Theron left the Dean's office with an indifferent expression on his face. What need was there to be worried? He knew that Dean Thistle couldn't kill him, not right after so publicly promising him to Malaya.
After losing the Ironharts, making the precious daughter of one of his staunchest allies a widow was not acceptable.
Though the Plan B seemed smart, there were too many holes in it. It required straining relationships that couldn't afford to be strained.
It wasn't just a matter of Earl Vermouth either, but also Malaya's elder brother. There was no secret how much he loved his little sister, but more importantly than that, he was a key cog in the Luminescent Moon Sect.
Even if their father was able to swallow the disrespect and anger, Aeryn would become a wild card. Having such an important piece who might not listen at a critical time was unacceptable.