003 No Way to Escape
爸爸说:"萌萌,爸爸养育你这么多年,给你好吃好喝.这并不容易.现在是爸爸需要你的时候了.你会报答爸爸的..."Lin Meng's father Lin Bao is a builder, not big or small. He has his own construction company and can take on some work independently. He has a little reputation in J City. This time, Yadong Group came to J City to invest. The government gave the green light. The vacant land and the buildings to be built are very amazing. Lin Bao is not greedy. He only wants to take on some of the work and make his construction company famous so that his business can go to the next level in the future.林宝知道,亚东集团这个一直排在全球前50名的大集团,对他这样的小建筑公司不屑一顾.为此,他只能想其他办法了.他发现,这次来的人是亚东集团的年轻总裁,这次在J City的投资,他也全权负责.那么,如果他能对付这位总裁,他自然就能得到这份工作.荣玲有钱有势,他什么都有.他甚至不需要要求什么,自然而然地,想讨好他的人就会冲上来把东西给他.林宝没有任何资本,所以他把目光投向了自己的女儿.这个女儿从小就是个美人,林宝把她养大了,细心保护着她,从不让她乱搞任何男女.他一直盯着这个女儿,在紧急情况下利用她来救他.现在,这个女儿真的派上了用场.那一年,她的母亲与另一名承包商私奔,并将女儿扔给了他.家里的合法妻子吵了将近一个月,但他还是留下了女儿,让她安定下来.那时候,他可以想象,这个女儿长大后一定会和她美丽的妈妈一样美丽.出乎他意料的是,这个女儿竟然比她妈妈还要厉害,简直太漂亮了.如果不是他对她严厉,恐怕她早就被一个坏男孩绑架了!又不是林梦不是林宝的亲生孩子,林宝才愿意把她推入火坑.而是没有毒药的男人不是丈夫.林宝不缺孩子.用一个漂亮的女儿来换取一个繁荣的生意是值得的!看着林梦一天比一天漂亮,林宝真的后悔自己年轻的时候应该多养几个小三,然后多生个女儿.咱们就不多说了,就说今天的事情就好.在林梦来之前,林宝已经一再告诉她要好好服侍荣玲.这段时间里,无论容玲问什么,无论他想对她做什么,她都无法抗拒.林宝甚至很直白地告诉林梦,让她陪荣玲,其实就是让她陪他上床.林梦不知道其他爸爸会不会这样和女儿说话.当她听到父亲对她说这句话时,她的大脑一片空白.在这个家庭里,她的身份本来就很尴尬.我们怎么能指望林宝的合法妻子好好对待外面的情妇所生的孩子,连孩子的妈妈都不要她呢?比起很多流浪孤儿,她这么多年从来没有缺过吃,穿,日用品,已经很不错了.所以,当爸爸让她还钱时,她只能强忍着眼泪,点头表示同意.浴室里流出的水声无穷无尽.透过磨砂玻璃,她可以看到站在里面的男人的身高,也能感受到男人强壮的体魄.今晚,她已经没有退路了!如果她就这样回去,爸爸肯定会对她大吼大叫,而她的"妈妈"肯定会粗鲁地骂她,说她没用,连这么小的事都干不出来!就这样放弃她的身体...林梦愣住了,她的心被刺痛了,然后这刺痛慢慢蔓延开来..."嗖——"浴室的门被推开,荣玲走了出来.他腰间只缠着一条白毛巾,赤身裸体地走了出去.这是个英俊的男人,上帝太眷顾他了.他不仅拥有可以媲美一个国家的财富,还给了他一张能让无数女人尖叫的脸,更宠爱他,一个能让无数女人流口水的身体.His body was fit and slender, and long-term exercise made him have no fat on his body. The muscles were clear, but not exaggerated, and the size was moderate. Especially those two slender legs, which were even more fit and attractive than models.He casually wiped his wet hair with a towel, barefoot, and walked to the small bar on the side like a leopard in the jungle. He glanced casually, but unexpectedly saw that the girl was still leaning against the door.Why is she still there? !Rong Ling raised his eyebrows in surprise. He thought that this immature deer should run away after he kindly let her go. He couldn't help but feel her immaturity. When he kissed her, she was so naive and pitiful. She trembled innocently. If he hadn't held her with one hand, she would have shivered pitifully. He began to wonder if this was the first time someone had kissed her like this? !She was a virgin, there was no doubt about it.He had experienced women since he was sixteen, and now he was twenty-eight years old. He had definitely had sex with quite a few women. He could tell immediately whether she was a virgin or not. Because some things could not be faked. This Lin Bao was also very generous. He sent his innocent daughter to him so generously, and she seemed to be a minor. But he had never been interested in women who were unwilling, so he didn't want to force her, even though she was so beautiful that his heart was slightly moved!But why didn't she leave? ! With her innocent appearance, she was not suitable for this kind of adult game at all. She should stay quietly in her ivory tower, waiting for a sunny prince to take her out of the tower one day, and then live her life happily with him.He sneered at this childish fairy tale that would never happen to him."Why don't you leave?!" He asked her coldly, frightening her.She looked up suddenly, looking at him with some fear. His heart was shocked again. Under the dim light, the tearful face raised up made a sentence instantly float through his mind - the lily crying in the wind and rain...He frowned secretly, why was he so poetic today! It seems that he should quickly drive away the little deer that accidentally entered the tiger cage, otherwise, his head might twitch again!"Are you afraid that I will trip up your father?!" He only thought of this possibility. "Don't worry, I won't bother your father for such a small matter. Go back and tell your father that everything will be done according to the normal procedures. If he is willing, let's compete fairly!"Lin Meng shook her head and stood up tremblingly, holding the door. This was not the result her father wanted, and she would never go home with such a result.She walked slowly towards him, step by step, feeling herself getting closer and closer to him, her heartbeat became more and more rapid; her body was so tense that it was about to hurt!