
Dev Kapoor threatened

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Here Dev Kapoor calls someone angry here and when the person picks up the phone, Dev Kapoor says to him, "I want his dead face to do something that Vikrant Rathore killed my son with the same hand Should not remain worthy.

Now further,

Saying this, Dev Kapoor cuts the phone and then Nalini Kapoor comes there and she asks Dev Kapoor and says, "Who were you talking to and whom you were threatening."

Dev Kapoor gets angry due to Nalini Kapoor speaking in a sharp manner and he speaks angrily, "You should work with your work or else your tongue will not be worth speaking."

In front of Dev Kapoor's anger, Nalini Kapoor's tantrums did not work, due to which Nalini Kapoor goes out of the room in anger.

On the one hand Dev Kapoor was burning angrily, on the other hand, he was punishing his son for sorrows, while in a while, a call comes on Arav Kapoor on the phone, a person speaks on the phone, "If to save his son चाहता है तोह बोल।"

Dev Kapoor angrily speaks, "What are you talking about, my son is at my house and I do not have an inch to talk this chatter."

From the other side of the phone, the person says, "Your one son is at home, the rest of your illegitimate son is in our possession, which you have saved from everyone's eyes, now he is in our possession. Tax and save your child. "

On hearing this, the drops of sweat starts floating on Dev Kapoor's forehead and slowly say, "How do you know all this, say what to do for you."

From the other side there is a voice on the phone, "Your secret has blossomed like a flower in front of me and you can't do anything now, listen carefully." And the person tells his hidden motive, and cuts the phone by saying so.

After cutting the phone, Dev Kapoor is about to break his phone in anger that then his mother Sunita Kapoor comes from which Dev Kapoor does not break his phone and Sunita Kapoor shouts angrily, "Why did you have my dirty stores to my dear You have locked in the room, there is no responsibility to be a father inside youJust he has to scold on small matters, you should give your love a little, but you do not consider it worthy. "

Dev Kapoor shouts at his mother and says, "You do not need to come between me and my son, tell me whatever you have to tell me, but do not give me knowledge on my son." Saying this, Dev Kapoor goes out of the room angrily.

Here Vikrant Rathore reaches the forensic lab with evidence and then the light of the forensic lab starts burning and extinguishing and extinguishing the light burning, SP Vikrant moves towards the switch board without panic and presses the switches of the switch but the chatter was all fine. Still the light water was extinguishing. Vikrant Rathore understands that something is wrong.

To be continued ...