The Race for Power

Ethan's heart skipped a beat as his fingers brushed against the circular object, he had found it.

Shifting back into human form, a countdown timer instantly appeared on his screen, warning him of his dwindling oxygen supply. If the timer hit zero, he would drown.

No time to hesitate.

Gripping the ring tightly, he yanked it upward. A chain trailed beneath it, slowly rising from the depths as he pulled.


A mechanical grinding echoed through the water. Hearing the sound, Ethan instantly switched back into Seal Form, causing the oxygen timer to vanish.

Now, he could breathe freely again.

On the rocky wall beside him, a hidden door—over two meters tall, began to slide open. A thin beam of light pierced the darkness, cutting through the murky lakebed like a beacon.

Ethan swam toward it, the glow intensifying until—splash!—he broke through the surface.