Dynamic Reality

The eyes of the "Ultimate Housewife" would widen at the sight of the result she got from the system, and the voice of the system echoing it. She would rub her eyes and then look back at it again just to make sure that what she saw was true. Was her class really the Ultimate Housewife? And as she could see that was correct, but when she thought about it that actually didn't seem so bad. There was somewhat of a smile on her face, and a thoughtful look on her eyes. The girl would not let something that seemed to be so unruly and outlandish deter her.

"If I may ask, how did you determine such a class?"

The system would give a prompt response as it would echo out a simple answer towards June. "We take the most prominent trait of our wielders and give them a specialized class of this trait. And you have been denoted as one that matches the "Housewife" class, but not just that all the way to the ultimate level denoted as one of the highest honors of your craft. Honestly Ms June, you should be proud to achieve such a thing. This suggests that your conviction and dedication to your craft is beyond any else."

June would look at the glowing screen in front of her glad to have gotten her answer, but now that the rush of entering this new world is over, it makes her remember her exact predicament. She was taken from her family and now her kids have been left all alone within the house, she can only hope that George makes it home before they get hungry or something else might happen to them which she fears too much to even think about. A slight sign of dismay would show on her face as she thought of herself being parted from her family, but at the same time.. She would grip her hands tightly with resolve. This would only be a drive for her to keep going in this new world, separated from her family only in body, but not mind or spirit. She would try and think of something to drift her mind away from her horrid thoughts. Hmm what kind of class would they have if they were here. George would probably be the Ultimate Worker, and uh-.

At that moment the doors to the medical bay would suddenly swing open as a group of doctors covered in what looked like white hazmat suits which made it particularly hard to discern their figures or anything about them at all would slowly approach them, but one of them had a different color being that of black, probably some sort of leadership position June would think. The one coated in the mysterious black suit would pull out some sort of scanning device as he dragged it over her body while she lay there oddly. June would hear a ding from the scanner after it finished, she hoped this meant something good as she gave a slight gulp.

"Am I alright doc?" June would ask with a slight bit of concern within her voice as she looked at the one in black. The one in black would give a slight nod as he took off the helmet of the suit and the subordinates behind him followed. Behind him seemed to be two rather young nurses with bright blue eyes and blonde hair tied up into a bun like a lunch lady, strangely they seemed like very identical twins. Then onto the doctor before her, he seemed to be of average shape, not too skinny or muscular, but clearly healthy. His face seemed quite handsome, almost as if he was some sort of model that decided to become a doctor. Short black faded hair and ebony dark skin. The man would clear his throat and would speak out in an utmost silky smooth voice that could put anyone at ease, seemingly perfect for a doctor..

"Ladies, she's alright, please go help our other patients please. I must help her settle in"

The two would have given adequate nods as they would obediently listen to the head doctor giving June a little smile before leaving to help other people around. The hospital, the doctor then grabbed a seat from the desk that was near the side of her bed and rolled it over in front of June taking a seat. The man snapped his fingers as it seemed to make the previously dim machines around June light up with energy and turn on, showing the usual things like a heart beat monitor to check her vitals. The doctor having a final confirmation that she was alright would begin to scribble down on a notebook.

"Uhm, sir so you said you'll help me settle in? Well I'd like to know what it was that you just did to me. And also about this place and what's going on because… I kinda just fell from the sky yesterday, wait how much time has passed."

The doctor would seem to give a small reserved laugh, like how one a stereotypical refined rich person would do so. Although with less of an obnoxious pride lingering within their tone.

"Worry not madam, you have not been quite out for so long, it has only been about a day since you fell from the sky as reports and well you say. About that scanner, I was just making sure you did not have some sort of virus or infection since you landed in the middle of our little skirmish out there. I am glad you seem quite calm, but now I shall answer your last question."

June would raise her hand before he could press on as if he was a student in school. He stopped his talking and looked at her raised hand seemingly waitting for her to press on due to the sudden question it seemed she had.

"Well mister uhm.."

"I am Dr. Bale."

"Mister bale, what sort of infection do you mean? Do those monsters carry some sort of foreign disease or something."

Bale would lean back in his chair for a moment, it seemed the topic was a grating one, those creatures really must be something then June would think.

"To put it short, the monsters we were fighting were the ones inflicted with disease, a very dangerous disease that can easily be spread and infect others. This disease comes from the.. Infectors. They infect other life forms and they fall under their will coming to their side. We try to suppress them as they infect more and more, fearing what may come if they keep going. Those creatures you saw were merely unwilling subordinates of the infectors."

June would have sat there seeming a bit shocked and unnerved hearing about a kind of creature like that, they could easily become unstoppable. She could only hope they'd fend them off, or maybe she could.. Help? Well she probably got something at least decent from this system she would hope.

"I got it now Doctor, can you please continue what you were saying before, a little speed up about this new world would be helpful." Dr Bale would give a nod once more as he continued speaking.

"As I was going to say Ms June, what's going on is that we hail from a major land known as Evergreen. Some of our scouts spotted those scoundrels enclosing onto our lands, so we have a strike team out here to take them on before they can cause any major damage in the inner lands. These outer lands we are in currently are mostly just forest or country land so there's not many people actually out here. And as you see we have small encampments for the people of this skirmish like this, but if you want to know more I feel it's best to tell you after this is over alright?"

June would give a quick response. "Well I suppose that should be true. Thank you for informing me of the situation, doctor, is there any way that I can help?" As she was speaking Bale would be taking off the medical devices attached to her and helping her out of her bed.

"Since you have been awake for some time it seems, I assume you already have a system correct?"

"Yes, yes I do what about it Dr. Bale?"

"May you display it to me, just ask the system to display itself."

"System display" June would say in a curious tone, and once she spoke those words, nothing changed for her as she could always see it, but now it had simply become visible to Bale who gave it a look over. He would be shocked himself when seeing the class she had gotten.

"Ultimate Housewife, now that is certainly a unique class, but the fact that it is ultimate is astounding. Though it seems you have some innate skills you haven't checked out."

Bale seemed to be holding in his various other words that he might have wanted to say upon seeing her class, and simply decided to keep up his professional attitude and not let something silly like this come to break it apart. The man glanced over towards the girl who he could tell wanted him to tell more.

"Every class comes with a few innate skills that are already unlocked, and there are more skills that can be unlocked from general trees, and class specific trees. Now I'll check your innate skills for you." He would tap about on some tabs of the system before stopping on the innate skills looking over each one and pointing to the one he was speaking about. "Let's see, your passive skills are germaphobe, and Operation Mother.. Huh what a strange name. Germaphobe at level 1 gives you some slight resistance to status effects and all bacteria and disease. And Operation Mother is oddly already maxed out, it says here it allows you to perform any task of a mother to the utmost highest degree stemming from traditional views to your own. And your first unlocked active skill is called "Maidens Arsenal". It seems for now at your level allows you to summon things from the kitchen and control them."

June would silently note the details within her mind as she pulled her system back towards her and closed it.

"So Doctor, you think I could be of any use with the battle outside with any of that. I really don't just want to sit around."

Bale would shake his head sternly. "Ms June, although I know you want to lend a hand, you are far too green to handle a battle on this scale." Seeing the slightly disappointed face of June as it seems she wanted to help out somehow, especially out there. "I'll tell you what, go talk to my assistants that I sent away and help them out around the hospital. When we get back to the city I'm sure you'll learn some stuff so that you may aid in another battle."

June was about to say something in retort as she did want to help on the battlefield, but she held herself back knowing that she could do plenty good inside of here as well. She would nod her head quietly as she got up and waved off to the doctor as Bale waved back and started to get the room ready or someone else. June went over to the other twin looking girls, finding them somewhere in the facility within a patient's room that had the blinds and curtains up making it unseeable from the outside. When she walked into the room, the way she found them was not one that she expected nor desired in any way. They were both on the ground with small injuries on their hazmat seeming suits, luckily no full punctures. Looking up from their bodies she would see what was responsible for this, a creature that had broken through the wall with such force and taken them down in the process.

When the eyes of June locked onto the monster, her gaze was diminished of that calm and kind motherly gaze that was naturally there, it seemed it was replaced with a face of concentrated rage, even if she had not known them at all, they did not deserve this as far as she knew. They were one of the people that took her here and helped her from her fall, she could not simply let this idly pass, and now instinct would take over mostly denoted as that of a motherly instinct. "The Lock on the mothers instinct skill temporarily wanes." a digital voice echoed throughout the room likely coming from her own system. She would reach to the counter and put on the hazmat helmet that there was a spare of. "Mothers instinct can be denoted as a strange natural phenomenon, when a mother may act without any real thought or even emotion at times, and simply an intrinsic will. A will to protect and do what's best for those around, especially for their own family and children. In times like this is usually when adrenaline may rise high and they act without fear, without thought of consequence or anything at all. Just a primal Id, one that aims to destroy whatever the obstacle is.

Her hand would have extended to the side as a kitchen mallet appeared within the hands of the mother and she pointed it at the creature to come towards her. The creature seemed a bit tall, standing at about 6'5, somewhat taller than herself standing at 6 feet tall, which was certainly a lot for a woman yet even with the small difference between her and it, somehow that 5 inches felt like a lot more. With her now aggravating the creature towards herself, denoted with odd features looking to be somewhat humanoid but with sickly green skin and black spikes protruding from its body and its jaw extended far beyond normal. It charged right towards her. And she would let her instincts take over with little actual fighting experience, but she had pickled up plenty of things in her infinite downtime. The woman would wait for the creature to come towards her in its charge, when it was about to charge at her with its speed that was at least thrice that of the fastest human, its hands about to touch her body and she was gone. She had disappeared into thin air having jumped over the sickly creature not wanting a speck of its germs touching her! She spun around midair and then swung the mallet into the back of the head of the creature with all of her might. This proved to send the creature down to the ground tripping in its charge from unexpected blunt force trauma.

"I.. I did it?"

She would look down at the creature as it seemed to still, but then she would look backwards as she heard some strange noises. There wasn't only one of them, there was a whole group. It was a full scale flank attack!

"Oh crap."