The muscle in Kurt's jaw twitched as he bit back the foul names he wanted to call Marina's father. Instead, he reached over and pulled her into his lap, hugging her tightly as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Hey," he murmured, his voice was low and soothing. Kurt brushed his lips against her damp cheek, igniting a cascade of tingles where their skin met. Marina's lower back arched slightly into the touch.
As Marina's skin continued to tingled where their bodies touched, her tears ceased as she became aware of Kurt's arm around her back and his bare chest pressed against her. She could feel the warmth radiating from his body, seeping into hers. Marina's self doubt and pity vanished as she focused on the physical connection between them.
"Tell me her name," Kurt asked, almost in a whisper, as if speaking too loudly might release another torrent of tears.
Marina sniffled, the corners of her mouth twitching upward for the first time in what felt like ages. "Wyldfyre," she breathed out, looking up into Kurt's eyes.
"Wyldfyre," he repeated, rolling the name on his tongue as if tasting its power. It suited her—the fiery spirit that he's caught glimpses of.
In the front seat, Selina's thoughtful eyes flickered to the rearview mirror, locking with Kurt's gaze as he turned his head towards her. There was an unsaid question there.
Selina then shifted around, and watched briefly as Marina clung to Kurt. She sensed the turmoil churning inside Marina—the loss, regret, guilt—all tied up with her chained wolf.
"Marina," Selina began, her voice hopeful, "We can help you learn to embrace Wyldfyre's ability. You deserve to be whole."
Marina's breath hitched, her eyes widened with a mixture of hope and fear. A part of her yearned to break Wyldfyre free. To no longer live in fear of everything, herself included. She wasn't sure if she was ready to trust herself not to burn everything to ash.
"Contain, not constrain," Selina clarified, seeing the wariness flash across Marina's face. "You don't have to be afraid of your own power. You and Wyldfyre are two parts of a whole. You will never be complete without her."
Kurt nodded his thanks to Selina, his grip on Marina tightened ever so slightly. "We've got your back, Marina," he said, his tone carrying the assurance of a man who'd walk through hell for someone he cared about—even if that someone was just learning to how to trust in herself.
Marina's voice was a whisper in the backseat, yet it cut effortlessly through the silence.
"Selina, I'm scared," Marina admitted, openly revealing her vulnerability. "I want to be whole, to embrace and welcome Wyldfyre... but the thought of what she could do, the destruction and death—"
Marina's words hung in the air, as she thought back her first shift.
"Hey," Selina turned slightly, her gaze piercing as she reached over the back of the seat and reassuringly gripped Marina's shoulder. "You're NOT alone in this. You have the three of us to help you. I am certain there's no disaster lurking in Wyldfyre's future, trust me."
"Yeah, Lina is pretty on-point with these things," Liam chimed in, his deep voice a reassuring rumble. "If she says there's no danger, you can believe it."
Kurt's lips brushed against the shell of Marina's ear, a gesture more intimate than the bare skin already shared between them. "You're one of us now, Marina. And we will be with you each and every step."
Marina's breath shuddered out, a fragile exhale that spoke volumes. She looked at each of them in turn. They were offering her something she never truly had, a family. Kurt was right, Marina thought to herself. It had to have been fate that led them to her. And she was grateful.
Kurt's arms remained tightly wrapped around Marina. She nestled closer, trying to lose herself in his warmth and electric tingles as she imagined what it be like to be whole. To ber herself, her true self.
"Marina," Kurt murmured, his voice low and steady, "I'm here for you, all right? I want this bond more than anything. It's not just about what I want. It's about what's right for both of us. We'll take it at your pace, no rush. I'm not going anywhere."
Marina looked up at him as warmth and hope once again burned in her chest. What had she done that was made he so deserving of Kurt and her new friends. He was perfect. A small smile tugged at her lips as gratitude and a growing affection swirled within her.
"Though," he added with a mischievous glint, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "I've got to admit, you squirming in my lap is not helping me keep things... civil down there. I am just wearing a towel."
A hot flush crept up Marina's neck, spreading to her cheeks as she realized the implication of his words. The raw honesty in his tone made her heart flutter—an unexpected thrill. With a quick, embarrassed laugh, she reached behind her, fumbling for one of the duffle bags piled in behind the seat.
"Sorry, let me get you something less—um, distracting," she stammered, her fingers feeling around for a jeans.
"Take your time, love," Kurt teased, his laughter rich and unguarded as he watched her butt stick out while she dug around in the bags. "I'm enjoying the view."
Marina rolled her eyes, suppressing a smile she caught a glimpse of his bulge as she tossed the jeans into his lap. His appreciation for her was clear, yet it wasn't just lust nor was it the growing mate bind—it was deeper.
"Thanks," he said, his tone warm and filled with an affection that went beyond the physical. "But seriously, whenever you're ready, I'm here. All in, Marina. Whenever you need me."
Marina nodded as she turned her head, allowing Kurt some privacy to put some pants on. Within a few minutes, they were back on the road with Liam driving. The three of them took turns regaling Marina with the details of their first fight.
Marina listened intently, taking in every detail. "Okay, we start training tomorrow," She suddenly announced.