An Unexpected Reaction

The neon sign outside the motel buzzed like a dying insect, its flickering pink glow casting uneven shadows across the cracked asphalt. The place looked like it hadn't seen a paying customer since the '80 with its peeling paint, sagging gutters, and faint mildew smell that hit Marina the second she opened the car door. She pulled her damp jacket tighter around her, the rain having soaked through to her skin, and followed Selina into the lobby.

Selina moved like a shadow, her eyes, appearing more purple than blue, seemed to glow as they scanned every corner of the dimly lit room. The flickering fluorescent light above the desk made her pale skin look almost ghostly, her blue-black braid hung heavily with rainwater, dripping small streams down her back. Marina couldn't help but notice how Selina continued to radiate a faint sense of warmth and safety.

Kurt sauntered up to the front desk like he owned the place, his ragged baseball cap tilted just so, water dripping from the brim. "Two rooms," he said, flashing the clerk a grin that was equal parts charm and menace. The guy behind the counter, a wiry man with a cigarette dangling from his lips, barely looked up, grunted and slid a key across the counter.

"And the other key? I asked for two rooms," Kurt asked, confused.

"We've got one room with two beds. The others are taken." The wiry man grumbled out curtly.

Kurt stared at the key, "but..". He began and was interrupted.

"One room or no room. Your choice." The man barked as he reached across the counter to take the key back.

"We'll take it." Kurt sighed, digging a crumpled wad of damp bills out of his pocket before dumping them on the counter and grabbing the key. "Room 18. I hope the shower's fuckin' hot," he muttered, as he turned back to the group.

Marina rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the small smile that tugged at her lips. Kurt's kinda cute when he's frustrated, she thought as they walked to the room.

The motel room was a dump, but it was dry, and right now, that was enough. She sank into one of the rickety chairs in the corner, her damp clothes sticking uncomfortably to her skin. Liam leaned against the wall, his massive frame making the room feel even smaller, his dark purplish blue eyes watchful but calm.

No one spoke as they waited for their turn to shower. The only sound was the faint hum of the neon sign outside and the occasional drip of water from their clothes onto the cracked linoleum floor.

Marina's fingers drummed nervously against the armrest of the chair, her mind racing. She didn't know these people—not really. But she knew enough. The Lunaria bloodline wasn't something you just stumbled across. It was power. It was danger. And right now, it was sitting in this room with her.

Marina mulled over how much she should tell them. Should she admit she figured out who they were? What her father has done and will do. Would they listen? Would they leave her behind?

Marina heard the final shower shut off and took a deep breath, turning to face the so-called Moonglow twins.

"So," she started, her voice soft but steady, cutting through the silence like a knife. "I know who you are…," Marina trailed off, breathlessly waiting for their reaction.

Selina's head snapped toward her, her indigo eyes narrowing. Liam straightened, his expression unreadable, just as Kurt stepped out of the washroom, drying his wet but now clean hair with a towel. He froze, noticing the tension in the room.

Marina swallowed, her amber eyes flickering between them. "Lunaria. Your last name is Lunaria, not Moonglow. I've heard the stories. The prophecies. The Moon Goddess. The bloodline."

Selina didn't answer, but the tension in the room thickened, the air heavy with unspoken words. Marina took a deep breath, her fingers curling into the fabric of the chair. She took another deep breath, closed her eyes and continued.

"And I'm sure you're the ones the prophecy speaks of you, both of you." Marina paused, waiting for a reaction from one or both of them. She looked in Kurt's direction, hesitantly lifted her arm towards him, inviting him over for support.

Kurt's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He quickly jogged over to her and held her hand as he sat on the arm of the chair, wrapping his other arm around her.

"What do you know??" Liam asked, his voice calm but with an edge that made Marina's stomach twist.

"More than you think. My father—he's been obsessed with your family for centuries. He's been… um planning something. Something impossible, or so I thought."

The room went deathly quiet. Even the neon sign outside seemed to hold its breath. Marina's heart pounded in her chest, her amber eyes flickering with a mix of fear and curiosity. She leaned into Kurt for comfort.

She'd spent her whole life hiding, but now, for the first time, she felt like she might finally be on the right side of something. Even if it terrified her.

The flicker from the sign outside cast a sickly pink glow across the room, making the peeling wallpaper look like it was bleeding. Marina's voice wavered as she spoke, her words hanging in the air like a storm cloud waiting to burst.

Kurt leaned back on the arm of the chair, readjusting his position. His arms never left her. She was grateful for the support.

"Finally, someone who can tell us about the prophecy." Selina broke the silence, her tone bright and optimistic—not at all something Marina was expecting.

Stunned, Marina looked from Selina to Liam, then back at Selina again, wondering how it was possible that they didn't know anything about the prophecy. Noticing Marina's silence, Kurt leaned in close to her before speaking.

She could feel his warm breath caressing her neck as he spoke in a hushed tone, "See, I was right. Fate. It was fate that brought us to you. We know nothing and need something or someone to help us."

She felt his lips brush softly against her ear as he finished. The resulting tingles danced over her body. She paused, hoping for more as a blush crept up her cheeks.

Marina heard Liam clear his throat from across the room. Her blush deepened as her desire morphed into embarrassment. "Umm where should I start? What do you need to know?".

Liam and Selina looked at one another and spoke the same thing at the same time, "Why? Why us?"