
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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The Earth Clone or Rock Clone technique is the most sturdy of the Clone Jutsu, save for the legendary Mokuton and its Moku Bunshin, requiring a solid hit in a critical location to destroy them. In addition, unlike the other elemental clones, if an Iwa Bunshin is destroyed, it breaks into pieces of rock, which can be used for other Doton Ninjutsu. Iwa Bunshin can only use non-elemental or Doton Ninjutsu and is almost as strong as the user.

Handsigns: Ram-Monkey-Horse-Ram

When activated, the user spits out a rock, which is then shaped into a clone or clones of the user. The clone(s) will follow the orders of its creator.

Iwa Bunshin have no mental stats and have the physical stats of the creator of them minus twenty percent.

Minimum Number that have to be created: 5

Maximum number that can be created: 12

Costs 74 CP/Clone

[Doton: Gansetsukon no Jutsu] (Active) [LV 2, 25.57 EXP]

The Earth Style: Rock Section Cane Jutsu is a fairly simple technique. After making the correct handsigns, the user should pick up a stone or rock, which transforms it into a meter and a half long staff, which can be used in close combat or thrown at the enemy. At high levels, the user can create multiple staves simultaneously and assail their enemies with them.

Handsigns: Monkey-Rat-Snake

Number of Staves created per use: 1

Durability of each Stave: 25

Costs 35 CP per stave made.

[Shurikenjutsu] (Passive/Active) [Level 6, 31.01 EXP]

Shurikenjutsu is the art of thrown weapons. Any handheld bladed weapon that has [Thrown Weapon] in its description can be used with this skill. Shuriken, Senbon and Kunai are a few examples.

Passively increases DEX by 7%

Passively increases damage with Thrown Weapons by 10%

Actively increases accuracy of Thrown Weapons by 10%

Costs 5 CP to use

[Beginner's Hakage Style Taijutsu] (Passive/Active) [Level 5, 00.45 EXP]

The basic style of Taijutsu taught at the Konohagakure Shinobi Academy. Hakage Style has no particular inclinations towards attack or defence, instead having the characteristic of being easy to learn. The beginner's set is basic punching, kicking and a few basic grapples.

Passively increases STR by 7%

Passively increases DEX by 7%

Passively increases STA by 8%

"Whew…that's quite the improvement." Naruto mused aloud. If he kept up this kind of pace for the next six-and-a-bit months, he'd kick Sasuke-teme around the ring like an unwanted stepchild!

Turning his attention to the [Basic Fūinjutsu] Scroll, he removed it from his inventory and regarded it. He didn't know much about Fūinjutsu, except that the Nidaime Hokage had been an accomplished master of the art, as was the Sandaime. Both of them had been overshadowed by the prodigy that was Namikaze Minato, if what his Jiji had said about the Hiraishin was true.

What better way to surpass his predecessors than to master the difficult art of Fūinjutsu beyond what they had mastered?

[You have acquired the 'Basic Fūinjutsu' Scroll]

Do you wish to learn it?


"Damn right I do." Naruto muttered as he hit the 'Y' button, only to be dumbfounded when a window popped up over the first instead of the scroll disintegrating.

[Requisite Skill Level not Met!]

You cannot learn this skill at the moment as you do not have the requisite levels in one or more other skills that are needed.

You must have {LV 10 in [Calligraphy]} before you can learn [Basic Fūinjutsu].

You currently do not know [Calligraphy].

"Aw man!" Naruto complained, "How the heck do I learn that? Calligraphy? Who could guess that that would be needed for Fūinjutsu?"

Pouting slightly, he made a note to keep a lookout for books on calligraphy when he went shopping after the Academy and Sakura-chan's tutoring session.

Placing the scroll back into his inventory, he then took out the two [Crafting Recipe] scrolls. Deciding that since he actually had the materials for it, he'd have a closer look at the [Squirrel Fur Vest] scroll first.

Rather unsurprisingly, a window popped up as soon as he picked it up.


You have acquired your first Crafting Recipe!

When you defeat non-human enemies, you will occasionally get items such as fur, silk, bones and teeth as loot drops. Using a [Crafting Recipe], you can combine these items into a usable piece of equipment that you can either use or sell.

Depending on the level of craftsmanship of the finished item, a Crafted item can be one of five categories.

Common - Easily found. Relatively easy to make.

Uncommon - Harder to make, but with better stats. Less common, but still not all that hard to find.

Rare - Much harder to make, most items are forded from metal. Quite impressive stats. Hard to find.

Legend - Items such as this are the kind that are only found once or twice in a lifetime. Their stats are equally impressive.

Unique - One of a kind items. Once made, no other item such as this can be created. If a person finds this level of item more than once a lifetime, they are blessed beyond a doubt.

In order to create an item, you must have the requisite materials in order to make it. This includes the materials that make up the bulk of the item, as well as any decoration materials or stitching materials. You also have to have the requisite skill level in the skill required to create it.

For example, in order to create this item, the [Squirrel Fur Vest], you must have at least one [Extra-Large Cured Squirrel Fur], ten [Cured Squirrel Furs] and two rolls of [Sewing Thread], not to mention being at least LV 10 in [Sewing].

"Oh for-! Another skill requirement?!" Naruto grumbled, "Feh. I'm going to bed."

After three hiccups in a row, Naruto was more than ready for bed, but a silver glow from the door leading to the roof caught his eye, so he opened it and peeked out through the doorway. Hovering in the middle of the air near the empty flowerbeds was a silver exclamation mark.

"What the heck…?" Naruto wondered, prompting another window to open.

[House Quests]


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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