Saving Damsels / Silvara

*Axels POV*

After another three days of traveling down the river, I was getting impatient with how long this was taking.


I started letting out a deep growl at how slow and weak I was. I refused to ride on Lozen's back for now because I need to train still. But I mean c'mon man, how big is this damn world. I have been jogging this whole damn time, very easily having traveled close to 1000 miles. Not a single sign of civilization this whole time.

To top it off I have unlocked another 3% of my bloodline and I have made some discoveries. I am becoming stronger with every percent unlocked. The thing that gets me about this is my perception agility are continuing to get stronger along with my body but at what cost. 

My mental state has been harder to control lately. I notice my emotions have been more just instinct than not. I have been having a harder time not getting angry or really just any other emotion. It is like I am having to re-learn how to control emotions.

Thinking to here I guess its best if I take a bit longer on this trip. I wouldn't want to lash out in the city and end up killing someone because I cant control myself. Sylph said something about finding something that calms me but that is pretty hard to do. I mean Lozen is really calming with her ever present, it does help a bit.

"Master, remember to breath when you are feeling emotional. Remember that I am here for you."

With her 4 meter tall frame towering over me she brushed our bodies together softly to try and comfort me. Running my hand though her silky hair I felt her concern and loyalty to me. Taking a deep breath I let that feeling invade my body and fight of the irrational anger that was brewing inside.

Stopping by the side of the river, I stooped down to take a drink of water. Wiping my face afterwards I looked to Lozen.

"Lozen, are you hungry?"

Tilting her head in confusion Lozen looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Master, do you want to hunt?" With an excited tone Lozen brought her face right in front of mine.

"Hehe, yes, I want to go hunting and have an early night. We can just relax today. I want to slow down and try to not rush things. It is just really hard with my bloodline unlocking, it messes with my head sometimes."

Looking into my eyes for a moment Lozen seemed to be feeling are connection to check on me. It was an interesting thing feeling her pull on the connection. I couldn't feel it at first but as our bond got stronger I was able notice it clearer and clearer. We were basically open books to each other at this point.

"Mmm, lets go master. *Sniff* *Sniff* I can smell a herd of Diamond Horned Goats. Great food and would probably be even better after your cooking master."

With a nod of her head Lozen seemed to see my sincerity. She sniffed the air twice and her powerful nose picked up the scent of our prey. With a grin starting to split my face and without another word I shot off into the thicket after getting the information needed from Lozen.


*2 hours later*


Rubbing my full belly while we laid next to the fire I basked in the success of a completed hunt. There really was just something cathartic about hunting and eating your own kill. I looked over to Lozen and she was busy gnawing on the femur of a troll that tried to sneak attack me while I was taking down a couple of the Diamond Horned Goats.

With a grin I was about to ask Lozen if troll tasted good when our cozy atmosphere was rudely interrupted.


A scream tore through the air. A woman's scream to be exact. Looking to Lozen I found her staring back at me. "What do you hear?"

"Fighting, a lot of fight master. Should we go and check to see what is going on?"

Now a huge part of me was already trying to rush towards the scream and fighting to help where I could. Thinking of how I died though in my past life made me hesitate. 

As if feeling my unease Lozen pressed her head against my body and spoke softly. "Master, I am here now and will not be going anywhere. If it seems dangerous at all our like a trap, I will flee with you immediately. So don't let yourself stop being yourself because of how you died."

Damn, this big beast. She really did understand me so well. It really must have been fate for us together. If Goddess Ayla could speak to him right now she would have said," You sweetheart. *Sigh* you were supposed to tame that Silver Fenrir not her daughter."

"OK, Lozen lets go see what's happening." With that said we dashed towards the sounds keeping our presence hidden as much as possible. It didn't take long for us to make our way to the area there was all the fighting.

Looking into a clearing I could see a woman surrounded by wolves. The odd thing here was that she and the wolves were surrounded by a group of young men and women probably around my age. 

The woman in the center was beautiful. With her white hair and violet eyes that matched the 5 wolves protecting her she stood a step above the women I had seen in the past. She had a full figure that wasn't to big and not to small but that did nothing to stop her over the top womanly charm that she exuded. The thin white dress that she was wearing seemed torn in some areas around her legs. 

Just as I was pondering on what to do a system notification stole my attention for a moment.


[Host has finally come across the first quest mission. Would you like to see the details?]

"Sure, thank you Sylph."


[New Quest: Saving damsels

Quest Info: Silvara Tempest the young lady of the Tempest family is being betrayed by her supposed best friends. They were paid a lot of money to betray her to the young master of the Talon family. (Ethan Talon) Luckily she had her faithful Tempest wolves following her in secret when she felt something off. Save Silvara and get a backer in this cruel world. You're still weak you need all the help you can get.

Failure: Silvara dies / Her death gets blamed on you and you die.]

"What the fuck Sylph. What the hell is this quest.?"

[Host this quest was randomly generated by the system to assist you in your future endeavors. I had nothing to do with the mission itself even I cant do anything about it.]

"Well shit." Thinking quickly I decided on a quick plan of action and relayed my thoughts to Lozen to which she agreed. With our plan agreed upon we split into opposite directions to get this show started.


*Silvara POV*

4 weeks ago my friends and I all decided to go into the Great Ruins Forest to train and search for treasures. I didn't think think much of it because we had done this plenty of times before as we were an all girl party of adventurers. How wrong I was this time though.

About a week ago we came across another party in the forest and the one leading them was someone I knew very well. Ethan Talon, the pompous young master himself. He is your typical snobby brat from a large family, thinks everything is about him and all that bull shit.

The asshole had tried to hitting on me more times then I could count. If he wasn't such a playboy and maybe a bit more sincere I could've given him a chance but that could never happen in this life. Ethan was hedonistic and sadistic to the extreme. He loved to hurt others in some of the most cruel ways. 

At least that is what all of the rumors say. He has never shown anything like that in front of me besides his snobbish side. I think he has been worried about how my family would react. Being a large family that has close ties with the military of the kingdom everyone does tend to be a bit cautious.

At least that was what I thought until 2 days ago when everything went downhill. The whole trip and coincidental meeting up was all planned by Ethan and my supposed friends. They had been paid off by Ethan to set this trap up for me in the deep part of the forest. They betrayed our 6 years of friendship for monetary gains.

Glaring at Ethan in front of me I was silently thankful that I had my Dire Wolves following behind us in secret. If not I would have probably already been killed or even worse turned into a plaything for Ethan and his friends.

"Silvara, you cant win here. Just give up and come to me I am sure that you will love it. I promise it wont hurt... Much." Ethan said with a disgusting smile on his face. He really made me sick to my stomach. 

"Never, I will die before I go anywhere close to you." I spat out with force.

"Stupid girl just give into the young master. You don't want us to kill all of these wolves and fuck you forcefully do you?" One of Ethan's friends spoke up. His name is Darius, he just like Ethan, is a total piece of shit and he has been called on it multiple times. With Ethan's help he has always gotten away free with out any punishment.


All of my Dire Wolves growled deeply at that and there fur stood on end as ice started to form around them. Just as I was about to speak I heard the deepest darkest growl I have ever heard come from the side of the clearing we were in.

Then I watched the biggest beast I had seen beside the Alpha Dire Wolf that is contracted to my mother walked out. It was easily 4 meters tall at its shoulder as it walked on all fours. Its wolflike appearance was unmistakable. It had the most beautiful black fur all over its body that flowed down its body. I knew this creature from the book of beast I read. It was a Black Fenrir and a very large one at that.


Its deep growl kept reverberating through the clearing as it slowly made its way forward scanning us all with those bright ice blue eyes. 

"What the fuck is that?"

"Fuck that thing is huge."

"I have never seen a beast like this before."

"I don't give a damn what it is just kill it so we can get on with our business."

Ethan's cronies were all terrified of the beast but he still ordered them and my old party to attack it. I too was thinking of attacking it until I watched it slowly making its way in between Ethan's group and mine still growling.

"Now I don't think that I would appreciate it if you attacked my dear friend there. I have been pretty testy the last few days so please don't push it by attacking." 

I looked behind Ethan's group to see a young man that was very attractive. He stood tall over 6 foot and a half feet tall easily. His silver hair and beard matched his sparkling silver eyes. His body looked like it had been sculpted by a god. The armor he was wearing looked quite nice with its white wolf and sleek designs making it look rather fitting on his muscled body.


*Axels POV*

"Sylph can you please tell me what level these people are at?"

[Of course host the strongest person in the clearing beside your companion and yourself is the young man in the center with a Gathering Realm Level 1 cultivation. So nothing to worry about just keep your wits about you because of the amount enemies before you.]

"Thank you Sylph I truly would be lost with out you and Lozen."

[You are welcome Host but please concentrate on the enemies in front of you.]

Oops, oh well I had to say it. concentrating on the guy in the middle he was going red in the face which made him look quite funny.

"I said listen to me peasant. Leave here and we might let you live, or else you wont even know how you died. Not to mention I am the young master of the great and illustrious Tal-"

"Bro shut the fuck up and quit monologuing."

After cutting him off I didn't let him have a second to breath. I was on top of him in a second swinging my sword at him in a diagonal slash. The bastard got lucky and was able to back out of the way just in time. What he didn't expect was me to follow him in with a spin and kick him in the face.

Knocking him to the ground I was going to keep pressing him when 2 more people, one guy and one lady came at me from the side trying to get the jump on me. I parried the first strike from the man but when I had my arms raised blocking his saber the lady took that chance to try and stab me in the ribs with her dagger.


The dagger just bounce off of my armor not damaging it in the slightest. That was when a ice spike shot over and impaled the woman from behind. Looking over I saw that it was shot by Silvara. With a nod I turned and kicked the man in front of me so he fell onto the standing Ethan who had finally picked himself up from the ground.

With out thinking I pressed my advantage on the two and pierced my sword through the both of them with relative ease. I stared into their faces as they died. It hit me then I had just killed for the first time and I did not feel much of anything at that point. No remorse or anything, I didn't like it so killing didn't seem to be something that I would get carried away with. 

I was happy for that fact, nobody wants to turn out to be a serial killer right. Looking up I see that Lozen was done taking down the others. Silvara and her wolves were also done with their part of the group. 

Quickly her wolves surrounded her again and Lozen came to my side. After a moments hesitation I raised my hand in an awkward wave.

"Hi there, umm... My name is Axel Wolf nice to meet you."