I invited Dream over to my place for weeks until he was practically living with me, we started out plans after I called the construction unit to call off our appointment. Dream resigned from his workplace after he threw a fit and flipped off the workers that harassed him while he was there.
Nights were spent over warm coffee and cardboard papers all over the floor. I've never felt so alive in years, Aunt Dara was so pleased to meet him and pleased to know that I wasn't rotting away in the house all alone.
Despite being blind, Dream was working so effortlessly, I felt like the visually impaired one. He opened my eyes, gave me new insights.
We visited the City of High Elves, found a location close to the sea, it was a very serene place to me. Imagine having coffee or eating a pastry next to gentle rolling waves of water and fresh crisp air.
After purchasing the place, we got to work. Hired painters and refurbishers to clean up the place. We agreed to set the decorations ourselves.
I stepped out pulling out my journal, for the past few weeks my lips had been in a constant smile, it felt refreshing, being happy all the time.
I found comfortable spot to sit away from the Cafe. I watched the painters apply coats of bright colored paints before opening my journal, I began to reenact the events that had unfolded from the past weeks.
I felt someone sit behind me but I ignored and continued to write
"Hello" a gruff voice muttered behind me, I nodded and muttered a low 'hello' not wanting to engage in a conversation. I think he seemed to get my point, but he only grunted and scooted closer, peering over my shoulder.
"Excuse you?"
I slammed my book shut and stood up. What the fuck?
"You journal? That's silly"
His laugh made my jaw tick, here we go again with people telling me the things I enjoy doing are 'Childish' or 'Silly'.
I closed the book and stood up, my hair coming undone as the band snapped. Great, just great.
My phone buzzed as I walked away, my name being yelled by the prick behind me.
The screen read 'Eudora'. I hesitated before picking. Hold on.
This feels familiar.