almost instantly as I heard those words replaced with confusion.

"Money, but haven't done anything."I said confusedly."Oh, didn't I mention you get paid for every hour you're alive."said the boy.

"Wait, what? I get paid for being alive!"I said in confusion."No, not really. If you somehow die, the money will continue to be paid forever."

Hearing those words and remembering the blood contract suddenly a contract with the devil didn't seem so bad.

"Wait, what's the catch?"I asked suspiciously."It's already been made. I'm just paying you for accepting the deal with your conditions."replied Angelo.

"Tell me what you did to me?"I asked my anreappearing, but it was only used to make my


"Don't worry, you won't lose control. You won't attack anyone. You've been granted free power, use it for good or use good, or don't use it as long you don't harm the innocent.

Be warned from now on, all my enemies are your enemies, and the moment they sense my power on you, I can't guarantee people around you will be safe.

The only way to advance is for me to teach you it sounds too good to be true because it is." he said as he smiled.

"Whatever you are carrying in your closet, it can't be worse than mine and no matter what I do. I have a feeling I'll just end up here.

So, kid, this old man is asking you to teach him so he can stand proudly in front of my children."