After a tragic accident, a young boy named Vance wakes up in the world of Undertale his favorite game. Reincarnated as a human with magic powers, he finds himself living alongside the monsters he once knew only from his screen. With familiar faces and unexpected adventures around every corner, Vance explores the Underground, builds new friendships, and navigates the challenges of this strange new life. But will he be able to create his own story, or is he destined to follow the path laid out in the game? A tale of discovery, growth, and the chance to live out a dream.
It is mostly a side fic while I write my KHR fic so the update schedule may vary
Fic also includes characters from Deltarune and Undertale Yellow.
I don't own any character other than my OCs.
The cover art credit: Moonyue
10/10 one of the best written stories ive read. Grammar and sentence structure is really good and i love the story so far
This story has a great amount of potential, even by reading its first chapters you can see it the English isn't messy and they each have a nice amount of words per chapter, I really am curious to see what the future holds for this story. I really hope this story doesn't get dropped
I just finished playing Undertale and Undertale Yellow and felt inspired to write about Undertale since most fics I've read about UT is mostly au stuff with Sans as the focus and wanted to write a fic based more on the world of Undertale and it's characters. This fic is mostly gonna be my rest fic when I want to write something other than my KHR so I don't burn out as fast as my old fics.