Ironvale sensed the change second, only after Thessa herself. There was a solidity to the light in his eyes now that hadn't been there before. This certainly changed everything.
If the creature was lucid, and now had such a huge power-up, even he might not be able to get out of here alive.
Suddenly, everyone changed tactics once again. From Ironvale, their target became the Lava Beast.
At this point, there was no running. If they turned tail, nothing but death would be waiting for them. As geniuses, and veterans of battle, they understood this implicitly without anyone saying a single word.
Still, they all cursed in their hearts.
Why did it feel like the worst possible situation was happening every time?
Theron felt the changes calmly, having just reached the surface not long ago. He had only been able to guess at certain things before, but now he could sense the situation clearly.