
"These are just regular players, no good loot on them," Ethan remarked. "The others should be in position by now, right?"

"Yeah, Ryan and Slashblade are ready over there," RadiantJester replied. "But the enemy hasn't made a move yet. No idea what they're waiting for."

Ethan frowned. Could they have already given up?

He opened the guild chat and confirmed the situation with Skyblade. Then, his expression hardened. "It's time. The enemy has been forcibly logged out, but during a guild war, their in-game avatars remain online. Tell the rogues stationed at their respawn points to keep killing them until they're down to Level 1. After that, keep going until their gear stops dropping."

Originally, Ethan had been brainstorming ways to turn the entire enemy guild red-named. Now, there was no need.