
Chapter : [ 5 ]

MaRi came home from office. This is very exciting day for her because she was going to benefit from this deal. She called the Yi xia to make coffee for her but he didn't come.

Hearing her voices,the maid of the house came and told her that Yi xia is not at home, he has gone to meet a friend of his. She was worried that did Yi xia was doing something behind her back. She told the maid if Yi xia came home than tell him to come to my room. The maid went to make coffee for MaRi.

MaRi was became more worried and thought that if Yi xia finds out his power. He can throw me and my son, daughter out of this house and this company before Yi xia realized his importance, I have to control him and if he is not controlled, I have to take some dangerous steps My son Yi xia.

There, Ji yang took Yi xia to a place where the only forest was the forest, big trees and dark place, made this forest mire scary but there was a beautiful house in the middle of this forest.

Ji yang took Yi xia in his hands and took him inside the house, which was all lit up with light and full of all kind of luxury. Ji yang took him to the room and laid him on the bed.

Yi xia asked him why are you doing this please let me go home. Ji yang pressed his hand on the bed and came closer to him and started looking into his eyes. He told him that from now this is your house and you can not go anywhere from this house. Ji yang brought his lips close to him and kissed him gently. Yi xia was surprised when Ji yang kissed him, he thought that Ji yang had brought him here to take revenge for slapping him but he never expected that Ji yang would kiss him. Ji yang stroked his hair and told him that now you go to sleep, the effect of the injection is still there. After rest you will be fine but Yi xia again said please let me go. Ji yang lovingly removed his hair from his eyes and said Do not be afraid, as long is stay in this house, I will not harm you Yi xia looked fearlessly in his eyes and said, "what do you think ? I will live this wretched house of fear of you don't even think about it". Ji yang raised his head and looked at him seriously running his hair through his hand he picked him up caught by the neck I wanted to give you a surprised An eye for an eye and a slap for a slap. Ji yang raised his hand and slapped him firmly Yi xia. Yi xia fell on the bed and fainted. Ji yang said while walking from the room, i told you not to talk about leaving this house.

Li fang was woken up by the chirping of birds in the morning. The curtains of his room were open due to which the sun light was reaching his eyes. He raised his hand to block the sun rays.

The maid of the house knocks his door to come in. Li fang was in sleep and he felt that Yi xia knocked on the door so he he let her in. Li fang said him that you know today is Sunday I do not go to university so close the curtains.The maid tells him that Yi xia is not at home.

Li fang turn to the other side and pull the blanket over him self when he heard the maid voice he suddenly woke up and said what are you doing here and what do you mean he is not at home. The maid told him that she is here to clean the room. And Ma'am has told her to wake you up beacuse ma'am has to talk to you about something important. Li fang get out of bed and goes to freshen up.

After freshen up, he goes down to the breakfast table and sits on a chair, His mother was also present. There was silence at the breakfast table. Li fang took a sip of mango juice and then said to his mother where is sister Reyna, Has she had breakfast? His mother did not answer. After some minutes later Li fang said again to his Mother,

Mom you had to talk to me about some thing His Mother replied worriedly," my son, I have done and endured a lot to reach this point" MaRi put her hand on his hands and I hope you will follow me and take over this company beacuse you are the tire heir of this family.

Li fang was worried in his heart that why is Mother talking like this today. He told to his Mother that of course, he is the heir of the real heir of this family he will not let anyone take his place.

MaRi told him to get ready that today too will go with me to the company. Seeing his Mother so upset, Li fang also forget about Yi xia beacuse for Li fang, his mother was the most important but he did not show this feelings to his mother.

The lush green trees of the forest and the green grass that surrounded this house made it more beautiful and pleasant. Ji yang was standing in the kitchen making breakfast.

Lying on the bed, Yi xia slowly opened his eyes. He tried to get up but did not have the strength to get up. He was looking up at the ceiling which had beautiful design on it. He looked around the room he was in was big and beautiful.

He looked at a window that was right infront of him. The window was quite large, from which he could see the forest.