The buzz around whether the Druid God would be overtaken in the leveling race had reached a fever pitch. Some players were even placing bets on it, and WCC News had opened an official betting pool.
That night, some people made a fortune, while others lost everything. Of course, Ethan had no idea about any of this—otherwise, he would've placed a hefty bet on himself.
Over the past seven days, Ethan's level had skyrocketed, and his physical fitness and combat skills had improved just as rapidly. His bizarre recovery ability left Victor, Leo, and Williams in awe. No matter how battered and exhausted Ethan got during training, he'd bounce back within an hour, taunting them with a grin and a finger wag: "Come on… bring it!"
At first, Ethan couldn't hold his own against any of them without tapping into his Soul Power. He'd get tossed around like a ragdoll. But now, he could last a solid half-hour even when Leo and Williams teamed up against him.