005 Charm
午后突然有人敲门,吓坏了她,以为他回来了.她站在那里,转身整整一分钟,终于紧张地打开了门.她早上仍然可以面对他,但过了一上午,她似乎又有点害怕他了.门外不是他,这让她松了一口气."小姐,我们是奉容少之命给你送衣服的!"她身上的衣服昨晚都被他狠狠地撕掉了.就在这时,她来开门,裹在床单里不舒服.送衣服的人笑着放下衣服离开了.她俯身看了一眼,衣服格外漂亮.它们中的大多数是优雅的白色,蓝色,粉红色和黄色.她甩开它们,发现衣服的款式很朴素,都是她的最爱.她很少有新衣服,一年能有一两件新衣服就好了.她身上的衣服都是姐姐林紫吃剩的.她擅长制作它们,经过一些修改后,她把它们变成了自己的衣服.这些是给她的新衣服吗?!他把它们给了她?!她不受控制地感到快乐!送她衣服,即使是她最亲近的人也从来没有对她这么好过!她高兴地拿起衣服,一一比对,发现每一件都出乎意料地合身.但她不知道容玲已经彻底摸过她的身体,自然知道她的三围.他点的衣服自然是根据她的尺码来的.其中,甚至还有内衣.当林梦把他们翻出来时,她白皙的小脸顿时红了起来.虽然房间里除了她之外没有其他人,也没有人看着她,但她还是害羞和震惊,立即拿起衣服盖住了自己的内裤.然后她急忙抱着它们,在浴室里偷偷换了.不知道这些衣服是由什么材料制成的,但它们感觉特别柔软,穿在身上特别轻盈,就像她穿着一朵云一样.如果林梦知道这件衣服每一件要几千块钱,她大概会吓得晕过去.醒来后,她迅速将它们取下来,压在盒子底部,小心翼翼地藏起来.容玲当然不会让她知道!她不敢碰豪华客房里的东西,生怕不小心弄坏了什么东西.所以大多数时候,她都躺在床上,并不困,而是眯着眼睛假装睡着.夜晚的寒冷迅速攀升到人类世界.当他回来时,他看到了一张漂亮的睡美人的照片.她穿着黄白相间的毛衣和浅黄色的百褶裙,看起来好温柔.她看起来如此柔软,以至于她可以从她身上挤出水.他真的捏了捏她的脸,把她吵醒了.她刚刚醒来,仍然有点困惑.半闭着眼睛,一脸茫然,看起来有些天真,但因为那双狭长迷人的眼睛,她看起来却显得自相矛盾.他的小腹微微收紧,他想要她一点!她终于认出了他,仿佛受到了惊吓一样,她立刻绷紧了身体,坐直了身子看着他.她漆黑的眼眸频频闪烁,水汪汪的眼眸里满是无奈和恐慌.他在心里叹了口气,毕竟她还太年轻,他不忍心经常这样做.他问道:"你吃了吗?她下意识地点了点头.白天,她给客房打了一次电话,吃了晚饭.但当她看到房间里的灯光,应该是晚上时,她又摇了摇头.不知不觉中,已经是晚上了,她还没吃东西.但想了想,她又点了点头.也许她睡得太多了,她发现自己不是很饿.他笑了起来,心想她这身黄衣服的样子,就像他表姐小时候养的那只小鸭子,也是黄嫩的,点头摇头,看起来有点傻.不过,眼前的女孩绝对不是丑小鸭,她已经是一只非常漂亮优雅的小天鹅了!荣玲经常笑,但大多数时候都是面带笑,而不是用心笑,很少笑得这么真诚.这一次,他真的笑了."跟我一起去吃晚饭吧!"他抚摸着她耳边的头发,轻轻地把头发塞到她的耳后.她敏感地颤抖着,耳朵颤抖着,慢慢地变成了粉红色.他又笑了,站起来,低头看着她.她垂下眼眸,白皙的脸上微微泛红,小心翼翼地从**中爬了起来,一举一动都十分迷人.她说要和他一起吃饭,他却问她:"可以吃西餐吗?Western food? ! She had never eaten there, but she had heard of it. The complicated knives and forks, the cumbersome serving procedures, she thought if she went, she would definitely be embarrassed. So, she shook her head.So, he immediately changed his mind. "Let's go eat Chinese food!"His arrangement seemed very casual, but Lin Meng inexplicably felt that she was respected and loved. Her heart, which was originally very sour, inexplicably felt a little sweet.She followed him and walked outside. His legs were originally very long, so his steps were naturally big. He took one step, and she might have to take two or three steps. After realizing that she was following a little too fast, he slowed down his pace and let her catch up slowly. After that, he was always in front and she was behind, and the gap between the two people was definitely no more than half a step. Just right, it was the range where he could see her out of the corner of his eye!The two did not walk far. Yujin Hotel is known as a five-star hotel, so naturally a Chinese restaurant in the area is a must.He thought she was probably not too hungry, so he ordered a few trays of xiaolongbao, two bowls of porridge, and a few side dishes. The xiaolongbao here is famous for its deliciousness, better than those xiaolongbao specialty stores, and can be regarded as the best xiaolongbao store in J City. Not only are there many varieties of xiaolongbao, but they are also delicious, and they are plump and juicy when you take a bite. For this reason, many people come here just to eat the xiaolongbao here.Maybe it was because the xiaolongbao was so delicious, or maybe it was because she started to feel hungry after walking this section of the road. She ate it in small bites, and before she knew it, she had finished a tray of xiaolongbao, but she still felt that she had the strength to finish one or two more trays.When eating, she was very focused, so focused that she didn't notice him much, and she was eating very attentively. He sat there, watching her eat, and felt very pleasing to the eye. This beautiful person, whatever she does, will make people feel like a very enjoyable movie. In the end, he simply stopped eating and just watched her eat. Anyway, asking her to eat with him was just an excuse to let her eat. He wasn't hungry at all, because he had left the dinner party before he came back.She was still eating very absorbedly, her bright red mouth slightly opened, revealing two rows of small teeth like woven shells, and she took a bite of the steamed bun. At this time, her curled and charming eyelashes would tremble slightly, and then, while chewing silently, her eyelashes would flutter and blink non-stop, which was very pleasing to the eyes!"Hey! Rong Shao!" A pretty female voice suddenly interrupted, interrupting Rong Ling's viewing and Lin Meng's eating. She put down the steamed bun she was about to take a bite of and looked up.What she saw was a pair of handsome men and beautiful women, very beautiful.