026 Don't Make Me Angry

"你洗澡了吗?"他低下头,嗅了嗅她身上的香味,他问道,但意思不清楚.他的目光如闪电般,一一扫过她白皙的身体,小心翼翼地巡视着,仿佛想在她身上找到一些罪证.她身上有蓝色,紫色或红色的印记,都是他留下的吻痕.他在性爱上总是凶猛的,偏爱她温柔,迷人,细腻的身体,总是在她的身上留下印记,宣告占有,却不知道轻重.他的眼睛所到之处,她的皮肤都变得炙热.她无法忍受像这样赤身裸体地躺着,被他观察.这让她觉得太丢人,太卑微了,仿佛她比还要难受!于是,当一滴晶莹剔透的泪珠落下时,她轻声哭泣."关灯...关灯..."他似乎是个聋子,仿佛有什么未知的东西让他的心又冷又硬.他跟着她的啜泣,用力地把她的身体翻过来,像鹰一样打量着她光滑的背.当他发现没有不该出现在她身上的东西时,他的脸色看起来好多了.在这个位置上,他从背后深深地占有她."嗯——"她轻声呻吟着,啜泣在喉咙里哽咽,几乎要窒息.火热的男体瞬间覆盖了柔软的身体.他低下头,对着她的小耳朵哼道:"你现在属于我了,别让我再看到你和其他男人在一起了!她瞬间绷紧了身体,让他轻声呻吟,他的呼吸也变得更加沉重.他半压着她,伸手解开绑住她双手的腰带.她的双手是自由的,但她无法抗拒.她只能抱着枕套,忍受着他的狂暴侵略.他的动作很猛,每次做起来,都像是在发泄什么.她的脸上几乎被泪水浸湿,但他却丝毫没有手下留情...乌云和雨停了,她很少在强烈的激情浪潮中晕倒.房间里弥漫着潮湿的热量,那是从彼此身上蒸发下来的汗水,还有淡淡的酒味和恋情后的独特气味.她的身体很粘,特别不舒服.她半闭着眼睛,大口喘着粗气,承受着他半压半压的重量.他平息了呼吸,沉重的喘息落在她的耳朵上.他怕自己压垮她,就翻身从她身上下来.她动了动,忍着全身的疼痛,半侧身,微微蜷缩着身体,像一只小虾.那一头惊心动魄的黑发散落,遮住了她半湿的脸.她的眼角还残留着泪水,在高温下慢慢擦干,露出被毁后的一丝枯萎...与之前的熙熙攘攘不同,安静的房间顿时让人感到有些不知所措.他们能清楚地听到彼此的呼吸声,一个接一个,一个长一个短,但他们不知道谁在呼应谁!柔软的床动了动,他从床上爬起来,走向浴室.过了一会儿,浴室的灯亮了起来,传来了流水的声音.他应该去洗澡.她慢慢地把手放在嘴边,化为拳头,堵住了自己的嘴唇,任由自己在他不在的时候微微哭泣,但这些啜泣只能堵在喉咙里,发不出声音...很快,水声停止了,他出来了.她拼命地眨了眨眼,强忍着泪水,越来越轻快地呼吸,仿佛她不存在一样.她以为他会睡在她身边,让黑夜过去,但他微微弯下腰,把她抱了起来.她不受控制地挣扎着,虚弱但坚定.他没有理会她,把她抱进浴室,把她放进已经装满水的浴缸里.他跟着她进去,给她擦了擦.她躲开了."我自己动手!"但他对她充耳不闻.她的身体在一场大战后如此柔软,以至于她根本没有太大的力气.在这个强得像怪物一样的男人面前,她根本没有地方施展自己的技能.她只能眼睁睁地看着自己的身体被他控制和操纵.洗漱完后,他用毛巾粗略地擦拭了一下,把她抱回了床上,然后开始在床头找东西.她已经蜷缩在被子里,但他把她的手从薄薄的被子下面抽了出来.一股凉爽而微微的刺痛感从她的手腕传来.她终于忍不住睁开了眼睛,只见他小心翼翼地在她的手腕上涂抹药膏.虽然腰带系了很短的时间,但因为她一直试图挣脱,双手手腕上难免有划痕.His tenderness at this moment was completely different from his previous ferocity!The warm light hit his face, completely dispelling his previous violence. She blinked, her nose sour, and admitted that she couldn't see through him. Maybe, there was no need to see through him, because her intersection with him was originally limited to these few days, and after this week, she should leave.Her heart seemed to be relieved when she thought of this week, but there was an inexplicable tingling.She sniffed and was noticed by him. He looked up at her, and the pair of dark eyes on his handsome face that was resented by the sky and people were different and deep."I don't like you being with other men. Don't make me angry again!"The hoarse voice was tinged with a touch of tenderness. Under the already charming yellow light, there was a kind of silent comfort, or it could be said to be a taste of concession, which made her grievances suddenly flow out like a flood, and her cries were as if heartbreaking."I didn't... I didn't want to pay attention to him... But... I thought he was sent by you to take me back... So I got on the car... Later I found out that he wasn't... But I couldn't get off the car... I said I wanted to go back to the hotel... But I was hungry again... He took me to eat... I ate desperately... I wanted to come back early... Then I met you..."Tears fell from the corners of her eyes like pearls that had fallen off the line. She felt that she was really ashamed of herself, so she stretched out her white and tender palms and immediately covered her eyes.The surging emotions and overwhelming grievances could not stop her tears and sobs. The charming bedside lamp was dim, shining on her thin face, which was white and tearful, so sad that it moved people! But she covered her eyes that kept shedding tears, so that he couldn't see it. Tears flowed from her white and tender hands from time to time. This kind of extreme fragility, but the stubbornness of not letting others see it, is simply heartbreaking.Rong Ling sighed softly, put down the ointment, turned off the bedside lamp, got on the bed, and hugged her in his arms. He forcibly pulled down her hand that was covering her tears, and in the dark, he accurately captured her eyes, kissed her gently, and kissed away her tears bit by bit."Go to sleep... I know everything... I don't blame you, go to sleep..."Such words made Lin Meng feel a little better. His tender behavior also slightly soothed the pain in her heart. Being kissed by him lightly, she slowly stopped crying. Before she fell asleep, she could still vaguely hear his hoarse and soft moan in her ears——"Go to sleep...Go to sleep..."It was like the comfort of her parents, and it was like a lullaby before going to bed, one after another, but she had never experienced it before. All of a sudden, her heart was soft and full, and all the grievances seemed to be dissipated...