009 Forced Kiss

林梦在厕所里呆了十分钟.她怕容玲找她,觉得自己不能再多留了,就走出了女厕所.已经过去了十多分钟.那个风檀也该走了!猜测着,她朝着草原走去.没想到,她还没转过拐角就被人拦住了."林梦..."高习此刻的笑容变得有些不同,让林梦感到有些紧张."高习!"林梦淡淡一笑,向他点了点头.高习突然抓住她的胳膊,迅速把手搂住她的腰.随着她的脸色大变,他使出浑身一力,拉着她的手,转动身体,将林梦压在白色的墙壁上.然后他压住林梦,将她困在墙壁和他之间."你打算做什么?"林梦将双手保护性地放在她的胸前.高习温柔一笑,低沉迷人地低声说道."林梦...林梦...这个名字太美了..."他靠在她的头顶上,肆意邪恶地深吸了一口她头发的芬芳,放肆调侃道:"好香啊!林梦的脸顿时红了起来,她感到又尴尬又恼火,她已经感觉到不对劲了,轻声吼道."放开我!"高习似乎没听见,抓住她的下巴,让她的嘴唇靠近他,问道:"多少?!林梦皱起眉头.高习又问道."多少?!十万?!二十万?!林梦完全听不懂他在说什么,眉头皱得更紧了.他的手是如此有力,以至于伤到了她的下巴."放开我!"高习缓缓欣赏着那张仿佛画在自己面前的精致脸庞,提出了最后的价钱."一百万,买你一晚!"瞬间,林梦的小脸涨得通红,被怒火烧伤了.她终于明白了高习在说什么!"你这个混蛋!"你怎么敢这样侮辱她!林梦气得眼眶都红了.高习几乎迷失了方向.当他第一次看到这张温柔的脸庞时,他觉得它是多么的优雅.当他走近时,那双充满烟雾和雾气的眼睛让人陶醉.这么清纯的脸蛋,怎么可能有这样一双妩媚的狭长眼睛,眉毛斜挑上,充满春气和魅力,天生就是为了勾引男人.现在,她一脸生气,让整张脸都仿佛涂上了上品胭脂,妩媚却又不失纯洁.尤其是那双他深爱的眼睛,她的眼角红红的,仿佛下一刻就要流出晶莹剔透的泪水一样!他像个鬼一样,低着头,贪婪地舔着她的嘴唇,那双唇比花朵还要娇嫩!她吓得睁大了眼睛,长长的睫毛频频颤动,惊慌失措地伸手将他推开.但他上瘾了,永远忘不了他亲吻她的那一刻,那种仿佛被电流击中了全身的狂喜!女人的体力自然比男人弱,他只需要一些招数就能轻松压制住她的挣扎.舔舔她的嘴唇,没有放弃.无论林梦的脑袋往哪儿挪去,他总能像影子一样跟着,然后肆意品尝那双甜美的嘴唇带来的芬芳."Mmm--"Lin Meng hit him, punched him, kicked him, and used his hands and feet, but he couldn't shake him at all! He began to try to use his tongue to push open her lips and enter her fragrant and soft little mouth! The difficult male smell to adapt to penetrate her nose, making her feel like vomiting. The close face and the tongue messing around on her lips made Lin Meng feel so disgusted! She was anxious and afraid, tears welled up in her eyes instantly, helpless like a little rabbit caught in the hands of a hunter!She gritted her teeth and closed her lips, her heart kept calling for help, and Rong Ling's figure flashed through her mind subconsciously!Gao Xi was completely selfless, actively and fiercely trying to break through Lin Meng's mouth again and again. At this moment, suddenly a strong force came, someone grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away from Lin Meng. Gao Xi didn't have time to react, a fierce fist hit the corner of his mouth, and instantly broke a tooth in his mouth!"Which bastard!"Gao Xi cursed and spit out, falling to the ground with blood and teeth, extremely angry, he looked up, fiercely wanting to see who was blind. But when he saw that the person who hit him was Rong Ling, he was stunned!At this moment, Rong Ling had no smile on his face, his face seemed calm, but those eyes made people dare not look at them. Those were the eyes of a wild beast. If you dare to offend, you will most likely die without a complete corpse! Gao Xi is also powerful and can be regarded as a ruthless character. If it were someone else, he would definitely beat him back, but facing Rong Ling, he couldn't do anything. He was already frightened by Rong Ling's momentum. He only thought that this man was a little more outstanding before, and seemed to be more powerful than others. But looking at him now, Gao Xi suddenly felt that he was wrong, and very wrong. This tall man is basically a dark king. His warm face and faint smile are just his disguise!Gao Xi slowly narrowed his eyes, quietly tensed his body, and didn't bother to wipe the bleeding corners of his mouth.Lin Meng thought that it was Rong Ling who came, crying and laughing, like a frightened rabbit, and quickly threw herself into Rong Ling's arms. Grabbing the clothes on his chest, she shrank into a ball.Rong Ling stretched out a hand and half hugged her. His eyes were still staring at Gao Xi fiercely, and a vague murderous intent was derived from his body.Just when the two men were in a stalemate, Chairman Gao came in a hurry after hearing the news. When he saw that his son's mouth was bruised and bleeding, he didn't care about the pain, and immediately nodded and bowed to Rong Ling to apologize."Mr. Rong, look at this... Hey, I'm ashamed. I didn't teach my son well and let him get confused. Mr. Rong, please be generous and don't take it to heart. I apologize to you on behalf of my son!"Rong Ling snorted, and his angular face seemed like a sharp sword."Mr. Gao, you really didn't teach your son well. Your son's character makes me have little confidence in you and your company. I think there is no need to continue what we are going to talk about today!""Hey, Mr. Rong..." Gao Changming was anxious to say something, but Rong Ling didn't give him any face, and turned around and left with Lin Meng half hugged and half embraced. That proud and resolute back, how domineering!Gao Changming was so anxious that he almost jumped up! Looking at his own son, he was so angry that he yelled: "What kind of trouble did you make today?! Can you touch Rong Ling's woman?! You kid, you really made a big fuss today! You messed up my great business!"Gao Xi felt ashamed, but young people are always a little bit bloody and rebellious. He reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth in embarrassment, muttering unwillingly: "It's just a business! If it doesn't work out with Rong Ling, find someone else!""What do you know!" Gao Changming roared angrily. "If I can't take over Rong Ling's business, there will be no place for my Gao family to speak in J City in the future! You-you-you, you are simply pissing me off!"Gao Xi was horrified, and now he understood the seriousness of the matter."Dad, what do you think we should do now?!""What can we do?!" Gao Changming snorted, but his eyes suddenly sparkled. "Where you fall, you must get up there!"Gao Changming has been doing business for most of his life and has experienced many ups and downs. There is no way he will fall down like this!