A Knew Flame

The days following Alex's awakening were nothing short of miraculous. The doctors at St. Mary's Hospital were at a loss for words. Alex's charts had been reviewed, re-reviewed, and compared to every scan and test taken in the weeks prior. The evidence had been irrefutable: Alex was dying of terminal cancer. But now, the disease had vanished completely.

"It's like the cancer was never there," Dr. Patel murmured, staring at the scans in disbelief. "There's no scientific explanation for this."

"There doesn't have to be," Alex replied, his voice steady and filled with a quiet confidence. "I know what happened."

Mia sat beside him, clutching his hand, her eyes wide with awe and relief. The tears in her eyes were ones of gratitude this time, not despair. "What do you mean, Alex? What happened?"

Alex took a deep breath, his mind flashing back to the experience he could never forget—the sight of his body lying still, Mia's desperate prayers, and the radiant presence of the Spirit of the Lord. "Mia," he began, his voice soft but steady, "I have to tell you something. While I was out… I wasn't really gone."

Mia frowned, tilting her head. "What do you mean?"

"I had an out-of-body experience," he said, watching her face for a reaction. "I saw everything—the hospital room, you sitting by my side, praying for me. I tried to talk to you, but you couldn't hear me. Then…" He paused, his eyes glistening as he recalled the divine encounter. "The Spirit of the Lord came to me."

Mia's breath hitched, and her grip on his hand tightened. "The Spirit of the Lord? Alex, are you serious?"

He nodded. "He told me it wasn't my time to die. That God was giving me another chance—not because I deserved it, but because of His grace. And He gave me a mission, Mia. My life isn't mine anymore. It belongs to Him now."

Tears streamed down Mia's face, and she clasped her hands together in prayerful gratitude. "Oh, Alex… God heard us. He heard every prayer."

"That's not all," Alex said, his voice gaining strength. "The Spirit told me I was called to save lives—not just physically, but spiritually too. He said I had a purpose, a destiny, and it starts now."

In the days that followed, Alex's life transformed. The first step was giving his heart fully to Christ. One quiet evening, as Mia sat beside him, he prayed the most important prayer of his life.

"Lord," he whispered, tears streaming down his face, "thank You for saving me—body and soul. I give my life to You. Use me for Your glory, however You choose."

Mia's hands covered her mouth as she wept, overcome with joy. Alex had become a saved man, and the change in him was undeniable.

Alex didn't waste a moment in sharing what God had done. The hospital became his first mission field. Nurses, doctors, and even fellow patients listened as he shared his testimony. He spoke of God's love, of His grace, and of the miraculous healing he had received.

"God isn't done with you either," he told one young nurse who had confided in him about her struggles. "His love is real. If He can save me, He can save anyone."

Word of Alex's story spread quickly, and soon, he was sharing his testimony at churches, community centers, and even small cafes. Everywhere he went, Alex preached the gospel, not with fiery condemnation but with a tender urgency. "God's love changes everything," he would say. "It's not about what you've done. It's about what Jesus has already done for you."

One night, while Alex was praying, a new thought stirred in his spirit. He had been asking God for guidance on his next steps. His healing was miraculous, but he knew his calling went beyond sharing his story. As he prayed, he felt a clear leading—an unexpected one.

"Join the fire brigade," the thought came, clear as a bell.

At first, Alex hesitated. It seemed like an odd direction. But the more he prayed, the more the idea settled in his heart. The Spirit's words echoed in his memory: "You have been called to save lives—not only with your hands but with your faith."

He shared the thought with Mia the next morning over breakfast. "I think God is leading me to join the fire brigade."

Mia looked surprised, but then a smile spread across her face. "It makes sense, Alex. You've always had a heart for helping people. This could be your way to fulfill that calling—saving lives physically and spiritually."