If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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Naruto shook his head as his headache made a sudden resurgence at this deluge of information. He really needed to get used to this kind of thing soon, otherwise he'd have a headache all the time!
Doing a last minute check of his kunai and shuriken, Naruto decided to ignore the [Basic Fūinjutsu] scroll, as he wouldn't be able to use it in the Training ground.
"Let's get going!" he declared aloud and walked over to the gate and reached out his hand to touch it, causing another window to pop open.
[Training Area Thirteen]
Which Area do you wish to enter?
- Area 1 (LV5+)
- Area 2 (LV6+)
- Area 3 (LV7+)
- Area 4 (LV8+)
- Area 5 (LV9+)
-Area 6 (LV10+)
- Area 7 (LV12+)
- Area 8 (LV13+)
- Area 9 (LV14+)
- Area 10 (LV15+)
- Area 11 (LV17+)
- Area 12 (LV18+)
- Area 13 (LV20+)
So…there were thirteen areas in Training Ground Thirteen, each being more difficult than the last, with the levels jumping slightly higher from Area 6 to Area 7, Area 10 to Area 11 and Area 12 to Area 13.
'These are the minimum required levels for the different areas.' Naruto considered carefully, 'I think I'll want to be a couple of levels higher for anything above Area 6, just to be on the safe side.'
Putting the higher levels to one side, Naruto carefully pressed the button indicating 'Area 1' and waited.
The window vanished and the rusty gate creaked open ominously, listing slightly now that it was open.
Swallowing slightly, Naruto walked through the gate, stone staff held at the ready. As soon as he cleared the gate, it swung shut behind him with a metallic groan.
"I hate dramatic and ominous ambience." Naruto grumbled as he looked around. Area 1 seemed to be just a continuation of the landscape outside the fence, which wasn't really much of a surprise.
Randomly picking a direction, Naruto started moving cautiously through the trees, keeping an eye out for enemies. He recalled that, thanks to his [Benten's Blessing] Perk, he would have no shortage of enemy encounters, so he was first surprised, then irritated when five minutes passed without a single enemy showing up.
He was getting a bit pissed at that point, when he spotted a chest partially concealed inside a hollow tree stump, which automatically made him suspicious. This situation positively screamed 'Trap!'
Seeing no large clumps of undergrowth for any enemies to hide in nearby, Naruto was stumped as to how they could ambush him. Trapdoors, maybe?
Shrugging, the blond shinobi-in-training decided to go the bold route this time. He walked straight up to the chest and was rewarded by a pair of windows popping up in front of him.
You have been ambushed from behind by three [Chakra Mutated Squirrels!]
Which was immediately followed by another one.
Bloodthirst detected! Immediately behind you!
Naruto leapt into the air, somersaulting over his enemies, which were indeed squirrels, but not like any he had ever seen before. These ones were the size of housecats, their buck teeth sharpened to a point and their claws tearing furrows into the soft topsoil as they skidded to a halt.
Landing on the ground, he looked at the titles floating above the mutated beast's heads.
LV4 Rabid Red Squirrel
So, two levels below him. An excellent chance to see how he stacked up compared to them.
With a grin, Naruto spun the staff in his hands lazily before throwing at the nearest squirrel like a javelin, impaling it before the beast knew to dodge, making it shriek.
The other two ignored their injured companion and immediately leapt to the attack. Naruto, however, hadn't been idle while the staff had been in midair.
"{Hikō Yoshin Shurikenjutsu}!" Naruto muttered as he sent a handful of Academy Shuriken flying at the two squirrels. One dodged the throwing stars, but the other one took the full brunt of the barrage, slumping to the ground with two in its body and a third in its eye.
Swiftly drawing a kunai, Naruto neatly sidestepped the charging squirrel and stabbed it in the back of the head. Much to his surprise, the chakra mutant just snarled and swiped at his hand with its claws.
"Let's try that again." Naruto said with a frown. He attacked this time, stabbing the kunai into the squirrel's neck, making the mutant die at last. He then noticed the three windows pop up over the corpses of the [Rabid Red Squirrels].
[Rabid Red Squirrel] Defeated! You Gain 40 EXP!
After he closed the windows, the bodies of the squirrels dissolved into blue light, leaving behind…stuff. When the Tutorial had mentioned 'Enemy Drops' regarding loot, Naruto had expected skins, teeth and the like.
Instead, there were three neat piles of Ryo notes and a single scroll.
Dumbfounded, Naruto picked up one of the notes and compared it to one he drew from his Gama-chan wallet. The two were alike, with just enough differentiation between them to see that the one from the monster drop was freshly printed.
Hurriedly picking up the notes (500 Ryo!) and putting them into Gama-chan, he then turned his attention to the scroll. It turned out to be something called a [Crafting Recipe] for a [Spider Silk Underlay Armour]. Naruto didn't have the faintest idea what it was talking about, so he put the scroll in his inventory until he could figure out exactly what it was for.
The chest contained a silver key called [Grand Chest Key #1], which was not exactly what Naruto was hoping for. He had kind of wanted a sword or even some armour, but he reminded himself that this was just the first bite at the apple.
Over the next half-hour or so, Naruto discovered the theme of the area was to search out treasure chests, get ambushed by either [Rabid Red Squirrels] or [Gnashing Grey Squirrels], the later of which were Level 5 and were more dogged in their attack than their red counterparts, and then take the treasure.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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