If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O} {N}
"Oh? Looks like Tenten's going to monopolise the forge." Tatsuhiko drawled as he tromped out into the shop proper, "What's the deal?"
"Well…" Kanae started to explain the situation to her husband as Tenten bolted off to the forge, muttering under her breath about alloys, seals and forging techniques as she did so.
Back at Naruto's Apartment
"Wow…" Naruto said as he saw all of the plants in the flowerbeds. ō-tani-watari (Birds' Nest Ferns), some small bambusa, butterfly bush…there were so many plants that he didn't know where to start.
"I'll say." Ino huffed, "Look after them, Naruto…or else!"
"That's the plan." Naruto replied.
"I've left guides on how to look after them all on your dining table." Inoichi informed him, "When you graduate, let me know when you're team is going to be on a C-Rank or above mission and I'll come in while you're away to look after them, a thousand Ryo per mission."
"Much appreciated, Inoichi-sama." Naruto bowed slightly, "Here, for the trouble."
As a tip, three-thousand Ryo wasn't much, but it was the largest amount most people would expect an orphan living off of a stipend to tip someone.
"My thanks." Inoichi nodded, "We'd better head back now. If you have any questions about the plants, feel free to ask Ino or myself. Both of use have full knowledge of the ones we planted for you."
Bidding Naruto farewell, the two Yamanaka left his apartment, looking tired.
"{Observe}" Naruto whispered as he looked at Ino, just as she exited the door, bringing up her Status Window.
"Let's see…" Naruto muttered, "This one looks interesting."
[Strong Minded] (Passive)
You have a strong sense of self and hold strong opinions about the subjects you are passionate about. This does come with the unfortunate side effect of being slow to change your opinions about something except in the face of overwhelming evidence that disproves you own opinion.
- Passively grants a 15% bonus to the success Ratio of any [Mindwalker] skill.
- Passively grants the user a 5% bonus to the [Debate] skill when discussing something you are passionate about.
- Reduces the likelihood of changing your opinion regarding something you are passionate about by 10%, unless the opposing evidence is 70% or more against your opinion.
This Perk cannot be removed as it is a great part of who you are.
"Yep. Ino to a 'T'." Naruto had to sweatdrop at how scarily accurate this ability of his was.
[Natural Talent: Mindwalker] (Passive)
You have a natural flair for using the Jutsu of the Yamanaka Clan. Walking through the memories of your opponents, manipulating their bodies and even passively reading their minds all come easily to you.
- Passively adds 20% to the Success Ratio of all [Mindwalker] Jutsu.
- Passively adds 10% to the Effectiveness of all [Mindwalker] Jutsu.
- Due to your understanding of the human mind, you add 5% to the Success Ratio of all [Persuade], [Intimidate], [Charm] and [Seduce] actions.
This perk can only be lost by losing the ability to use Chakra, in which case it becomes the [Councillor] Perk.
"OK, I am not letting Ino use any of her Jutsu on me." Naruto swore as he read the description.
[Acrobatic] (Passive)
You possess a naturally flexible and lithe physique, allowing you to jump and cavort with the greatest of ease.
- Passively adds a permanent increase of 5 to your DEX.
- Passively adds 1% to your DEX.
- Passively increases the Success Ratio of any action that uses DEX by 5%.
This Perk can be lost by not exercising and gaining too much weight.
"Like little miss diet would ever let herself gain weight." Naruto muttered scornfully.
[Herbalist] (Passive)
You have a wide knowledge of all plants and can tell at a glance what one is and if it has any medicinal or pharmacopeial use.
- Passively increases EXP gain from [Gardening] actions by 50%.
- Passively increases amount of plants gathered by 10%.
- Passively reduces herbs wasted when making medicine by 15%.
- Passively reduces plants wasted during poison making by 15%.
This Perk can be lost by getting a concussion and amnesia.
"Wow…I guess she really does love plants." was all he could say to that. Looks like they teach her more than just basic gardening at the flower shop!
[Vain] (Passive)
You are highly proud about your appearance and how attractive you are to others. The thought of someone not being attracted to you hasn't occurred to you. You are obsessive about keeping yourself looking your best at all times, even unto the detriment of your teamwork and physical abilities.
- Reduces [Teamwork] by 15%.
- Reduces increases to physical stats by 10%.
- Adds 20 to [Seduction] and [Charm] Skills.
This Flaw can be lost by realising that physical appearances mean nothing if you are too weak to stay alive as a Shinobi.
"Damn…this'll be a hard one to get her to ditch." Naruto muttered. He ignored [Malnourished] and [Fangirl] as he knew what those did.
[Daddy's Girl] (Passive)
You are the pride and joy of your parents, especially your father, and thus have been relatively sheltered and pampered your entire life. You are only dimly aware of the grim reality of the world and tend to disbelieve some of the more extreme cases of cruelty that can be in the world.
This Flaw can be lost by coming face-to-face with how cruel and unforgiving the world can be.
"So…a coddled, spoiled little princess." Naruto deadpanned, "Great."
Naruto was, rather contrary to what his detractors said about him, a very friendly person, as well as a rather kind one. The idea of one of his classmates dying because of a stupid little flaw that he knew exactly how to remove was repugnant to him.
"How the heck can I help her out? I have my hands full with Sakura-chan already!" the boy sighed, before shrugging, "Meh. I'll think about it later. To the Training Ground!"
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O}