Changing The Contribution System

After sending a friend request to Celeste, Ethan waited, but there was no response.

That night, Ethan and FreeYears ran two Easy-level dungeons back-to-back.

During the first run, their team was short one player. To speed things up, Ethan called out in the guild chat for someone to join.

Meatball was the first to volunteer.

Ethan asked him, "Weren't you in Skyblade's team?"

Meatball sighed, looking frustrated. "Got kicked out!"

When Ethan pressed for the reason, Meatball hesitated, unwilling to explain. Finally, after some prodding, he admitted the truth: the female players in the team would scream and run away whenever he got close. This caused multiple wipes, and Skyblade had no choice but to boot him from the group.