
I've always been someone full of ideas—concepts and worlds that I "think" are good, but when it comes to weaving those ideas into a great story, I know I have room to grow. Writing isn't easy for me, and like many others, I sometimes struggle to bring my vision to life in the way I hope readers will enjoy.

That's where AI comes in. It's not writing the story for me, but it's helping me in the areas where I need support—organizing my thoughts, exploring possibilities, and refining the ideas that feel raw or incomplete. It's a tool that helps me stay motivated and gives me the confidence to tackle storytelling challenges.

This novel is still very much my creation, built from my imagination and my effort. I just want to be transparent about the fact that I'm using every resource I can to share the best version of this story with you. I hope you'll enjoy what I've been working on and join me on this journey of learning and growth.

Thank you for reading!